Just so, the serf or villein of the Middle Ages enjoyed certain customary rights which attached him to the soil and assured him at the least--save in case of famine--of daily bread.
So this time, O my God, deign give me my daily bread.
Each of these communities is characterized by the increase which it contributes to the living of its citizens, but in every community the initial experience is the securing of daily bread, shelter, clothing and material economic gains.
But now there are ninety million Americans, all the valuable lands are assigned, all the best positions are filled, every job is taken, and ten million of the population are concerned about the problem of daily bread.
The first element in the getting of a living is the securing of daily bread, shelter, clothing and the satisfaction of physical needs.
FN#29] Theology is much studied, because it leads directly to the gaining of daily bread, as priest or tutor; and other scientific pursuits are neglected for the opposite reason.
I was faced with a monotonous life of toil in the midst of hunger, coarseness, and stench, continually preoccupied with earning my daily bread.
I no longer considered the problem how to earn my daily bread, how to live, but thought about --I really don't know what.
Not an hour goes by but I curse the day when I let myself be wheedled away from the country; there a poor man's daily bread grows in the field, if he'll take it as it comes.
In most cases they had learned nothing properly; they had only sat earning their master's daily bread, and now they suddenly had to vindicate their calling.
My daily bread," she said, pointing to the tempting loaves.
Having scarcely money enough for her daily bread, she was obliged to borrow the means to take her there, and pay some cheap board while awaiting the conclusion of the trial.
Quoth the pigeon, "How can I do this, I that am a bird and unable to go beyond the date-tree whereon is my daily bread?
I should have preferred a small farm, where I could have earned my daily bread.
He wrote to General Long: "I am looking for some little, quiet home in the woods, where I can procure shelter and my daily bread, if permitted by the victor.
Yes, but it's a question of daily bread," said Morten, with energy.
Perhaps I am already superseded in the humble situation by which I earned my daily bread!
I possess, as I did then, health and my daily bread; the only difference is, that I am now responsible for myself!
To die by a bullet is the soldier's daily bread; but few men die by hail-shot.
I shall not want: whate'er is good Of daily bread or angels' food Shall to my Father's child be sure, So long as earth and heaven endure.
Shall I let him wend his ways that he may scare me the fish with his hang-dog face and give me good-even and good-morrow every day, so Allah may not open to me the door of daily bread?
Every day I give thee good-morrow, so Allah may not open to thee the door of daily bread.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "daily bread" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.