Nor have I dipped as fully into the oak treasures of the Arnold Arboretum as I want to some day.
Illustration: Hemlock Hill, Arnold Arboretum (Boston)] I wonder how many of my readers realize that an exquisite bit of real hemlock forest lies not five miles from Boston Common?
To me the most impressive of all was a wonderful Siberian crab (one must look for Pyrus baccata on the label, as the Arboretum folks are not in love with "common" names) close by the little greenhouses.
The trees in this arboretum are arranged according to the system of Jussieu; there is likewise a natural arrangement of herbaceous plants nearer to the palace and green houses.
Immediately in front of the range of hothouses, is an arboretum of hardy trees and shrubs, much too crowded, and planted too close to the hothouses, and is continued in a manner round the two ends and south side of the garden.
It is some Malvaceous plant," answered Mr. Loudon, carelessly; and immediately afterwards he left me to look at some trees which he was about to have drawn for his Arboretum Britannicum.
Richard, which was approved by De Candolle, and which has been adopted with a slight alteration in Mr. Loudon's Arboretum Britannicum.
In addition there is the University Arboretum and Botanical Gardens, a large area south and east of Forest Hill Cemetery, which is now linked up by boulevards with the rapidly growing system of city parks.
These are growing in the Arnold Arboretum and leaves, buds and fruits are to be seen in the herbarium there.
Additional plantings will be made there and it is believed that a fine beginning has been made toward the establishment of a nut arboretum in that section.
A day spent there, however, half in the arboretum and half in the herbarium, convinced the writer that there is at present no large fruited species of beech known to botanists.
It may be seen in the Arnold Arboretum and in the Royal Gardens at Kew.
It is not often cultivated, but young plants may be seen in the Arnold Arboretum and in the Royal Gardens at Kew.
One of the members of the association is Mr. Wang who lives near Shanghai and is secretary of the Kinsan Arboretum there.
The final purchase was made largely in order that the arboretummight be able to start off with the Bixby collection as a nucleus.
When the matter was laid before them, they at once thought of the arboretum which is now being developed within the District of Columbia.
But the arboretum wanted a good many of those trees and so did we.
The Arnold Arboretum occupies a portion of the Bussey farm in West Roxbury.
This species is now established at the Arnold Arboretum near Boston, Massachusetts, and scions worked on C.
October in the year 1920 heartily endorses this purpose of the Arnold Arboretum as one likely to promote the acquisition of finer nuts than we now have, and urges all persons able to do so to aid in any way possible.
It has come to my knowledge recently that the Arnold Arboretum is seeking to establish a regular plant breeding department.
Information which I received at the Hales place was that the trees growing there were grafted by Jackson Dawson of the Arnold Arboretumabout 1891.
It is Juglans Mandshurica, Maxim, in Alphonse Lavallee's "Catalogue ofArboretum Segrezianum.
By common consent the arboretum in the Royal Botanical Gardens at Kew is one of the finest in the world.
In the United States the Arnold Arboretum at Boston ranks with Kew for size and completeness.
According to another point of view, an arboretum should be constructed with regard to picturesque beauty rather than systematically, although it is admitted that for scientific purposes a systematic arrangement is a sine qua non.
There is a fine arboretum in the botanical gardens at Ottawa, in Canada (65 acres).
The term arboretum has also been applied in a restricted sense, as in the Arboretum Fruticetum Britannicum, the monumental work by J.
I therefore give a plan of one from London's Arboretum et Fruticetum Britannicum.