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Example sentences for "insurgents"

Lexicographically close words:
insurers; insures; insurgence; insurgency; insurgent; insuring; insurmountable; insurrection; insurrectional; insurrectionary
  1. When the insurgents attacked the pueblo they captured P.

  2. To name all those who suffered barbarous treatment at the merciful hands of the insurgents would be a well-nigh impossible task.

  3. It would be interesting to know just how many of the late insurgents who now hold position of importance under the Government, are following up this piece of advice of Aguinaldo.

  4. Not less than seven thousand of the insurgents had been slain by the four knights and fifty men, for ten had been left behind to guard the gates of the market-place.

  5. The Supreme Court, in order to sustain the blockade and interdict as legal, decided the war to be not a war against simply individual or personal insurgents but "a territorial civil war.

  6. In Dublin prompt measures had been taken, and the more loyal citizens had enrolled themselves for their own defence, so that no rising took place there, the result being that the outlying insurgents found themselves isolated.

  7. Hastening south, his advanced guard was caught by Baltinglass and the other insurgents in the valley of Glenmalure.

  8. The non-arrival of the daily mail-coaches was to be the signal, and these were stopped and burnt by the insurgents in four different directions at once.

  9. The royal pardon was to be extended to Kildare and the rest of the insurgents on condition of their submission.

  10. Although the insurgents were dispersed, most of the French officers, unlike General Almeras, condescended to the bitterest revenge against the disarmed people.

  11. On December 2 the insurgents advanced nearer and nearer, pouring down from the neighboring village of Percha, which they had chosen as their head-quarters.

  12. The American forces enter and the insurgents vanish.

  13. From Parañaque, on the bay shore south of Manila, the insurgents fired on the monitor Monadnock, but a few shots from this vessel silenced the shore battery.

  14. Many families, fearing that the insurgents had broken through the American lines and entered the city en masse, frantically fled from the hotels and houses.

  15. The loyal troops followed up the insurgents towards the mountain region, whilst the Don Juan de Austria cruised down the coast with the intention of bombarding any town which might be in rebel hands.

  16. The deserted trenches were occupied by the Americans to pick off any insurgents who might venture out into the open.

  17. The insurgents then brought field-pieces into action and shelled the Saturnus, setting her on fire.

  18. It cannot be said that the insurgents in the field had advanced one step towards the attainment of their object.

  19. The insurgent generalissimo, Martin Delgado, took the field in person; but after a bold stand, with a slight loss on the American side, the insurgents were completely routed and their leader fled.

  20. Note that the Americans will attack by sea and prevent any reinforcements coming from Spain, therefore the insurgents must attack by land.

  21. Reciprocally, the United States will release all persons made prisoners of war by the American forces, and will undertake to obtain the release of all Spanish prisoners in the hands of the insurgents in Cuba and the Philippines.

  22. He reported in great trepidation that the insurgents were coming into the city, and I said that I knew that that was impossible because such precautions had been taken as rendered it so.

  23. In July the insurgents were active in the neighbourhood of Vigan (Ilocos).

  24. In reality, it was only in the minds of the insurgents that there existed an alliance, which the Americans could not, with good grace, have frankly repudiated, seeing that General T.

  25. If Spain has not yet reestablished her authority, neither have the insurgents yet made good their title, to be regarded as an independent state.

  26. The insurgents received no encouragement of eventual asylum from our commanders, and such opposition as they encountered was for the protection of our commerce and was clearly justified by public law.

  27. This precaution, I am satisfied, tended to restrict the issue to a simple trial of strength between the Brazilian Government and the insurgents and to avert complications which at times seemed imminent.

  28. If Spain still holds Havana and the seaports and all the considerable towns, the insurgents still roam at will over at least two-thirds of the inland country.

  29. In this state of things, if the Queen could have dealt with the insurgents alone, her course would have been plain and the result unmistakable.

  30. The insurgents ravaged the country and fought the Government's troops up to the very doors of Apia.

  31. The insurgents had held that their own left wing was secured by some marshy ground, but Argyle perceived that a light night-frost had rendered the morass passable.

  32. On the 13th, however, Carpenter joined Wills, the town was completely surrounded, and the insurgents saw the necessity of a surrender.

  33. It seems probable that Wills used ambiguous language, understood by the insurgents to contain a promise of clemency--by himself, as insisting upon an unconditional surrender.

  34. The chief man of the Chouans, as the Breton insurgents were called, was Cormatin.

  35. After this the fate of the insurgents was sealed.

  36. Terribly defeated, and with all their chiefs of importance mortally wounded, the insurgents determined to try the fortune of war upon the other side of the Loire.

  37. They approved however of Cope's plan for immediately marching into the Highlands and crushing the insurgents if possible among the mountains.

  38. Lord Cochrane, the most dashing and adventurous of English sailors, had joined the insurgents with an American frigate, General Churchill took command of their armies, yet their destruction seemed imminent.

  39. Never as yet had the chances of the insurgents seemed so small.

  40. One of the royalist insurgents in western France (Brittany, etc.

  41. Eight hundred insurgents fell in the streets, perhaps half that number of soldiers were laid low, and two hundred Spaniards were afterwards shot by Murat’s orders for having taken part in the rebellion.

  42. Encouraged by the success of the insurgents in the Iberian Peninsula and the triumph of British arms in Portugal, both Austria and Germany took courage and prepared to throw off the yoke.

  43. Meanwhile the mob was quickly gathering, a dozen pieces of artillery were drawn up, and the insurgents assumed a threatening attitude.

  44. At Medina de Rio Seco the insurgents under La Cuesta and Blake, an Irishman, were completely routed by Bessières.

  45. The insurgents aimed at the entire overthrow of the Hapsburgs, but the politic Bocskay opposed this, being disinclined to deliver up the whole of Hungary to the tender mercies of the Osmanlis.

  46. These guards, however, attacked the insurgents in and about the Palais Royal.

  47. At last the conflict was over; the insurgents were beaten--Cavaignac triumphed.

  48. The insurgents confined their operations chiefly to the faubourgs of St. Jacques and St. Antoine.

  49. It is computed that forty thousand insurgents were in arms, and eighty thousand government soldiers were brought against them.

  50. A moment after it became certain that the insurgents would shortly burst into the palace.

  51. To him the insurgents sent their letters, to be forwarded to those for whom they were intended.

  52. In all places the insurgents regularly pursued the same course.

  53. A third party of insurgents was formed by the men of Gravesend, irritated at the conduct of Sir Simon Burley.

  54. With the aid of a body of insurgents from Essex, the castle was taken and the captive liberated.

  55. When Tresilian, one of the judges, tried the insurgents at St. Alban's, he impanelled three juries of twelve men each.

  56. Richard appeared among the insurgents and granted them concessions.

  57. In the first nine miles two swamps had to be got through, on crossing which Nicholson heard that the insurgents were at Najafgarh, twelve miles further off.

  58. This put new life into the attacking party; with a loud cheer they dashed across the bridge, while Peel poured round after round from his 24-pounder on the insurgents with most salutary effect.

  59. The sound of the guns being heard in camp, a column under the command of Major Coke was got ready to pursue should the insurgents push up the Trunk Road, or to cut them off should they try to make their way back to the city.

  60. Now many of the insurgents have received their reward, and as subjects are a trust from God, the British Government, which is just and merciful, as well as strong, has forgiven their guilt.

  61. This engagement was scarcely over, when masses of insurgents advanced from the Sabzi Mandi upon Hindu Rao's house, and into the gardens on the right flank of the camp, threatening the Mound piquet.

  62. Footnote 8: The police were suspected of having invited the insurgents who defeated Polwhele to Agra.

  63. The next day the insurgents made a third attack, and were again repulsed with considerable loss.

  64. Every casual passenger who was not murdered was forced to join the insurgents and armed with a pike.

  65. After they had massacred ninety-seven prisoners in that manner, the insurgents were taken off their blood-thirsty work by the cry "to camp!

  66. The insurgents burned and murdered as they went along; the troops and yeomen shot and hanged liberally in return.

  67. In military conduct the royalist commanders were too often found deficient, and almost in every instance, either to imprudence or imbecility, the insurgents were alone indebted for moments of doubtful and envanescent success.

  68. As the greater number of the insurgents were cut down dispersing in the pursuit, the amount could not be correctly estimated.

  69. As the days and weeks went on the movement grew, many of the plantation hands joining the insurgents until there were several thousand men in arms.

  70. The favorite mode of fighting practised by the insurgents was to surprise the enemy by a sharp skirmish fire, their sharp-shooters seeking to pick off the officers.

  71. Meeting Hidalgo at Aculco on his march towards Querétaro, he attacked him with such vigor that, after a hot combat, the insurgents were utterly worsted, losing all their artillery and many men.

  72. As the insurgents drew near they were met by the army of the viceroy, and a fierce battle took place upon an elevation called the Monte de la Cruces, outside the city.

  73. They fought bravely enough in the battle of the next day, but they were no match for their opponents, and the contest ended in a complete rout, the insurgents scattering in all directions.

  74. The new leader of the rebellion soon had a large following of insurgents at his back, and in several sharp brushes with the enemy proved that he could more than hold his own.

  75. Within a year rebellion had covered the island from end to end, the Spaniards being secure nowhere but within the cities, while the insurgents moved wherever they chose in the country.

  76. The man to whom Moreles owed his downfall was Augustin de Yturbide, a royalist leader, who pursued the insurgents with relentless energy.

  77. As the flames spread upward, the insurgents broke in upon the frightened defenders, killing some and making prisoners of the others.

  78. In France," wrote Segur in his memoirs, "in spite of the habit of a long obedience to arbitrary power, the cause of the American insurgents fixed the attention and excited the interest of all.

  79. The cause of the insurgents was popular because it was associated with the notion of liberty; people did not look beyond.

  80. The impression was a general one among the French that those insurgents whom they had helped to become a free nation were to be a great one, too.

  81. Professor Browne has given an interesting account of these ultra-ShA-aEuro~ite insurgents in his Lit.

  82. ZiyAid, the governor of KAºfa, having overawed the insurgents in the city and beheaded their leader, Muslim b.

  83. He declares that he has not met a single Cuban in all his marches, that there are no insurgents round Havana, and that sugar-grinding will be begun very shortly.

  84. He has taken the train wherever he could, and if he has seen no bands of insurgents from the car windows he has telegraphed that peace was restored, and no more rebels were to be found in the province.

  85. As the insurrection was thus being stamped out on either coast, Bovianum had become the capital of the insurgents instead of Corfinium.

  86. Sidenote: Revolution at Rome, and the part taken by the insurgents in it.

  87. Upon this the insurgents suddenly found themselves, instead of hunted desperadoes, courted as allies by two parties.

  88. Nola, however, still held out in Campania; and now there occurred a revolution at Rome which postponed the final subjugation of the insurgents till after the battle of the Colline Gate.

  89. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "insurgents" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.