You will note the optical illusions as they occur and the pleasant, relaxing feeling that accompanies these illusions.
The subject is instructed to close his eyes and listen to the sound of the rain while picturing himself relaxing near a warm, glowing fireplace.
One record, called the Musical Hypnotic Record, has a very pleasant, relaxing musical background as the voice of the hypnotist induces hypnosis.
The relaxing effect thus produced enhances our chances for success in attaining a deep, hypnotic state.
Occasionally, the subject falls asleep while giving himself suggestions or while relaxing to get into the right psychological mood.
The relaxingeffect thus produced over a period of time enhances his chances of success in attaining a deep, hypnotic state.
He is just up from nervous prostration and ordered to a more relaxing climate, so we got him at a bargain.
Mr. Carter, relaxing still a little further, and condescending to look his hostess in the face.
Mr. Carter, now slightly relaxing his brow for the first time.
There was a later time when he would have been grateful if Hudson's susceptibility to the relaxing influence of lovely women might have been limited to such inexpensive tribute as he rendered the excellent Cecilia.
If such is the case, put them in a relaxing box for a day or two, and then reset them more to your fancy.
This process of relaxing consists in placing the specimens in a very moist atmosphere for a few days.
He wondered why it was so important that the psychologist interrupt him while he was relaxing after strenuous exercise.
The first five or six minutes were taken up inrelaxing from his exertions.
In truth,' said Berry, 'the relaxing medicines and bleeding seem to have had little effect in weakening them.
The battle relaxing during the absence of Hector, Glaucus and Diomed have an interview between the two armies; where, coming to the knowledge of the friendship and hospitality past between their ancestors, they make exchange of their arms.
The relaxing prejudice against "uninspired" hymns in church worship yielded to the fervent zeal, the loving faith, the forceful natural utterance of the lyrics of Watts.
She literally forced him to go, half dragging him, and never for a moment relaxing her hold upon him.
In fact, the influx suffers a suspension, until the fibres, by relaxing again, admit their empty tubes to receive their appropriated liquids.
Her body was less post-like; and toward the end of rehearsal, when possibly she was a little tired, it lay in his arms quite placidly, relaxing until its curves yielded and conformed to the muscular lines of his own torso.
In this hour let me imitate its mercy;" and with relaxing brow the duke mildly drew near to his guilty kinsman.
None that I can discover, certainly," said Randal, relaxinginto a smile.
Rise, Helen," said Harley, with relaxing brow, though still unwilling to yield to one softer and holier emotion.
The fronts in which their necks were placed were so formed, as, by the relaxing or tightening of the screws, to cause a lingering or instantaneous death, I should say, as the sentence might dictate.
He sighed quietly, and it was the outward expression of the relaxing of his feelings.
All was still, silent; and a deep sigh as of relaxing nerves escaped her.
Many a dim twilight have we sat together, reviving each other's recollection, and occasionally relaxing into the grave amusement of capping verses.
I dashed Bess to the ground, tore myself from her relaxing grasp, and fled down the steps with all the precipitation the darkness would allow.
Sir," answered the grim waiter, never relaxing into a smile, "we have lions brought us from the country every day.
Indeed," the grave lines of his face relaxing a little, "in this case I can see that the young man had strong temptation to forget himself, and to do as he did.
Deerslayer, relaxing his hold of the line, in readiness to drift nearer to the place of rendezvous.
Here the Indians resorted to an expedient that enabled them to give one of their party time to breathe, by shifting their paddles from hand to hand, and this too without sensibly relaxing their efforts.
Almost in the act of relaxing the elbow on which he had raised himself for this effort he dropped asleep to his pillow.
As we have seen, the crowd is always formed for the unconscious purpose ofrelaxing the social control by mechanisms which mutually justify such antisocial conduct on the part of members of the crowd.
Bergson says that sleep is due to the relaxing of attention to our environment.
And the Land's End district has this great advantage, that if you are overdone with the soft and relaxing air on the south coast, you have but to ascend a hill and inhale the invigorating breath that comes from the Atlantic on the north.
It is a relaxing place, and the visitor, till he is acclimatised, feels limp and lifeless.
It is undoubtedly a most relaxing and unhealthy one, and therefore requires the more imperatively to be met by energetic and invigorating habits both of body and mind.
I have been busy and tired; my walking and riding is becoming rather more laborious to me, for, though nobody here appears to do so, I am beginning to feel the relaxing influence of the spring.
He nodded two or three times over his employment, worked on with redoubled vigour, nodded again, let his head sink gradually on his breast, while the hammer slipped from his relaxing fingers, and he fell asleep.
Nauseating remedies, and even tobacco injections, have been tried to a considerable extent for the purpose of relaxing the mouth of the uterus; but they produce little or no good effects, and cause much suffering to the patient.
But we may frequently promote the dilatation of the passages in a remarkable manner by moistening andrelaxing them and diminishing their state of excitement, viz.