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Example sentences for "cougars"

Lexicographically close words:
coueting; couetous; couetousnes; couetousnesse; cougar; cough; coughed; coughing; coughs; could
  1. Uncle Jim must have caught several cougars to order, for the cabin walls were covered with pelts and murderous-looking claws frescoed the ceiling.

  2. Uncle Jim told us that he has caught more than eleven hundred cougars in the past twenty years.

  3. When the pair were alone, they visited Juniper Mountain, said to be a great ground for cougars and bob-cats, and there hunted with great success.

  4. Do you mean to say you have young cougars in that pail?

  5. Who says there are no cougars hereabouts?

  6. Cougars is kittens to it, but I'm durned ignorant, and I notice that the signor looked on while she washed up.

  7. An investigation of the cave failed to show any trace of a regular den in it, and the boys came to the conclusion, which was probably correct, that the cougars had merely taken to it for shelter from the storm.

  8. True, there was one of the cougars still back in the cave, but with their rifles in their hands the lads had little to fear.

  9. Though I've had cougars give me a darn uncanny feelin'.

  10. Dale said Tom never liked a bear trail, anyway, cougars and bears being common enemies.

  11. Wal, if thet's so, what do you want to blab about cougars for?

  12. Some imagine that the danger of encounters with cougars has been purposely exaggerated by the pioneer hunters to create admiring respect for their own prowess.

  13. Utter lived on Salmon Bay, or more properly Shilshole Bay, he was much troubled by cougars killing his cattle, calves particularly.

  14. Cougars are rarely more than six feet in length, including the tail, which is usually about a third of that measurement.

  15. To say that cougars are cowardly now when found in the United States--to say they are shy of man, and will not attack him, may be true enough.

  16. He almost despised cougars and even grislies until he recalled how he had felt when the open jaws of the one which had hunted him came up over the curve of the bowlder.

  17. His exploring trip was already brimming full of glory and adventure, and he was ready to fight all the cougars in the mountains.

  18. Cougars and mountain sheep are rarely seen by the ordinary traveler.

  19. It is not so long since the forts along the way actually repelled Indian attacks; it is not so far to fastnesses where cougars come forth to prey on deer, or to desert valleys where wild mustangs range.

  20. About two hundred yards ahead of the caravan two cougars (the Felis discolor or Linnaeus, or American lion), were drawn up ready for a spring, with their eyes fixed on the mules.

  21. He felt on his face the warm, fetid breath of the wild cats and red wolves, while the roars of the cougars and the mocking miauling of the panthers filled his ears with a frightful melody that gave him a vertigo.

  22. The cougars lie down on the ground, raise their tail in the air, and wave it in all directions.

  23. He heard a monstrous battle, which the cougars and wild cats waged with the wounded panther, and intoxicated by his triumph, and even by his danger, he fired two shots into the crowd of obstinate enemies snarling below him.

  24. About two hundred yards from the spots where the Indians had halted, two cougars were now crouching, with their eyes fixed on the Redskin warriors.

  25. The howling of the tigers and cougars was already mingled with the lowing of the elks and buffaloes, and the sharp yelping of the red wolves, whose dusky outlines appeared here and there on the river bank.

  26. We also saw the footprints of cougars and of the small-toothed, big, red wolf.

  27. They also told us that the cougars had the same habits as the jaguars except that they did not prey on such big animals.

  28. The cougars on this ranch never molested the foals, a fact which astonished me, as in the Rockies they are the worst enemies of foals.

  29. I tried it because I had found cougars such good eating; I have always regretted that in Africa I did not try lion's flesh, which I am sure must be excellent.

  30. Cougars are the most inveterate enemies of these small South American deer, both those of the open grassy plain and those of the forest.

  31. A den that contains young cougars is readily recognized by the superabundance of carcasses of game lying around its vicinity.

  32. Cougars do not respond readily to being called (by imitating the cries of a jack-rabbit); at least I have lured but one in eight or ten years, and missed it at that.

  33. Cougars are very solitary beasts; it is rare to see more than one at a time, and then only a mother and young, or a mated male and female.

  34. I should have no more hesitation in sleeping out in a wood where there were cougars, or walking through it after nightfall, than I should have if the cougars were tomcats.

  35. Most cougars that are killed by still-hunters are shot by accident while the man is after other game.

  36. Cougars vary wonderfully in size, and no less in temper.

  37. Evidently the cougars were only trying to get at the venison.

  38. All the cougars he killed were either treed or brought to bay in a canebrake by the hounds; and they often handled the pack very roughly in the death struggle.

  39. Like all cats, cougars are comparatively easy to trap, much more so than beasts of the dog kind, such as the fox and wolf.

  40. I knew two men in Missoula who were once attacked by cougars in a very curious manner.

  41. I have known several instances of cougars being roped in this way; in one the animal was brought into camp alive by two strapping cowpunchers.

  42. The cougars were not full grown, but young of the year.

  43. Bears and cougars danced around their huts, and Indians skulked in lazy hordes at their threshold.

  44. Some become savory prey for bears, cougars and wolves, others die a respectable death, or return to their natural abode--the ocean.

  45. Meanwhile, although only ten minutes had passed since the sudden apparition of the cougars and the unforeseen arrival of the young Frenchman, the beasts remained passive on their respective branches.

  46. Cougars is as thick in hyar as rabbits in a spring-hole canyon.

  47. All the cougars in that region of the Rockies made a rendezvous of the game preserve.

  48. There were cougars also, and almost every evening, about dusk, a big fellow would come parading past the tent.

  49. Jones said this particular spot was so well protected because in fighting, cougars were most likely to bite and claw there.

  50. With all due respect to, and appreciation of, the breaks of the Siwash, we unanimously decided that if cougars inhabited any other section of canyon country, we preferred it, and were going to find it.

  51. Jones heard of only one fatality, but he believes that if the children were left alone in the woods, the cougars would creep closer and closer, and when assured there was no danger, would spring to kill.

  52. Of course the cougars were far on their way by that time, and were telling neighbors about the brave hunter's leap for life; so I devoted myself to further efforts to find an outlet.

  53. When Jones was game warden of the Yellowstone National Park, he had unexampled opportunities to hunt cougars and learn their habits.

  54. All cougars have their peculiar traits and habits, the same as other creatures, and all old Toms have strongly marked characteristics, but this one was the most destructive cougar Jones ever knew.

  55. The ensuing days were fruitful of cougars and adventure.

  56. During Jones's short sojourn as warden in the park, he captured numerous cougars alive, and killed seventy-two.

  57. As to the fighting of cougars and grizzlies, that was a mooted question, with the credit on the side of the former.

  58. The cougars hev cost me hundreds I might say thousands of dollars.

  59. In rare cases cougars would refuse to run, or take to trees.

  60. My ears are open, my son may repeat them," "When cougars tear each other to pieces, they prepare a rich quarry for the eagles of the Andes.

  61. Cougars prey largely on deer, also in some sections on the wild sheep and goats.

  62. In the mountainous districts the cougars live in natural dens, or caves in the rocks, in places that are almost inaccessible to other animals.

  63. He can ride along the brink of the stupendous cliff-walled canyon, where eagles soar below him, and cougars make their lairs on the ledges and harry the big-horned sheep.

  64. Among the first bands of horses brought to this plateau there were some of which the cougars killed every foal.

  65. There is no more need of being frightened when sleeping in, or wandering after nightfall through, a forest infested by cougars than if they were so many tom-cats.

  66. At the time of our visit he owned five hounds, which he had trained especially, as far as his manifold duties gave him the time, to the chase of cougars and bobcats.

  67. It was along this intermediate slope that the cougars usually passed the day.

  68. Few African leopards would attack such quarry as the big male cougars do.

  69. Cougars should be hunted when snow is on the ground.

  70. Arthur Young, however, has been fortunate enough to land two cougars by himself on another hunting trip.

  71. Upon another occasion, while hunting cougars with a hound, I came abruptly upon a doe and a buck in a deep ravine.

  72. And of course the wolves and the cougars hunt the deer.

  73. She knew enough of the cougars to know that the great cat would certainly aim for her head and neck in the same way that a duck-hunter leads a fast-flying duck,--hoping to intercept her leap.

  74. The cougars had all gone down with the deer, the migratory birds had departed, and even the squirrels were in hiding.

  75. All his training, all the instincts imbued in him by a thousand generations of cougars who knew this greatest fear, were simply obliterated by the sudden violence of his hunting-madness.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cougars" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.