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Example sentences for "sixty feet"

  • The portions still standing are from fifty to sixty feet high, or rather were that height in 1851.

  • One visited in 1677 is described as having one hundred and twenty houses, the ordinary one being from fifty to sixty feet long, and furnishing shelter to about twelve families.

  • These pits vary in size from twenty to sixty feet in diameter, and in some cases were as much as thirty feet deep.

  • On the way we passed a beautiful well, sixty feet deep, and with a fine flight of steps to the bottom.

  • This low plain is bounded to the south, at the Cabeza del Buey, by the cliff-formed margin of a wide plain of the Pampean formation, which I estimated at sixty feet in height.

  • It grows to the height of fifty or sixty feet, in favourable situations by the sides of streams, and is a somewhat picturesque tree in its ramification as well as its foliage.

  • There are many fine Sycamores in different parts of the kingdom; the largest of which, one at Bishopton in Renfrewshire, is sixty feet in height and twenty feet in girth.

  • Early on the morning of September 3rd we reached the right or eastern bank, which is forty to sixty feet high at this point.

  • Crataeva Tapia), which were fifty to sixty feet in girth at the point where they become cylindrical.

  • It throws a column usually about fifty or sixty feet high, at intervals of two or three hours, but sometimes the discharge shoots up much higher.

  • It is remarkable for its tides, which in consequence of the abundance of its water between the shores is swelled from the height of from forty to sixty feet.

  • Writers of standard works of history have stated that they were frequently found an hundred and fifty or sixty feet in length; and that they had been found even of the extreme length of two hundred and fifty feet.

  • The average height of mature trees throughout the entire belt is probably not far from fifty or sixty feet with a diameter of two feet.

  • There is among the mountains a natural funnel-shaped excavation, sixty feet in depth, and about eighty feet in diameter at the top.

  • The tree which produces these fruits attains a height of sixty feet, and has a dense foliage of a brilliant green.

  • The great bronze statue of Bavaria, just outside the city, is a huge figure of sixty feet in height, standing upon a pedestal thirty feet high.

  • The library is quite a large apartment, some fifty or sixty feet in length, handsomely decorated, and with its deep, broad windows looking out upon the River Tweed.

  • The central front is three hundred and twenty feet long, and each of its retiring sides two hundred and sixty feet.

  • The tide rises here to an elevation of from fifty to sixty feet.

  • The size of this hall is sixty-eight feet in diameter, and it is sixty feet to the crown of the groin.

  • This tree, in favourable situations, attains the height of sixty feet; while upon the cold summits of mountains it is often seen rising only a few inches from the surface.

  • When the sea was driven into the cave by violent west or north-west winds, it shot a jet d'eau through the well to the height of sixty feet, the spray of which was scattered far and wide over the neighboring gardens and blasted the crops.

  • The houses in this neighborhood are all large wooden buildings, ranging in length from twenty to sixty feet, and from fourteen to twenty in width.

  • The last is more particularly illustrated by the houses in Yucatan, where single rooms are found, in rare cases, sixty feet long, but where the size of the house in ground dimensions is much smaller than of those in New Mexico.

  • Its curve was bordered by a perpendicular bluff of sixty feet, and the two points of the shoe were connected by a stone wall ten feet high and six hundred feet long, with a gateway eight feet wide.

  • This county also contains a natural bridge, which crosses a deep ravine with an artistic arch of sixty feet, and is thirty feet in height.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sixty feet" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cannot believe; entire stranger; five regiments; fractional distillation; governing territory; human intelligence; royal exchequer; several churches; sixty cents; sixty degrees; sixty dollars; sixty feet; sixty grains; sixty miles; sixty millions; sixty pounds; sixty thousand; sixty yards; sixty years; that was; the king; thin batter; violent opposition; voice culture; whole wheat; whose body