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Example sentences for "accountant"

Lexicographically close words:
accoucheur; account; accountability; accountable; accountancy; accountants; accounte; accounted; accounteth; accounting
  1. In recent years many a business firm has found it not only expedient but profitable to turn to an expert accountant or auditing company and ask advice with regard to the management of its business.

  2. There is need that the physician be looked to as an expert in personal health and its relation to business, just as the expert accountant or auditing firm is looked to for advice with regard to business methods.

  3. The Accountant responded with one of those negligent waves that tell you the saluter was a survivor of the best and bloodiest private military school in existence.

  4. The Accountant laid down the papers, scanned my face, got up and walked to the far end of the room.

  5. Then we were alone and the Accountant was suddenly a kindly old man who invited me to sit down and relax.

  6. I saluted the Accountant with my best salute, the kind you lift like it was sugar and drop as if it were the other.

  7. Just a genuine patriot," the Accountant repeated, "who has rendered a considerable service to the Empire.

  8. The Accountant turned out to be a tall and thin Full Marshal, the first I'd seen.

  9. The Accountant is the man who passes judgment on the conduct of all military matters--though of course he's not one man, but maybe a dozen of them.

  10. The Accountant said nothing, his face was immobile, his hands still.

  11. If the Accountant should see these we'd all be for it.

  12. Proceed, Trontar," the Accountant said, leaning back and relaxing as if he didn't have a care in the universe.

  13. The Accountant interrupted the performance about halfway through.

  14. It may be that we won't have to bother the Accountant at all.

  15. It would be a perfect life--if the Accountant hadn't been right about people being unable to stop selling out.

  16. In fact, Mr. West, so simple and invariable are the conditions that the accounts are kept automatically by a machine, the accountant merely playing on a keyboard.

  17. We estimate that under our system one accountant serves where dozens were needed in your day.

  18. A skilled accountant and practical self-trained mathematician, the father encouraged in the boy the study of science, and early introduced him to the great work of Newton.

  19. In future years, however, the evidence of these same eyes convinced him that what the accountant said upon this occasion was but too true.

  20. The accountant observed all this; for although he appeared to be buried in the depths of slumber, he was wide awake in reality, and moreover, intensely cold.

  21. Soon after this the man who acted as cook, waiter, and butler to the mess, entered, and said that Mr. Rogan desired to see the accountant immediately.

  22. However, the accountant set them both off to see that all was right; and then readjusting one himself, told Harry to set the other, in order to clear himself of the charge of boasting.

  23. So saying, the accountant turned aside a thick branch, and disclosed a narrow track, into which he entered, followed by his two companions.

  24. The result of this was that the affrighted bird flew away unharmed, while Harry and the accountant burst spontaneously into fits of laughter.

  25. The accountant paced the uncarpeted floor in deep contemplation.

  26. Some such thoughts and feelings passed rapidly through the minds of Harry and Hamilton, while the accountant struck a light and kindled a roaring fire of logs, which he had cut and arranged there on a previous occasion.

  27. Snow was still falling thickly, and it was with some difficulty that the accountant kept in the right direction.

  28. Harry, as the accountant paused to relight his pipe and toss a fresh log on the fire.

  29. As the birds rose, the accountant fired and brought down two; Harry shot one and missed another; Hamilton being so nervously interested in the success of his comrades that he forgot to fire at all.

  30. The profession of patwari or village accountant appears to have been that formerly appertaining to the Kayasth caste, and it is one which they still largely follow.

  31. It was probably in this capacity of village accountant that the Kayasth incurred the traditional hostility of one or two of the lower castes which still subsists in legend.

  32. The village accountant would be a village servant, though an important one, and would be supported like the other village artisans by contributions of grain from the cultivators.

  33. Mr. Galt and the accountant both expressed themselves much pleased with what I had done, especially with the bridge connecting the clergy-block (now called the township of Puslinch) with the town of Guelph.

  34. That the Accountant shall make out and sign a warrant for the sums called for, the person giving a receipt on the warrant when it is paid.

  35. The differentiation between capital and revenue charges is perhaps the most difficult problem which the accountant has to face.

  36. This section of the Course should enable any executive or accountant to determine what accounting methods are best adapted to his own line of business.

  37. Since that date practising as a certified public accountant in New York City.

  38. Scribner's Sons as bookkeeper; two years later he became Assistant Superintendent and Cost Accountant for Racine (Wis.

  39. Up to about a year ago this young man was head accountant for his company.

  40. A rapid-fire series of questions followed, covering the financial, advertising and sales policy of the firm, to each of which the accountant gave concentrated thought, quick decision and convincing reply.

  41. All receipts and payments shall be certified by the Chief Accountant and authorized by the Managing Director.

  42. The salaries and other terms of Agreement of the Engineer-in-chief and the Chief Accountant shall be arranged between the Corporation and the Contractors; and the amount of their salaries, etc.

  43. Outside the accountant had been waiting patiently, perhaps expecting Drummond to call on him to corroborate the report.

  44. The accountant had shown signs of approaching the end of his task sooner than they had expected.

  45. With his own knowledge of the books Dodge could count on making better progress on the essential things than the regular accountant of the audit company.

  46. She worked patiently over the big books, taking only those on which the accountant was not engaged at such times as she could get them without exciting suspicion.

  47. A far sounder basic doctrine is that of the accountant Gibson, recited at the beginning of this chapter, that the valuation of a slave is theoretically determined by the reckoning of his prospective earnings above the cost of his maintenance.

  48. Began to think that perhaps the Accountant was hidden down there.

  49. Then I said to the Accountant 'I don't care about your individual cases, let's take the average.

  50. Conversations with this Accountant set forth at length.

  51. Anonymous Accountant seemed to have brought him completely under a spell.

  52. For instance, by way of a new-year's gift he presented the accountant Albornoz with the township of Guazpaltepec.

  53. I have likewise been assured by credible persons that similar showers of frogs fell at Sempoalla, in the neighbourhood of the sugar mills, belonging to the accountant Albornoz.

  54. When the accountant was let into this secret, it is said, he was excessively delighted.

  55. He himself wrote letters to the treasurer Estrada and to the accountant Albornoz, although he was well aware that this person was very ill inclined towards him.

  56. The accountant Albornoz was of this number, and he was again deprived of the township of Guazpaltepec, which Guzman had given him as a new-year's gift.

  57. To all this was added, that about the same time the accountant Albornoz, who was never well inclined towards Cortes, went to Spain to injure him in every possible manner.

  58. The government of New Spain he intrusted in his absence to the treasurer Alonso de Estrada and to the accountant Albornoz.

  59. Bailey, who was about my own age, came to Ireland from the South- Eastern Railway, soon after my settlement in Belfast, to fill the position of Accountant to the Belfast and Northern Counties Railway.

  60. Cuchinay was the Company's accountant at Vancouver at that time, but on account of ill health was being transferred to one of the Company's steamers as purser.

  61. The next month, however, the young accountant found not a little difficulty in completing this form unassisted.

  62. An accountant had many more chances, but let him be put with a good firm, where there was no risk at starting!

  63. She was so sensible, too, knowing all about that vexed question, whether to send young Nicholas' eldest into the navy as his mother wished, or make him an accountant as his father thought would be safer.

  64. An accountant sought an opportunity to become the auditor for a manufacturing corporation.

  65. He prospected what was coming to that business; then sold the president comprehension that he lacked an expert accountant he was going to need badly before long.

  66. For several years prior to that time I had sold my services as a public accountant and organizer to many large concerns throughout the country, including twenty-eight different automobile companies.

  67. But you have already made an exception to your rule in having your books checked by a public accountant whom you engage by the year for that purpose.

  68. One of my own experiences as an accountant illustrates the value of specific prospecting.

  69. An expert accountant sold himself into a fine position as the auditor of a great corporation by anticipating that the Company would need to have its system of book-keeping revolutionized in order to prepare for the Federal income tax.

  70. There my acquaintance made an excellent impression on the cost accountant and several clerks.

  71. So the cashier, who had been very well impressed by the young man's attitude, told him to take the place, and offered to supply him with an accountant aide for six months.

  72. Or, if not, I flatter myself I'm accountant enough to be an agent in my own country.

  73. One day Alfred sent for an accountant to look after his father's papers, and see if matters were really desperate.

  74. The accountant was not long at work, and told Alfred the accounts were perfectly clear, and kept in the most, admirable order.

  75. Mr. Henry coldly said: "I imagine a close examination of these books by some accountant will be the best proof of the honesty of these said tenants.

  76. I need one, I'm sure; for though I get an accountant every two or three years to do up my books, they somehow have the knack of getting wrong again.

  77. The accountant came; and he and Mr. Henry were deeply engaged in the office for several days.

  78. The man was heart and soul in his work, and his mental horizon was bounded by official forms and other red-tapeism connected with the accountant branch of H.

  79. The accountant officer eyed his tormentor reproachfully, as if that officer were responsible for his former discomfiture.

  80. Each seaman stepped briskly forward to the chalk line, removed his cap, and, according to instructions, looked the accountant officer squarely in the face and gave his name and rating.

  81. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "accountant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accountant; actuary; amanuensis; archivist; auditor; bookkeeper; bursar; calculator; cashier; chamberlain; clerk; computer; controller; curator; depositary; engraver; librarian; marker; notary; paymaster; purser; receiver; recorder; register; registrar; scorer; scribe; scrivener; stenographer; steward; stonecutter; timekeeper; treasurer; paymaster; purser; receiver; recorder; register; registrar; scorer; scribe; scrivener; stenographer; steward; stonecutter; timekeeper; treasurer