And ther is oon Will' Paston, one of the Justice of our Soverayne Lorde in the Comene Place, taketh fees and rewarde.
Lady from London, that there be certein lettres directed to my Lorde from my Lady his moder,[255.
The Lorde Moleyns shulde not have be aquyte of his comaundement, hadde he not sworen on a boke, sweche evidens was ayens hym; and ther is no jentelman wolde aquite his men for no goode, &c.
And, Sir, atte the reverens of God, laborth youre materis wysely and secretely, for Wyndam noysed yow sore aforn my Lord of Oxenford and my Lorde Scales that ze shuld reyse meche puple with grette arey owte of Norwyche.
I thanke yow hertely for my lettyr, for I hadde none of zow syn I spooke with zow last of for the matyr of Jon Mariot; the qwest passyd nowte of that day, for my Lorde of Norfolke was in towne for Wedyrbys matyr,[49.
Sir, my mayster bad me wryte un to yow that ze shuld store the Mayer and alle the Alderman to crye on my Lord that they mown have justyce of these men that be indyted, and that my Lorde wyll speke un to the Kynge therof.
My Lorde and my Lady sayn ye shall be right welcome and ye will se theym this Crisemasse.
And as the woode began to brenne (burn) about hir, she made hir prayer to our Lorde as she was not gyltie of that thing, that he would helpe hir that it might be knowne to all men.
Love is leche of lyf and nexte oure Lorde selve, And also the graith gate that goth into hevene.
Moche wors than euer, the Jewes dyd certayne And if our lorde sholde nowe come downe agayne.
The fyrste yere of the reygne of our fouerayne lorde kynge Henry the viii.
Sir Simon de Montfort my subject shal bee; Once chiefe of all the great barons was hee, Yet fortune so cruelle this lorde did abase, Now loste and forgotten are hee and his race.
The king lookt over his left shoulder, And an angrye look then looked hee: "Have I never a lorde in all my realme, Will feitch yond tray tor unto me?
Pardon, my lorde and father deare, This faire yong knyght and mee: Trust me, but for the carlish knyght, I never had fled from thee.
Or of the day ten houris our couth pass, Ridand thar come, ner by quhar Wallace wass, The lorde Persye, was captane than off Ayr; Fra thine he turnde and couth to Glaskow fair.
Lorde Persye said; “Now suthlye that war syne; “So gud of hand is nayne this warld within.
Lorde Persye wycht, that besy wes in wer, 535 Semblyt his men fell awfull in affer.
The yong Lorde of Auannes was very ioyfull of this offer, for he had suche a father as the other had described vnto him: and after he had giuen him hartie thanckes, he called him his friendlye father.
Lord, called the lorde of Auannes sonne to the Lorde Alebret, and brother to king John of Nauarre, with whom the said Lord of Auannes ordinarely remayned.
At which crie the Lorde of Auannes rose vp from the bedde, and piteously beholding her, he viewed her with a swete sighe, to rendre her gloriouse ghost to him which had redemed it.
The Lorde Bernage beholding her well, thought her to be one of the fayrest Ladies that euer he sawe, if her face had not bene so pale and her countenaunce so sadde.
And when my Lorde your brother at your requeste, shall execute the iustice which you desire, and that the poore Gentleman shal be ready to die, the brute will runne that he hath had his pleasure vpon you.
Cupberers for my Lorde and my Lady, and a Servant allowed bitwixt theym, except they be at their Frendis fyndynge, And than ather of theym to have a Servant allowid.
Persones that shall attende upon my Lorde at his Borde Daily, ande have no more but his Revercion Except Brede and Drynk.
I because I was his suborned Lorde and master, desired him to see the liuely image of Geraldine his loue in the glasse, and what at that instant she did, and with whome shee was talking.
The right honourable and euer renowmed Lorde Henrie Howard Earle of Surrey my singular good Lorde and master, entered the listes after this order.
The lorde Clifford, Panter, instede of therle of Warwik.
Do that ye can secretly that my Lorde be nat hevy Lorde on to hym.
For if myLorde favoryd or theye owther, by lykelyed my Lorde and they myght lose vj.
And like you to witte, on Sondaye at even last I hadde writing and evedence frome my lorde by Punche of tidyngis and have understonde them wel al a longe.
Lorde resortythe thyddre as offte as he dyd or nott; and off the dysposycion off the Contre.
Caleys at thys owr, for my Lorde promysed me that he wolde wryght to Elkenhed the tresorer at Caleys for yow by the next massenger thatt went.
I ffeer that I can nott be excusyd, but that I shall fforthe with myLorde Hastyngs ovyr the see, but I shall sende yow worde in hast, and iff I goo, I hope nott to tary longe.
Roome, the Lorde Ryverse was robbyd off alle hys jowelles and plate, whyche was worthe m^le.
The Workes of Sir Thomas More, Knyght, sometimeLorde Chauncellorr of England, wrytten by him in the Englysh tongve.
And the lorde ordeyned a worme agenst the springe of [the] morow mornīge which smote the wild vine/ that it wethered awaye.
But [the] lorde prepared a greate fyshe/ to swalow vp Ionas.
And [the] lorde prepared as it were a wild vine which sprāge vp ouer Ionas/ that he might haue shadowe ouer his heed/ to deliuer him out of his payne.
And [the] men feared the lorde excedingly: & sacrificed sacrififice vn to the lorde: and vowed vowes.
And he prayed vn to the lorde ād sayd: O lord/ was not this my sayenge when I was yet in my contre?
And yet thou lorde my God broughest vp my life agayne out of corrupcion.
And thelorde spake vn to the fish: and it cast out Ionas agayne vppon [the] drie lande.
And the lorde said vn to Ionas/ art thou so angrie?
We find that "Thomas Berthelet, prynter unto the kynges mooste noble grace, dwellynge at the sygne of the Lucrece, in Fletestrete, in the year of our Lorde 1536.
Of þe whiche lorde it is a souerayne fredom to be gouerned by þe bridel of hym and obeie to his 568 iustice.
The lordedeparted his habitation and caused his officers to grant out parte of his landes to his tenants at will.
Item to the xvith we saye that a copyholder dying his heir being wythin the age of xiiii yeres the custody of the body and lande oughte to be comytted by the lorde to the nexte of the kyn to whom the inheritance may not dyscende.
Item to the seconde we saye that the lorde oughtte to have the second beste for hys herryott and the heyer the beste.
When the lorde departed his habitation, and granted out the demesnes, the part was delivered and letten to the use of the tenants.
Item to the eytthe we saye that the copyholder may make a grante of hys copyholde for three yeres wythoute the lord's lycense, and the lorde to take nothing for the same.
Oure Blissed Lorde have you in His governaunce and be your conduytour to His pleisur, Amen.
Lorde, seyng they have had gret wrong, besechyng my Lorde that it myght be reformed.
And in the meene tyme my Lorde sent a man to me, and axed me where ye were, and I tolde hem ye were with the Kyng; and so he sent me worde that an answere schulde be made be Sothwel to the King, seyng that ii.
This wurds had my Lorde to Byllyng, as he tollde me, he understod that my Lord laboryd for his owne a vayle, and consaylyd to byd her be wyse; and I thankeyd hym for hys good consayll.
And Thomas Fastolf whas there the same tyme that I was ther; and as I am enformed, they have delyvered my Lorde serteine evidence.
Ther is gret talkyng in thys contre of the desyir of my Lorde of York.
No more, but our Lorde have you both in his perpetuell kepyng.
Item, the Reverende Fader in God the Lorde John Fox, Bishop of Excester, privy seale, gave XXs.
Bot in this frectis the felde alwai abydys hool as here, and this forsayd lorde Audeley beris thus in latyn.
Novembre, the yere of the regne of oure Souverain Lorde King Henry the VI{th} xxxij{ti.
Ryght hiegh and myghty Prince, oure most worschipfull and gretely redoubted lorde and Fader, in as lowely wyse as any sonnes con or may we recomaunde us un to youre good lordeschip.
Ryght hiegh and myghty Prince, our most worschipfull and gretely redoubted lorde and Fader, We beseche Almyghty God yeve yowe as good lyfe and longe as youre owne Princely hert con best desire.
The Lorde of Heaven send us all well to returne, and send us the good hope to do her Majestie acceptable service; to performe which wee have already suffered miche.
I hope after too dayes to fynde my Lorde Generall and the fleet with whom, I thinke, all the rest of her Majesties shipps ar, butt the Mathew with poore Georg Carew.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "lorde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.