Their trail led to the shore of the Great Water, and when he had come as near as he could without exposing himself, he climbed a tall pine from whose bushy top he could observe all that took place.
Its little owner sat flirting his bushy tail in the corner, upon a bed of dry leaves; but as soon as he spied the boy, he ran past him with a scream of fright and scampered off among the thick woods.
The stolid carpenter's mate pondered and knitted his bushy brows.
Before he could aim at the savage, bushy figure of Blackbeard, the prow of the pirogue crashed into the side of the cock-boat, striking it well toward the stern.
He had caught a glimpse of a feeble swimmer whose square, solid features and bushy brows were familiar.
Our friend with the brass epaulettes and bushy eyebrows chanced to pass at the moment.
It seemed to talk to the fireman with the bushy brows until he smiled and looked at it.
His eyebrows were very bushy and his looks stern, but there was a play of gentle, kindly feeling round his mouth.
The cyberneticist rubbed his bushy eyebrows with both hands, a habit he had when agitated.
The cyberneticist was sitting quietly, his bushy eyebrows knitted thoughtfully.
As he stood I distinctly saw a line of light traced between his cheek and one of his bushy side-whiskers.
I promised myself that, and crossed my heart about it when you tried to cut off its tail--its pretty, bushy tail that God gave it to keep the flies off with.
They looked down on the crowd with small, twinkling eyes set far in under bushybrows and low foreheads.
His eyes were deep-set under bushy eyebrows, his hair and beard were black as jet.
In August, when crossing the Alleghany Mountains, Bouquet's army was assailed by a horde of Indians that had been lying in wait for them at Bushy Run.
In the battle ofBushy Run the loss on both sides was heavy for an Indian battle.
All appeared to have long shaggy hair, cocked ears, and largebushy tails.
The thing moved its bushy tail, but did not answer.
And almost simultaneously she thought, "Why do old men get those terribly bushy eyebrows, like thickets?
She thought that his face looked unusually stern, and his bushy eyebrows seemed--so she fancied--to be drawn down low above his eyes.
But never mind Baudelaire," he continued, and his eyes, heavily lidded and shrouded by those big bushy eyebrows which seem to sprout almost with ardent violence as the body grows old, looked at her with melting kindness.
He turned and saw thebushy mustache of his friend and master, the old drummer, peering over his shoulder.
I thought I was to learn on a drum," he ventured to suggest, looking up, not without awe, at the bushy mustache.
Possibly those domesticated cats with unusually short and bushy tails may have a larger share of European wild-cat blood; while, conversely, such wild cats as show long tails may have a cross of domesticated blood.
One of the features by which the Egyptian differs from the European wild cat is the longer and less bushy tail; and it has been very generally considered that the same feature is characteristic of European domesticated cats.
The bushy appearance depends entirely on the length of the fur, and accords with the thick fur of the rest of the body of the wild cat, while in the domestic race the fur both on the body and tail is thinner and softer.
General Lee did not wear long, bushy whiskers, and was at that time probably down directing operations against Fredericksburg.
Thick bushy grey eyebrows, which stand out, and a protruding under-lip, make his profile odd looking.
The eyes, small and keen, are almost entirely hidden by thick bushy eyebrows; the well-shaped head is covered with thick bushy hair.
Three-quarters of a mile further the road enters rough and bushy ground, thinly covered with stunted thorns and mimosa.
An aquiline nose, and delicately formed lips would have given a noble appearance to his countenance, but his prominent glassy eyes were almost repulsive, and his black bushy eyebrows had the character of a comic mask.
Bushy whiskers and yellowish gray hair, stained by camp smoke, concealed most of the face, but failed wholly to hide the gaunt, almost cadaverous, cheeks.
At a depth of about eight hundred feet, the steep descent below you presents in some places single projecting rocks; in others, a green bushy precipice.
Rübezahl's countenance is turned to stone, and his voice dies away in the gusty breeze, which irreverently sports with his bushy eyebrows, and curls the waves of the lake as if in scorn against him.
The Common Night-jar is chiefly found on furzy commons, wild bushy heaths, and broken hilly ground in the neighbourhood of thickets and woods.
They prefer bushy parts of woods, but often traverse the country in search of nourishment, which is composed principally of insects and caterpillars.
A large moustache, and a beard bushy and long, almost concealed his month.
He was a prime seaman, with nothing very remarkable in his appearance, except that he was tall and thin, and had a long bushy beard, now somewhat grizzled.
Bushy Tail did not like this, but Bunny Cotton-Tail said he would rather have it a candy-box, after all, as he was a little afraid of telephones!
All the time Bushy Tail had a cunning look in his eyes.