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Example sentences for "stenographer"

Lexicographically close words:
stenciled; stenciling; stencilled; stencilling; stencils; stenographers; stenographic; stenography; stenosis; stent
  1. The stenographer was soon intensely busy with this work.

  2. Just then the door opened and the stenographer showed Broughton Emerson into the room.

  3. I also selected my stenographer with care, and Norah MacCormack was a red-haired piece of perfection.

  4. A stenographer maybe," Wise went on, and Olive cried: "Do you mean Jenny?

  5. The lunchroom for the employees of the building was a pleasant place, on the ground floor, and therein we found Jenny, the yellow-haired stenographer of Amos Gately.

  6. First, Jenny Boyd, the yellow ear-muffed stenographer came in, wearing her Sunday clothes.

  7. Jones, angrily, and then he walked over and looked behind the screen where the stenographer was seated.

  8. The stenographer will save us a great deal of trouble," said Bedford.

  9. Our stenographer will enable us to avoid all this.

  10. The stenographer smiled as Shoop waddled from the office with Bondsman at his heels.

  11. But the stenographer was not thinking of style.

  12. Dear Senator Collins--" The stenographer bent over his book.

  13. And the gaunt elderly stenographer who had run an illicit mail-order business for her employers.

  14. The stenographer was directed to read his notes aloud, and he read rapidly and without the least expression: "Question: 'Tell the jury what took place.

  15. The court stenographer came in and took his place, laid his neatly sharpened pencils beside his open book, yawned and threw his arm over the back of his chair.

  16. The stenographer studied the superintendent of construction with some surprise.

  17. And, by the way," she added, "you never told me whether your stenographer finally came that day you tried to put me at work.

  18. Constance, meanwhile, had installed herself in the little office they had hired, as stenographer and secretary.

  19. I need a stenographer who will carry out my instructions.

  20. This was annoying, for he always wanted his stenographer at once.

  21. He began to dictate his morning mail, walking briskly up and down the floor by way of giving his stenographer an energetic example.

  22. When Wanning was ready to dictate his letter, he looked out from his private office into the reception room and saw that his stenographer in her hat and gloves, and furs of the newest cut, was just leaving.

  23. The stenographer sitting behind her keys raised one hand to pat her hair, and stared in undisguised and interested wonder.

  24. Instead of the inefficient stenographer who, a few moments before, had sought to hide her discomfiture in a bluster of abuse, she was now a poor deserving working-girl who had been put upon by an unscrupulous employer.

  25. And you know yourself that twenty dollars is nothing for a fine stenographer to be getting nowadays.

  26. I fancy they're all right, because the bill was eighteen hundred dollars--" The pretty stenographer sat up abruptly.

  27. You will then, within twenty-four hours, set out with the stenographer and the supplies mentioned and join me in camp on Little Sprite Lake.

  28. I could hear the soft breathing of the pretty stenographer beside me.

  29. He might forgive my not bringing a man as stenographer in view of my limited time; he never would forgive my presenting him with a woman.

  30. I sat brooding in the rickety carriage, still dazed by the rapidity of my flight from New York; the stenographer sat beside me, blue eyes bright with excitement, fair hair blowing in the sea-wind.

  31. A stenographer alone can give this to the world, while I can only supplement it with a description of events--if I live to transcribe them.

  32. Through the vista of trees the pink shirt-waist of the pretty stenographer glimmered like a rose blooming in the wilderness.

  33. A playful wave slopped over the bow and I lost count; but the pretty stenographer made the inventory, while I resumed the oars, and the dog punctured the primeval silence with staccato yelps.

  34. I think that you had better make your will, and suggest the same idea to the stenographer who is to accompany you.

  35. XVI "There is something weird about this whole proceeding," I observed to the pretty stenographer next morning.

  36. Stoltenberg, the confidential clerk and stenographer in the office of Alexander Sullivan.

  37. That examination had been taken by a stenographer in shorthand in both places, and not a single statement that John F.

  38. Bad companions, maybe, or I shouldn't be at all surprised if he was shielding someone else, perhaps a young lady stenographer with whom he was in love.

  39. In the daytime Pearlie worked as public stenographer at the Burke Hotel.

  40. In her capacity of public stenographer at the Burke Hotel, it was Pearlie's duty to take letters dictated by traveling men and beginning: "Yours of the 10th at hand.

  41. A stenographer in the employ of the corporation was forced to single them out.

  42. My stenographer accompanied him as far as the door and took a seat outside, in the banking room.

  43. You are a public stenographer and you seek to direct your talents primarily toward law work?

  44. And is there a difference between being a legal public stenographer and a public stenographer?

  45. Yes; I heard that from reading the papers, from the testimony of the public stenographer in Fort Worth.

  46. She said, "I knew that Lee had had a public stenographer do some work but I never could find out who.

  47. First and last on these apparently aimless strolls with a stenographer he visited not only the classrooms and shops but every corner of the great institution.

  48. After these efforts had been typewritten by his stenographer they produced only three and one-half pages--an amount of copy discouragingly inadequate for the first installment.

  49. Mr. Washington himself had a way of leisurely strolling about day or night into shop, classroom, or laboratory with a stenographer at his elbow.

  50. Early in the morning, while his companions were still sleeping, he awakened the inevitable stenographer and dictated an article counselling patience in dealing with the unfortunate little country.

  51. Bear in mind that this is the language, as taken down verbatim by a stenographer at the time, of a totally unschooled ex-slave.

  52. The writings on the slate the stenographer carefully copied and after transcribing her notes gave me the copies, one of which I sent to Professor Fales, who forwarded it to his learned friend at Covington.

  53. The court stenographer made a transcript of the testimony; a bill of exceptions was filed and approved and within ten days after Saylor's trial and conviction; his appeal was formally filed at Frankfort.

  54. In the afternoon he overcame Mrs. Roosevelt's objections to work long enough to send for Stenographer Martin and dictate the statement that put him back into politics.

  55. His statement dictated to Stenographer Martin asking the campaign to continue despite Schrank's shot was as follows: "I wish to express my cordial agreement with the manly and proper statement of Mr. Bryan at Franklin, Ind.

  56. Martin, the herculean stenographer who had grabbed Schrank before he could fire a second shot.

  57. Footnote 24: For years this idea of the stenographer back of a screen in the Foreign Office has been abroad, but it is entirely unfounded.

  58. I am a stenographer now and live at home, but I shall never forget how you helped me.

  59. Clemens, enormously excited and pleased over the prospect of the first wedding in his family, personally attended to the selection of those who were to have announcement-cards, employing a stenographer to make the list.

  60. Sure enough, chatting with the stenographer was a man with one of those black bags which doctors carry.

  61. We carefully avoided the office, where the stenographer might possibly have recognized Clare, and entered the elevator.

  62. Carton nodded and sent his stenographer to get a new one.

  63. By George, it is that stenographer from the office downstairs.

  64. Why, it was his stenographer that Miss Blackwell was.

  65. Langhorne's stenographer and secretary, of course," I replied quickly.

  66. She is the stenographer and sometimes works the switchboard of the telephone.

  67. Miss Blackwell happens to be a stenographer in the office of Langhorne & Westlake.

  68. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stenographer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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