Totnes, seven miles farther, has many quaint old houses with odd piazzas and projecting timbered gables, which give the streets a decidedly antique appearance.
There are also many quaint timbered houses in Blois, dating from the fifteenth century and later, but we pay little attention to them.
The Hospital is a fine timbered structure with huge gables.
When slaves flee, as they not unfrequently do, to the timbered lands of Texas, they are hunted with guns and dogs.
An overseer by the name of Alexander, notorious for his cruelty, was found dead in the timbered lands of the Brassos.
Farther on, in a hilly country timbered with spruce, where there was not much undergrowth, we came to marten traps.
On its northwest side ran a heavilytimbered ridge that broke the force of the winter winds from the west and the north, and thus protected Oo-koo-hoo's camp, which stood on the southeast side of the little stream.
The plain, which lies between the landing and Sonoma, is timbered sparsely with evergreen oaks.
We left the valley in a warm and genial sunshine, about 11 o'clock, and commenced ascending another high mountain, timbered as those I have previously described.
Proceeding on our journey, we travelled fifteen miles over a flat plain, timbered with groves and parks of evergreen oaks, and covered with a great variety of grasses, wild oats, and mustard.
The banks of the river, and several large islands which we passed during the day, are timbered with sycamore, oak, and a variety of smaller trees and shrubbery.
Crossing several elevated and rocky hills, just before sunset, we had a view of a large timbered valley and a sheet of water, the extent of which we could not compass with the eye, on account of the thickness of the atmosphere.
Travelling several miles over a level plateau, we descended into a beautiful valley, richly carpeted with grass and timbered with evergreen oak.
The largest of these rivers is called by the Spanish inhabitants the river Reyes, and falls into the lake near its northern end; it is a well-timbered stream, and flows through a country of great fertility and beauty.
We resumed our march at ten o'clock, and encamped just before sunset in a small but picturesque and fertile valley timbered with oak, so near the coast that the roar of the surf breaking against the shore could be heard distinctly.
The main body made a short march and encamped early, in a small hollow near the rancho of Mr. Faxon, through which flows an arroyo, the surrounding hills being timbered with evergreen oaks.
We encamped on a low bluff, near the arroyo, timberedwith evergreen oak.
They are heavily timbered with trees of good saw-log size, laurel and oak abounding.
It consists of a coast range of mountains timbered with conifers and small hardwood trees, the mountain peaks rarely rising above three thousand feet in altitude.
A few houses of settlers are seen at the bottom of the broad bay of Aramhna-i at the foot of a range of richly-timbered hills, the high beach of snow-white sand stretching in a bold curve from point to point.
In a valley, sparsely timbered with quaking aspens and cotton-woods, stood a large camp.
This bend was about midway between the ranch and Shepherd's, contained about two thousand acres, and was heavily timbered with ash, pecan, and hackberry.
It was quite a new country then, rather broken andtimbered in places and full of bear and wolves.
These two villages are placed near each other in a high smooth prairie; a fine situation, except that having no wood the inhabitants are obliged to go for it across the river to a timbered lowland opposite to them.
On both sides of the Missouri, near the Chayenne, are rich thinly timbered lowlands, behind which are bare hills.
The next morning we passed a large island, opposite to which on the north is a large and beautiful prairie, called Sauk prairie, the land being fine and well timbered on both sides the river.
In the low timbered ground near the mouth of the Sawawkawna, we saw the tracks of large white bear, and on Grouse island killed a female blaireau, and a deer of the black-tailed species, the largest we have ever seen.
The country consists as usual of timbered low grounds, with grapes, rushes, and great quantities of a small red acid fruit, known among the Indians by a name signifying rabbitberries, and called by the French graisse de buffle or buffaloe fat.
These shrubs associate in corps either in upper ortimbered lands near the water courses.
The country is in general level and fine, with broken short high grounds, low timbered mounds on the river, and a rugged range of hills at a distance.
A good open-timbered roof spans the nave, traces of a rood-loft being visible overhead where it joins the chancel, though no approach to it can now be discovered.
Another short climb brings us to Apley Terrace, a charming sylvan drive, which, traversing the crest of a richly timbered upland, introduces one to a changing panorama of almost unrivalled loveliness.
In one corner of the churchyard stand Palmer's Almshouses, a series of low, timbered structures, grouped around a small courtyard approached through a modernized archway.
The wide timbered porch, seen in our sketch, encloses a fine Norman doorway of three orders, having carved capitals and a semicircular arch ornamented with chevron mouldings.
Beyond the bridge rise the church, the ancient manor-house and timbered cottages of Ludford, a fascinating spot; but Ludford lies without our province, in shire Hereford.
Over against the old Market House, on the eastern side of The Square, rises an ancient timbered dwelling which goes by the name of Lloyd's House.
Upon leaving the church, a meadow path soon brings us to Dunvall, a remarkable old timbered mansion of the Elizabethan era.
But our return route passes Abbas church and crosses the river to Easton, a rambling and pleasant river-village full of mellow half-timbered houses and with a church that boasts a Norman apse and fine chancel arch.
Railway had lifted the fog and enlightened the miasmatic swamps and densely timbered bog lands of that region of elms, burr oaks, frogs and herons.
On Reed lake, the islands are well timbered with spruce six to fourteen inches in diameter.
Travelling from Landing lake to the head of Sipiwesk lake, the country was found dry and well timbered with spruce from eight to fourteen inches in diameter.
The islands of Sipiwesk lake are well timbered with spruce, some being thirty inches in diameter.
Part of the shore of Landing lake and the islands are well timbered with spruce six to ten inches in diameter.
From the Hudson’s Bay Company’s post on Split lake to the mouth of Grass river, the country on the east side of the lake is undulating, and part of the banks and islands is fairly timbered with spruce.
From the point of crossing to the bay, on the sunny side, the ridge is well timbered with spruce six to twelve inches in diameter.
These ridges are timberedwith spruce and tamarack four to ten inches in diameter.
The hilly country to the south of Sisipuk lake and northwest of Loon lake is not well timbered but the lower land between the two and on the islands is fairly well covered by groves of small spruce.
Inspector Pelletier speaks of a ten mile stretch on the Thelon, where there “was continuous forest on both banks, and as thick as on any river in the timbered belt.
This stream, Mr. Harrison says, is fifty yards wide, and is thickly timbered on both banks.
Yesterday we came to the first timbered land above the falls.
At a like distance from Moberley Castle was a fork in the road just beyond a timbered bridge o'er a stream.
Blindly she sped down the chancel steps, along the short central aisle, out into the timbered porch, where she blundered sharply into somebody who was on the point of entering.
For we sat on and on at the table, putting off our visit to the ancient timbered houses and the monument of Jeanne d'Arc, and all the other things which called us away from those hotel windows.
When at last we did go out to walk and see the wonderful timbered houses and the blown-up bridges, what I had expected to happen did happen: Julian O'Farrell contrived to separate me from the others.
That it was an ancient structure is proved by the fact that when it was demolished, the date of 1480 was discovered on one of its half-timbered bays.
At the western end of Fleet Street the passer-by cannot fail to be attracted by the picturesque, timbered house which faces Chancery Lane.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "timbered" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: bushy; forest; forested; scrubby; sylvan; timbered; wooded; woodland; woodsy; woody