When the two, in company with others, reached head quarters, Lieutenant Fieldsend presented the letter he held from Sir George Rooke, and was received with the utmost pleasantness by the great Duke.
Leander laughed to himself at the pleasantness of this adventure; but he was very thirsty, not being accustomed to make such large meals without drinking.
That young gentleman's peculiar pleasantness had very nearly averted the remonstrances with which his brother and his guardian had come up armed.
One more little touch of pleasantness there came to make this day stand out from others as beautiful.
It was just one of those beautiful bits of pleasantness that fit into the mosaic of any growing friendship, a bit of color without which the whole is not perfect.
So with pleasantness of passage they arrived at last at the old barn.
The retreat and pleasantness of this place were very welcome to Ours; consequently they tried to buy it, and did so--having collected the alms in two afternoons.
That island is called "the garden of nature," because of the singular pleasantness and beauty that it enjoys, in which it is more fortunate than the other islands of that famous sea.
He seemed determined to rest wholly in the present, and take out of it all the peace and pleasantness that he could.
How gladly do they make considerable sacrifices of time and property to this object; and how richly are the maternal pangs repaid, when true wisdom guides the steps of their youthful charge into paths of pleasantness and peace!
It was not herself she was thinking of, or trying to please; her obedience and her pleasantness and her smallest actions were full of the very spirit of reverence and good-will; no wonder it was all done gracefully.
His response to kindness was irresistibly winning, and the spirit of poetry and pleasantness was with him to the end.
The afternoons they would spend in walking or boating on the Isis, and Bailey has feelingly recorded the pleasantness of their days, and of their discussions on life, literature, and the mysteries of things.
When a scholar whom they desire to animate, consults them at his entrance on some new study, it is common to make flattering representations of its pleasantness and facility.
If we enter them on a Sunday forenoon--for on week-days they are like a sheepfold without its occupants--we meet with much the same kind ofpleasantness in the assemblage there.
These two cases illustrate the two simple feelings, pleasantness and unpleasantness.
And every emotion is made up of pleasantness or unpleasantness and the sensations produced by some combination of bodily reactions.
The two elementary feeling states arepleasantness and unpleasantness.
Situations may sometimes be neutral; that is, may arouse neither the feeling of pleasantness or unpleasantness.
Deerslayer, the pleasantness of the sound, in such cases, doesn't come through the ear, but through the heart.
That time the Lady Belle Isoult sat at the window of her bower enjoying the pleasantness of the evening.
By the pleasantness of its smell it has no such claim.
The first assert pleasantness or unpleasantness; the second assert the beauty of an object or of the manner of representing it.
The green colour of the meadows belongs to objective sensation, as a perception of an object of sense; the pleasantness of this belongs to subjective sensation by which no object is represented, i.
Her husband told her that he wished his house to be noted for the pleasantness of his dinner-parties, and, therefore, she studied the subject as a good child would study a lesson.
Sir Lionel's forte during his whole official career had been the making pleasant--by the pleasantness that was innate in him--things which appeared to be going in a very unpleasant manner.
No model, living or dead, equalled in her eyes the pleasantness of his face and figure.
Rotha could do but a little piece a day; but the beauty and pleasantness of that lured her on to spend as much time in the work as she could match with the necessary strength.
Is it not true that one or two continental nations fall below us in regard to this quality, while they far excel us in kindliness and cheerfulness of temper, and pleasantness of manners?
The anxiety may be great when she begins to be the family purchaser: but it is a proud office too; and when the first shyness is over, there is much variety and pleasantness in it.
If nobody doubts the difference in pleasantness of having to do with a silly and narrow-minded woman and with one who is intelligent and enlightened, it must be clear that the more intelligence and enlightenment there is, the better.
The same circumstance contributes materially to the pleasantness of the town; for the banks of the river are in many places formed into walks, and crowned by avenues of noble trees.
It adds little to the pleasantness of the ride: the trees are planted with regularity, and the side-branches are trimmed away almost to the very tops.
To-morrow might bring a cold wind, perhaps; but the winter had been long and hard; and after such, we believe in the spring pleasantness when it comes.
He meant that there should be a summer pleasantness at Hill-hope from the very first.