Several years after, Penny retired from his post as keeper, and took a farm, a few miles distant, in Timberland Fen.
With the last of our timberland riches in sight on the Pacific Coast, the lumbering industry is coming to see that it must prepare for the future.
The other big timberland in Alaska is the Chugach National Forest.
It was not until 1891 that the first forest reserve, the Yellowstone Park Timberland Reserve, was created by special proclamation of President Harrison.
It contained all the trained foresters in the Government service, but had charge of no public timberland whatsoever.
Colonel Fairfield had often thought to have the belt of timberland cut down, but had never put the plan into execution.
The ball sped straight into the timberland and cut down a heavy sapling growing beside the piece the enemy were reloading.
In many states there are "timberland owners' fire protective associations," in 1917 about fifty of them.
In a few days the boys had outfitted themselves and were on their way to their first station on the Sourdehunq Mountain, a tract of timberland owned by Mr. Boone.
Here they could hide out in a safe place, and after dark could portage the canoe across the timberlandto Dutton Lake.
As you know, I have extensive interests not only in the timberland but in the mills that manufacture paper.
When it fell, they retrieved the canoe from its hiding place and started across the timberland to Dutton Lake.
Recent additions to the Whitman National Forest in Oregon consisted of privately owned cut-over timberland rapidly reproducing to valuable timber trees.
Railroad land grants, the Homestead Act, Preemption claims, and the Timber and Stone Act were taking much valuable timberland out of government ownership.
According to reports of the federal Forest Service in 1907, some million acres of private timberland were under forest management or conservatively lumbered.
The concentration of timberland ownership in the United States has put a few men in control of vast areas of forest.
August saw the dull parallels of steel gaining length after length on the open right-of-way, which swung round the base of Timberland Mountain and ran north, vanishing in the distant haze of skyline.
Round the base of Timberland Mountain they crept like flies circling a sugar-cone, slowly and with frequent pauses.
Avery, returning from Timberland in the afternoons, busied himself in cleaning and oiling his already well-cared-for traps and rifle.
Up here," he continued, "is Timberland Mountain, and here is the creek crossing the line of the first survey.
Bascomb stayed behind to chat with Avery about certain details of the work that was soon to be begun in the Timberland Valley.
Slithers of deer in thet piece across thar," pointing with his pipestem to the foot of Timberland Mountain.
In a few minutes he stood on the shore of No-Man's Lake, whose unruffled surface reflected the broad shadow of Timberland Mountain on the opposite shore.
Day after day Avery, Bascomb, and David, with their small crew of axemen, felled and cleared away the trees and underbrush between the Timberland survey line for the road and the creek-bed above it.
Ross stepped up to him and pointed across the opposite hill to where the dim crest ofTimberland Mountain loomed in the rain.
Timberland Bells I used to hear them faintly Those evening bells for prayer, Across the fields of Tilney, Beyond the sunset's glare.
This does not mean, however, that thetimberland owner will or can generally engage in the business when the cost is excessive.