But I coulde neuer haue susteined, or suffred more miserie, then is nowe fallen vnto mee, nor neuer more dishonour, then to beholde thee in pitifull plight, a traytour to thy natife soile.
And thus this good wife delt with Landolpho, who litle esteemed the coafer, but yet he considered that it coulde not be of so small value, but that it was able to beare his charges for certaine dayes.
For he coulde not forsake the house where from his cradle he had been so finely brought vp, the lord wherof made so much of him, as of his owne person.
Rinaldo with his teethe shyuering in his head, coulde scarse well speake, or vtter a woorde, but yet so brieflie as he coulde, he tolde her what he was, howe and for what purpose he was come thither.
If the Goddes had giuen thee a bodie according to the immoderate desyre of thy mynde, the whole worlde coulde not be able to holde thee.
A difference and controuersie betwene a maister and a scholler, so subtile that the iudges coulde not geue sentence.
Andreuccio made aunswere, that he coulde not tell, rehearsing to them in order, what had chaunced, and of the things he founde without.
For what rigor or affliction soeuer Fortune offred, coulde neuer before that tyme put awaye the meanes from writing one to an other, but onely the vices before named, and the foolish and wicked loue wherin he suffred him selfe to fall.
Let Syphax bee cleare and liuely Example to thee, whych coulde neuer finde any stedfast stay vnder the Moone's Globe.
The Quene did what she coulde to get him from his seruice, but the poore fellowe would in no wise forsake his maister.
Amadour vnderstanding well by those woordes, that she had desyre to remedy her owne necessitie, vsed the best maner he coulde deuise, to the intent that in makyng her beleue a lye, he should hyde from her the truthe.
In the euening, these poore men retourned to the duke, according to their promise, and sayde they coulde finde nothing.
Then Water was brought them to washe, and they placed at the Table, were serued wyth many delicate meats in magnificent and royal order, in sutch wise, as if the Emperour himselfe had bene there coulde not haue bene better entertayned.
This Order was verie well liked off many, but suche as were bent to the Booke of Englande couldenot abide it" (Ibid.
It may so be: for as soone as they did see our seruants (our seruants were Preuzaretes) they iudged them to be Indians: many of their wordes sounded vpon the Persian tongue, but none of vs coulde vnderstand them.
It fell out by the varietie of windes, that it was the fourteenth day of October before wee couldefetch Dartmouth: and being there arriued wee continued in that roade sixe dayes, and the 20.
Islands, whereof the Captaine made no great accompt, thinking there coulde be no great good found in any of them.
The Lordis voteit uniformelie thai couldefind no offence.
The threitnyngis of the prechouris wer feirfull; but the Courte thocht the self in [such] securitie that it coulde nocht myscary.
The flatteraris[978] of the Courte did daylie inrage aganis the pure Prechouris: happyest wes he that coulde invent the moist bytter tantis and disdainfull mokingis of the Mynisteris.
The exampill served to no purpoise unles that thai coulde produce the lyke cause, and the lyke commandiment that the Iseraellitis had, and that because thair fact repugnit to this commandiment of God, 'Thou sall nocht steill.
Or yf your mashyp coulde pardon this one trespace.
Wythout water coulde lyve neyther man nor best, 665 For water preservyth both moste and lest.
For water coulde I say a thousande thynges mo, Savynge as now the tyme wyll not serve so; And as for that wynde that you do sew fore, Is good for your wynde-myll and for no more.
That if you coulde have take it up at the first bounde, We should therat such a sporte and pastime have founde, That all the whole towne should have ben the merier.
In brewyng, in bakynge, in dressynge of meate, Yf ye lacke water, what coulde ye drynke or eate?
No but that ye wowe hir to have hir to your wife, 40 But I coulde not stoppe hir mouth.
Canst thou not lub[521] dis man, which coulde lub dee so well?
So would I, if you couldeyour clattering ceasse: But the devill can not make olde trotte[399] holde hir tong.
For your goodes and substance, I coulde bee content 50 To take you as ye are.
For els howe coulde they so haue reioysed at their owne confusion and certein destruction?
Men, I say, shulde not onlie pronounce this bodie to be a monstre: but assuredlie they might conclude that such a bodie coulde not long indure.
Sidenote 5: Amazones were monstruouse women, that coulde not abide the regiment of men, and therfore killed their husbandes, reade Iustine.
He aunswered y{t} yt was not mete for a sick ma to travelle y{t} coulde not sitt on horsebacke and especiallye in so colde weather.
Touching which woorthines through cause of the diuersitie of relations and reportes, manye of your opinions coulde not bee firme, nor the mindes of some that are well disposed, bee setled in any certaintie.
No cur, no foxes, nor butchers dogges wood, Couldehurte our fouldes, his watching was so good.
For the whiche acte he had her in prison, and yet coulde nothing recouer againe.
And for so moche as weke folkes and sicke shal also by other causes not sweate, consider if in his sickenes he hath swette moche or no, or hath ben disposed to it and coulde not.
If he neither hath swette, nor coulde sweat disposed, knowe that closenes of the skinne, and grosenes of the humour is the cause.
So that, insomoche as the body was nat al voide of matter, sweate it did when infection came: but in that the mattere was not greate, the same coulde neyther be perilous nor paineful as in others, in whom it was greater cause.
I coulde do, but chefely for certein of my very frendes, dyd translate out of Latine into Englishe certein workes, hauyng nothynge els so good to gratifie theim w^t.
England, I coulde neuer vnderstand wher they wer, although I bothe diligently and desirousely sought them.
And doubtfully then discoursing with my selfe, I was resolued that nothing coulde breede quiet, or bring content to my poore grieued hart, but my best desired Polia.
But hir husband more and more inflamed, hauing lost the liberty of himselfe, wounded and pierced with the amorous arowes of Loue, coulde not conuert his minde to any other but to mistresse Lucia.
For I know well that neuer thyng coulde chaunce more displeasantly to my Mistresse than this.
What more grieuous payne coulde I endure of thee, or of any other, than I do, if I had killed, and done to death thy parents or whole race of thy stocke and kin with most cruel torments?
Hir frende which heard all this, and tooke pleasure in those wordes, went agayne to Bed with hir, into whose eyes no slepe that night coulde enter for the pleasure and sport they had with the poore Scholler.
This Chamber was in the hyghest Tower of the House (as is before sayd) wherein was placed a Bedde wyth good Furniture, the Wyndow whereof was so high, that none coulde looke out wythout a Ladder.
He came to the gate of his Pallace (where beyng knowne that it was Montanine) his sister by any meanescoulde not bee made to beleue the same: so impossible seeme thynges vnto vs, which we most desyre.
Erasmus smiled quietlie, and sayd, "What coulde I do?
I fancy, if all the fat fowls that have gone into it coulde raise their voices and cackle at once, they woulde make noise enow to drown y^e drums and trumpets of an army.
When so many contemporaries coulde distinguishe y^e fancifulle from y^e fictitious, Plato's object coulde never have beene to deceive.
One saies of Petrarche for all: A thousand strappadas coulde nor compell him to confesse, what some interpreters will make him saie he ment.
And for those exceptions, knowing from whom they come, I were very weake-minded if they coulde anything moove me.
I coulde not have bin hired, or induced against my nature, against my manner thus far to have urged him: though happily heereafter I shall rather contemne him, then farther pursue him.
He looked soe rapt, with claspt hands and upraysed eyes, as that I coulde not but look on him and hear him with solemnitie.
Coulde not make out whether she were sick of her task, had had words with mother, or had some secret inquietation of her owne; but, as she is a girl of few words, I found I had best leave her alone after a caress and kind saying or two.
Apparently Turner gave the spindle tree its name, for he says: "I coulde never learne an Englishe name for it.
Sufficeth here ensamples one or two, And though I couldereckon a thousand mo.
For thilke time, as I have understande, Beastes and birdes coulde speak and sing.
So coulde I alowe them but that my belly can ||not well affare nor a way with fastyng.
By my trouthe and ye wyll beleue me I neuer yet assayed nor proued whether I coulde do it or no.
Now if a man coulde fully perswade you, that you should neuer feele payne in al your life, if you did but ones deuide the flame of ye fyre, with your hande, whyche thyng vndoughtely Pithagoras forbade, woulde you not gladlye doo it?
Deathles were he coulde there repose, Each path his spycie odor stroes: Of mirh and synamon there groes, And of our blessed Ladyes rose.
Thus milde they opposite were set, And coulde not their affects forget, Loves arrows and their bosoms met, And both their harts did passion fret.
No, truly," returns the other hastily, "for no parliament couldemake such act lawful.
Twas onlie on the last count he could be made out a traitor, and proof of 't had they none; how coulde they have?
Touching his declining to give his opinion, when askt, concerning the supremacy, he alleged there coulde be noe transgression in holding his peace thereon, God only being cognizant of our thoughts.
They coulde not make good their accusation agaynst him.
I coulde not help crying "Father," but he heard me not; perchance 'twas soe best.
But in fyghtynge one with another there is no playe nor sparynge; and this is trewe, and that shall well apere by this sayd rencounter, for it was as valyauntly foughten as coulde be devysed.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coulde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.