Soon after I discovered that I was a sufferer from a very painful condition of the vagina and from irregular menstruation.
The operation consists in dividing the hymen by a crucial incision, thus allowing the accumulated fluid to be discharged, after which the vagina is cleansed by syringing it with warm water.
The discharge of blood from the vagina is sometimes attended with excessive pain.
These glands are most numerous in the Pharynx, Esophagus, Trachea, Bronchia, Vagina and Urethra.
The hymen is a circular, or semilunar membrane, which imperfectly closes the outer orifice of the vagina in the virgin.
The hips should be elevated, and the nozzle of the syringe surrounded by a napkin or other similar material, upon which moderate compression can be made so as to retain the fluid in the vagina for the necessary period.
The immediate cause of leucorrhea is either congestion, or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the vagina or womb, or both.
Then thoroughly cleanse the vagina with warm water, use the solution of Dr.
Thoroughly cleanse the vagina and neck of the womb once a day by the use of warm water and a little soap, applying this thoroughly, as directed on page 704, under the head of treatment for leucorrhea, and using a solution of Dr.
During childhood, particularly in scrofulous children, discharges from the vagina are not unfrequent, owing to worms or other intestinal irritation.
They are very active, even after ejection, and have been known to cause great local irritation by entering the vagina and urethra.
The fundus presses forcibly against the rectum, while the upper part of the vagina bends abruptly and forms an acute angle near the mouth of the uterus.
He appears, however, to have formed a tolerably just idea of the mode of cutting into the urinary bladder; and even his obstetrical instructions show that his knowledge of the uterus, vagina and appendages was not contemptible.
It ends in a dilatation or rectal ampulla, which is in contact with the back of the prostate in the male and of the vagina in the female and is in front of the tip of the coccyx.
Neither is thevagina indispensable, for cases are cited of the contraction of this organ accompanied by the rectovaginal fistula, in which fecundation is effected, although the fecundating fluid had been confined to the rectum.
From thisvagina arises a narrow duct leading to the exterior.
The two ducts continuous with the gonads open by a common vagina on to the exterior behind the male pores.
In it the hairs are confined to the dorsal middle line and the creeping setae are hooked, of a finer structure than in Chaetosoma, and situated so far forward that the vagina opens amongst them.
The large sacs which have been termed vaginaare suggestive of the large coelomic spermathecae in Eudrilids, a comparison which needs, however, embryological data, not at present forthcoming, for its justification.
Macnaughton-Jones describes the case of a woman of 32 with normal sexual feelings and fully developed breasts, clitoris, and labia, but no vagina or internal genitalia could be detected even under the most thorough examination.
Sometimes a finger in the vagina could not be felt at all.
The wife, the night previous, on advice of friends, had injected pure carbolic acid into the vagina just previous to coitus.
His aim is to remain in the vagina for about a quarter of an hour.
During intercourse, I am told, there is continuous spasmodic contraction of various parts of the vaginaand vulva.
One woman, when a catheter was introduced into the anus, said it might be the vagina or urethra, but was certainly not the anus.
In a case of Cotterill's, the ovaries and uterus were of minute size and functionless, and the vagina was absent, but the sexual feelings were normal, and the clitoris preserved its usual sensibility.
The orifice of the vagina contracts, though the vagina itself has considerably increased.
In every age this has been deemed a certain proof of virginity; and yet all such proof is nothing, where the entrance of the vagina is naturally relaxed or dilated.
There is a special bursa which in the Hepialidae opens with the vagina on the eighth abdominal sternum.
Sometimes the external opening of the vagina does not dilate enough to allow the passage of the child.
In young girls I sometimes find an irritation of thevagina which causes pain.
Occasional vaginal douches also are necessary, for the various secretions often are retained in the folds of the vagina and cause irritation.
Some few germs of this disease have remained in the vagina or birth canal and as the baby passes along the canal they enter its eyes.
It is brought about by coitus, by means of which the semen of the male is deposited in the vagina of the female.
The foetus, preceded by the bag of waters, then descends through the vagina or birth canal until it comes to the external opening of the vagina.
In female children the vagina may become infected through the use of tainted sponges, wash cloths, etc.
This cavity is triangular in shape and has three openings,--one at the lower end or mouth of the womb into the vagina and one at each side, near the top, into the fallopian tubes.
The orifice or external opening of the vagina is situated just back of the meatus urinarius, also within the folds of the labia.
A few little germs of this disease left on even the external organs may find their way up through the vagina to the uterus or womb.
If a woman suspects she has contracted this disease, she should go immediately to some reliable physician; for at first the disease may affect only the vagina but, if neglected, may extend to the uterus and tubes.
It is well known that the use of vaginal astringents may tone up and narrow the vagina and even restore the hymen to a great degree.
The Vagina may be partly closed by its sides growing together, or it may be united by bands and membranes stretching across; and these obstructions may be sufficient to impede or prevent delivery.
This rising of the womb makes the Vagina longer, and brings the neck of the womb nearer to its centre.
Ballotment, by one hand on the Abdomen, may still be practised with success; but in the Vagina it is difficult, because the FÅ“tus is both more fixed and heavier.
Rupture of the vaginais much less serious than rupture of the womb, unless it occurs at the upper part, when it may give rise to similar symptoms and results.
The length of the Vagina is from three to five inches, and its diameter from one inch to one and a half, or even two inches in those who have borne many children.
It is connected with the Ovaries by the Fallopian Tubes, and with the Vagina by the Os Tincæ, and is retained in its situation partly by its connections with other organs, and partly by the round and broad ligaments.
The index finger of the right hand is passed into the Vagina till it touches the body of the Womb, the neck being thrown back, owing to the tilting of the Fundus forward.
If the os uteri and vagina are imperfectly dilated, and the nates are drawn down or pass rapidly through the pelvis, the child is often lost.
The breaking of the bag of waters will sometimes occur very early, almost as soon as it protrudes; while at other times it will be delayed till the whole Vagina is filled up by it, or even till it appears externally.
In other cases the delivery has resulted so suddenly, from the violence of the expulsive efforts, that the vagina and perineum have been lacerated in the most shocking manner.
The discharge from the womb and vagina which follows childbirth.
He advised me to slide my penis back and forth in the vagina whenever I should actually obtain coitus.
This dilatation and erectile expansion of vagina withdraws the hymen so close to the walls that penetration need not tear it or cause pain.
When impassioned her vagina becomes erect and dilated, and so lubricated with abundant mucus to the lips that entrance is easy.
The Greek aidoion sometimes meant vagina and sometimes the external sexual parts; kolpos was used for the vagina alone.
If semen is a stimulant when ingested, it is easy to suppose that it may exert a similar action on the woman who receives it into the vagina in normal sexual congress.
It is known that the vagina possesses considerable absorptive power.
A little time before going to the nuptial bed, the girl inserts into her vagina a few drops of pigeon’s blood; or in some cases she selects for her wedding day the last day of menstruation.
In his view the uterus corresponded to the stomach, the vagina to the oesophagus, the fallopian tubes to the intestine, and so on.
He reports, too, that Turpin had compared the epithelial cells of the vagina with the cell-tissue of plants.
The external orifice of thevagina (one rabbit was a male and the other a female) was oblique.
These may arise from irritation by uric acid of the mouth of the bladder in boys, or of the vagina and bladder in girls.
It usually results from injuries sustained in calving or from irritation by putrid matters in connection with retained afterbirth, or from the use of some object in the vagina (pessary) to prevent eversion of the womb.
The frequent passage of urine, accompanied by contractions of the womb andvagina and a profuse secretion from their surfaces, leads to the expulsion of the semen after it has been lodged in the genital passages.
If the oiled hand is introduced into the rectum or vagina in the early stages of the affection, the bladder may be felt beneath partially filled, but not overdistended with liquid, and its neck or mouth firm and rigid.
Rupture of the floor of the vagina has been already referred to as allowing the protrusion of the bladder.
During calving the vagina may be bruised so as to cause escape of blood beneath the mucous membrane and its coagulation into large bulging clots.
In this case the urine dribbles away constantly, and the oiled hand in the vagina or rectum will feel the half-filled and flaccid bladder beneath and may easily empty it by pressure.
The presenting limb or head should be secured by a rope with a running noose, so that it may not pass back into the womb and get lost during the subsequent manipulations, but may be retained in the vagina or brought up again easily.
The examination may be completed by introducing the oiled hand into the vagina or rectum, when the two sides of the pelvis will reveal well-marked differences.
Chronic catarrh of the vagina and permanent sterility frequently follow as sequelæ.
However, none escaped, but we saw at the posterior end of the lenticular body, and under the scaly pincers, a small white cylindrical substance, the same in appearance as that we had found engaged in the vagina of the queen.
In drawing out the lenticular body, there proceeded from the vagina a minute part, v.
This organ is situated near the upper and front part of the opening into the vagina and between the folds of the labia minora.
About the close of the change of life in a woman, the ovaries become reduced in size, the walls of the womb thinner and smaller in size and the vagina undergoes a similar change.
A very rigid hymen, or the vagina being partly absent from birth, or grown together from an accident, may make coition impossible.
The vagina in a grown woman is from four to six inches in length, of firm but very elastic tissue.
When the womb falls into place, a gurgling sound will be heard caused by the air rushing into the vagina and the womb.
These consist of ovaries, oviducts, womb, vagina and breasts.
It will be seen from the cut that the lower end of the womb dips into the upper end of the vagina about one inch.
Allowing the bull to mount the teaser once without serving the artificial vagina is a good practice to use in properly stimulating the bull before collection of the semen.
A clean, dry artificial vagina should be used for each ejaculate collected.
Repeated collections in the same artificial vagina may result in contamination of the semen with bacteria, lubricating jelly and minute particles of dirt.
Notice should be taken, also, of the opening of the uterus into the upper part of the vagina; as inflammation of the uterus often causes a discharge which passes into the upper part of the vagina and finally out of the body.
This gives rise to the belief that the only trouble is in the vagina itself, whereas the real seat of the disease may be high up in the uterus.
It is characterized by a white discharge from the vagina which often becomes very irritating, and is especially bad just before or after menstruation.
Occasionally there is an acute and most intense inflammation of the vagina caused by exposure to cold, irritating discharges from the womb, the use of pessaries, supporters, or some contagious disease.
The vagina is a membranous canal extending from the surface of the body to the uterus, or womb.
The illustration also shows the walls of the vagina cut open, in order that the position of the mouth of the uterus may be easily seen.
The bladder is in front, the rectum behind, and the vagina below.
From the character of the discharge, physicians are able to determine whether it comes from the Vagina or the Uterus.
Physicians also treat inflamed areas by local treatments consisting of painting the Vagina or neck of the Uterus with certain medicinal solutions.
The opening in the center is for the purpose of allowing the menstrual blood and the other secretions of Uterus and Vagina to flow through.
In either case they travel up the remaining portion of the Vagina and finally enter the Uterus or womb.
This was what he told herself, and yet still she poured half of a bottle of shampoo onto her head and body and the rest she poured into her vagina and began to scrub.
In intercourse the male inserted his penis into the vagina and retained it there for even an hour without emission, though orgasm took place in the woman.
The nose receives the breath of life; the vagina receives the water of life.
The semen would be injected into the vagina in as simple a manner as the menstrual fluid is now ejected.
It extends down into the vagina the better part of an inch.
Dewees, that a set of absorbent vessels extend from the innermost surface of the labia externa, and from the vagina to the ovary, the whole office of which is to take up the semen or some part thereof, and convey it to the ovary.
The Vagina is a membranous canal commencing at the hymen and extending to the uterus.
It consists in syringing the vagina immediately after connection with a solution of sulphate of zinc, of alum, pearl-ash, or any salt that acts chemically on the semen, and at the same time produces no unfavorable effect on the female.
In the first place, there are several well attested instances in which impregnation took place while the hymen remained entire, where the vagina terminated in the rectum, where it was so contracted by a cicatrix as not to admit the penis.
The coat of membrane which lines the internal surface of the vagina forms a number of transverse ridges.
Between the vesiculæ seminales and the vagina or the penis the uterus shrivels up into the prostate gland, into which the vasa deferentia open, like the oviducts do into the uterus.
The vagina is separated from the clitoris; but in the male organs they both combine or blend with each other, and the vagina becomes the seminal canal or that of the penis.