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Example sentences for "scrivener"

Lexicographically close words:
scritta; scritti; scritto; scrittori; scrivano; scriveners; scrofa; scrofula; scrofulous; scrog
  1. Scrivener has condescended to honour it" (Saturday Review, Aug.

  2. Scrivener penned them in 1883; since that time the opinion of scholars has become less positive as to the African origin of the Latin version.

  3. Scrivener there acquiesces, that these Woidian fragments (Ts or Twoi) were originally part of the same MS.

  4. Scrivener in actually himself possessing all the ten editions of Beza, as he states in MS.

  5. Mr. Scrivener has lately proved) that the last leaf of Cod.

  6. Scrivener be it said, that he at least absolutely refuses to pay any attention at all “to the argument against these twelve verses arising from their alleged difference in style from the rest of the Gospel.

  7. Add to the eight examples adduced by Mr. Scrivener from our Book of C.

  8. The Scrivener laughed as heartily as such men can, and begged me to be disabused.

  9. At last I perceived that I was in some way the object of too much attention, and my friend the Scrivener leant over with the suggestion that I should call my witnesses.

  10. The Scrivener shrugged his shoulders as though in despair, and left me to my fate.

  11. Stamps and fees,’ said the Scrivener shortly, and then, with infinite courtesy, dismissed me from his presence.

  12. The old Scrivener gazed down at the floor between his feet, where he sat upon his rug, and I gazed down at mine, not knowing what next to say.

  13. These appointments are made before a government chief scrivener appointed by his Majesty, who helps the governor.

  14. Stay you, I pray, Master Wulf," the scrivener cried in great tribulation as his horse followed the example of its companion.

  15. Horses are well enough for nobles and fighting men, but for a peaceful scrivener like myself a chair makes a far more comfortable seat.

  16. He was to receive no money save in presence of the scrivener of sequestrations or of the secreto.

  17. The scrivener must, with his own hands, keep duplicate books, with dated entries, of all deposits and withdrawals, one copy to be kept in his possession and the other in the coffer.

  18. Any omission or deviation from this by receiver, inquisitor or scrivener was punishable with excommunication and a fine of five hundred ducats.

  19. In 1513, when Jayme de Marrana, scrivener of the court of Segorbe, was condemned, all his subordinates were called upon to surrender the fees which they had received during his term of office.

  20. In the earliest instructions, the receiver and his scrivener accompanied the notary of sequestrations, and two copies of the inventory were made.

  21. When money was needed for his prison expenses, the judges, on his application, sent the prison scrivener to take out a prescribed sum in the presence of witnesses.

  22. When subordinates brought funds from other places, they were to be delivered to him within two days in presence of a scrivener and he was required to deposit them within twenty-four hours.

  23. The scrivener gave it up, and the officers, seizing it, rode through the enemy and recovered their ranks.

  24. The scrivener occupied a place on one side, and his fellow-apprentice and himself on the other.

  25. He is sick to death of the post which I obtained for him after the war, with a scrivener at Oxford.

  26. Put aside jests, and fetch me a confessor to confess me, and a scrivener to draw up my will, for in such straits as this a man must not play with his soul; and I beg that whilst Master Curate confesses me a scrivener may be fetched.

  27. There was a scrivener of Wapping brought to hearing for relief against a bummery bond.

  28. An immense multitude of persons were in a few minutes collected round the door by the proclamation of the scrivener that the pretended sailor was indeed the wicked Lord Chancellor Jeffreys.

  29. But to the Greek, Latin, and Hebrew he learned at school, the scrivener advised him to add Italian and French.

  30. Scrivener and "precisian" as his father was, he was a skilled musician, and the boy inherited his father's skill on lute and organ.

  31. In spite therefore of his father's regrets, he retired in 1633 to a new home which the scrivener had found at Horton, a village in the neighbourhood of Windsor, and quietly busied himself with study and verse.

  32. According to the time I came with two of my Complices attired like wealthy grave Citizens, who personated such persons so to the life, that the Scrivener could not entertain the least suspition.

  33. I cannot but laugh to think how strangely the Surry Gentleman was surprized when the money becoming due was demanded of him, and how like the figure of man in Hangings the Scrivener lookt when he found himself cheated.

  34. Whereupon I went to the Scrivener again, and told him that now I had a fair opportunity to benefit my self very much by a purchase, provided he would assist me with 200 pound more.

  35. How he cheated a Scrivener under the pretence of bringing him good Security for an Hundred pound which he would borrow.

  36. Attiring my self in one of the richest Garbs I had, I went to a Scrivener in Bow-lane, and acquainted him I had an occasion for an Hundred pound.

  37. The Scrivener according to my desires went and found them by report to be what they were, real, able, and sufficient men: two or three days after I called upon him to know whether I might have the money upon the Security propounded.

  38. The colonel swears the agent is a dog, The scrivener vows th' attorney is a rogue.

  39. The scrivener also presented a petition of appeal to the pope, or to whomsoever was judge, and demanded apostolos or letters to that effect.

  40. A scrivener was introduced who read to him the king's order, which he said he was ready to obey.

  41. During the night the vicar-general with a crowd of citizens surrounded the convent in a fashion so threatening that the scrivener was released.

  42. Gazing at his youthful client with even greater interest, the scrivener said: "Do not be so troubled, my child.

  43. I asked a scrivener on the Charnier des Innocents to write a letter to you.

  44. There are six sous to pay on it, Father Richard," said the postman, arousing the old scrivener from his reverie.

  45. As he did, either through awkwardness, or intentionally, the scrivener overturned the inkstand that stood on his desk in such a way that a good part of the contents ran over the letter, which lacked only the address to complete it.

  46. She could not have the scrivener read her letter without asking him to reply to it.

  47. The young girl expressing no desire to make the slightest change in her artless missive, the scrivener handed it to her after having carefully sealed it.

  48. Scrivener and Margaret Tudor appear in the passenger list of the Carolina, as given in the Shaftesbury Papers (Collections of the South Carolina Historical Society, Vol.

  49. I'll be eternally cursed if I give up my situation as scrivener at this point.

  50. I promised the merriest of jaunts over Europe in a coach, and here my scrivener is hanging in the reins!

  51. Scarce had I made an end of praising his good intentions, but that the Shoomaker and the Scrivener were come, to whom out of the window, he declared his mind for the disposing of his estate.

  52. And therefore taking a house and shop, that I might have two strings to my Bow, I again professed both Trades, of a Scrivener and Bookseller.

  53. Thus did our Scrivener conclude his Discourse, and we calling for another pint of Wine and a Faggot, drank and warmed our selves, and so for that time parted.

  54. The Scrivener recounts the Waggeries he committed the first three years of his Apprenticeship, and his Masters first Cheats by counterfeiting a Seal.

  55. Sir Ernest Scrivener uttered a horrible oath as he recognised the features of his successful rival.

  56. Before Scrivener could command his wits sufficiently to shout an order to his crew, Ralph had caught up Lady Margaret in his arms and dashed to the side of the vessel.

  57. Both preferred the former alternative, for they recognised the advantage they had derived from his work, and that at a rate of pay for which they could not have obtained the services of any scrivener in the City.

  58. I don't mean only in your work, for as for that I would back you against any scrivener in London, but I mean about yourself.

  59. Senator Scrivener had bought it at a great price in Cairo.

  60. The thing was thousands of years old and if any of you find it Senator Scrivener stands ready to give you five thousand dollars reward.

  61. To the fourth article, he answered, that it was true the conversation and acts therein described took place; that it happened in Valencia, with the scrivener abovementioned.

  62. Why no scrivener since Adam ever had a porter, woman!

  63. A porter----A scrivener have a porter, Madam!

  64. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scrivener" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accountant; amanuensis; archivist; bookkeeper; clerk; copyist; engraver; librarian; marker; notary; pen; register; registrar; scorer; scribbler; scribe; scrivener; stenographer; stonecutter; timekeeper; transcriber; writer