But before this could be done Gracie was seized with a fit of coughing which terribly shook her slight frame.
When she returned he was still on his feet, talking indistinctly to the old man, who was shaken by a fit of coughing that choked him.
She was coughing a good bit when I drove her in--seemed to have no heart in her either--and you can see she's breathing quicker than the others.
The animal was now coughing painfully, and the chill of the night air seemed to strangle her breathing.
Miss Wepley rarely had recourse to her lozenges, but in case she should be taken with a fit of coughing she wished to have the emergency duly provided for.
On this particular Sunday the lozenges occasioned an unusual diversion in the even tenor of her devotions, far more disturbing to her personally than a prolonged attack of coughing would have been.
They're--" A violent coughingmade it impossible for Elsie to finish speaking.
As Professor Ditson repeated over the little grave what part he could remember of the Service for the Dead, from the heart of the jungle sounded the deep, coughing roar of a jaguar as it wandered restless through the night.
With a deep, coughing roar, the tiger dropped his prey and struck with his armed paws lightning-like blows that ripped the life out wherever they landed.
My acquiescence stuck in my throat; and while I was coughing to get it up, my father's voice summoned Owen.
A heavy fit of coughing scarce permitted him breath enough to express the broken hints which he threw out against my sincerity.
They will soon be here," she said, "for I have just glanced at my Magic Picture, and have seen them coughing and choking with the dust in the tunnel.
The Grand Gallipoot was coughing too, and his throat was parched and dry.
Harrigan, blinking and coughing after the strong liquor had burned its way down his throat.
He was seized, apparently, by a fit of violent coughing and had to turn away, hiding his face with his hand.
Kitty; whereupon Pinto Pete let out a loud guffaw, changing it at once into an ostentatious fit of coughing when he saw that Sarah was inclined to resent Kitty's insult.
So soon as they reached the piece of marshy ground in the deep hollow behind the first range of hills, where grew the grass they sought, one of those coughing fits laid hold on Ned.
The bedding must be tied up securely, and the pots and platters loaded into the biggest kettle; and Ned, who had a coughing fit and said he didn't feel very well, let Miles do it all.
But Ned began presently to have coughing fits even when he was bidden to go hunting, though Miles, who had grown distrustful of his convenient illness, urged him to "have done with fooling and come along.
Nepcote's frequent fits of coughing and a peculiar nasal intensity of utterance suggested symptoms of pneumonia.
Then another fit of coughing seized him, prolonged and violent.
An epidemic of fidgeting and of coughing seized the crowd, which was evidently beginning to feel the stinging whip of an intense irritation.
During those minutes there was no coughing and scarcely any moving.
I should be straining my ears all the time to hear whether my boy was coughing or not.
The pain is also much increased by motion of the parts, as by coughing when the ribs are affected.
Tracheotomy was performed; a quantity of coagulated blood and bloody mucus was evacuated from the opening; and when the discharge and coughing had ceased, a tube was introduced.
At that moment Simon Fleix returned with our torch, which he had lighted at the nearest cross-streets, where there was a brazier, and we saw by this light that the man was coughing up blood, and might live perhaps half an hour.