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Example sentences for "warm water"

  • The usual enema is warm water, but this may be rendered more stimulating by the addition of salt, oil, or aloes.

  • Haygarth first suggested that a long-continued stream of warm water should be poured upon the wound from the mouth of a kettle.

  • I scarified the lid freely, and ordered the bleeding to be encouraged by the constant application of warm water, and physic-ball to be given.

  • When handling the protruded eye, the fingers should be dipped in olive oil or warm water.

  • If there is a feeling of nausea take a warm water emetic.

  • When the symptoms first appear give the patient a warm water emetic.

  • Every night after flushing the colon inject a pint of warm water and go to bed.

  • Boil two ounces of the pulp in two pints of warm water, and allow it to get cold, then strain.

  • Mix four ounces of olive oil with half an ounce of mucilage and half a pint of warm water.

  • Rub three grains of opium with two ounces of starch, then add two ounces of warm water.

  • Acetate of Lead with Opium Take twenty grains of acetate of lead, and a drachm of powdered opium, mix, and add an ounce of vinegar and four ounces of warm water, set aside for an hour, then filter.

  • Rub one ounce of gum arabic in a mortar, with four ounces of warm water.

  • In an emergency when the medicine is not to be had, a tablespoonful of powdered ginger may be administered in a pint of warm water.

  • Such stimulants as ether, alcohol, or the aromatic spirits of ammonia, diluted with from four to six times their bulk of warm water, may be used in this way.

  • In such cases, give a rectal injection of warm water and an ounce of castor oil shaken up with an ounce of new milk.

  • Another remedy is one ounce of sulphuric ether and one ounce tincture of opium in a pint of warm water.

  • A pint of whiskey in a pint of warm water is also good.

  • Walk the animal for a few minutes, then give one pint of Glauber Salts dissolved in a pint of warm water, and inject a quart of warm water, with two fluid ounces of laudanum, into the bowels.

  • The vagina and womb should be syringed with a solution of one ounce of Pratts Dip and Disinfectant to a gallon of warm water.

  • Fleischman's yeast (dissolved in a small quantity of luke-warm water).

  • Wash it well in warm water, and trim it nicely, taking off all the fat.

  • When perfectly clean take out the eyes, cut off the ears and remove the brain, which soak for an hour in warm water.

  • If putrid feed has been consumed, creolin may be administered in doses of 2 drams, mixed with 1 pint of warm water or milk.

  • One may give 1 quart of raw linseed oil and follow it the next day with 1 pound of Glauber's salt dissolved in a quart of warm water.

  • Constipation (if present) must be relieved by enemas of warm water, administered three or four times during the twenty-four hours.

  • Add one-half teaspoonful of soda dissolved in warm water.

  • Size can be made by boiling down vellum cuttings, or by dissolving gelatine or isinglass in warm water.

  • Many stains will be found to yield readily to hot water with a little alum in it, and others can be got out by a judicious application of curd soap with a very soft brush and plenty of warm water.

  • To use them soften in warm water, but keep them in as little as possible, so that they do not lose their delicate flavor.

  • Cut the latter in half and cut the almonds, previously skinned in warm water, each in eight or ten pieces.

  • As soon as the pork begins to brown add the onion, the parsley chopped, a clove (or small section) of garlic shredded fine, and a few dried mushrooms which have been softened by soaking in warm water.

  • Thus in the baths in Vienna, the process begins by immersion in a large basin of warm water.

  • Wash in warm water (no soap or soda), then scald well.

  • If difficult to turn out, stand the mould in a basin of warm water for 2 or 3 seconds.

  • Well wash all the dried fruit in warm water, and allow to dry thoroughly before using.

  • It is astonishing how many one finds at the bottom of a pan of warm water in which sprouts are soaked.

  • As I trim Brussels sprouts I throw them into a pan of warm water, and the insects crawl out and sink to the bottom of the pan.

  • To wash windows you need a basin of warm water, a little ammonia, and two clean cloths.

  • Draw two tubs of warm water, one just exactly as warm as the other.

  • They brought out the step-ladder and wiped it off with a dry duster, however, and then they washed the globes nicely in warm water, and dried them.

  • The windows must be cleaned and all the woodwork washed in warm water with a little nice soap, and rinsed well.

  • When vomiting has already taken place, copious draughts of warm water or warm mucilaginous drinks should be given, to keep up the effect till the poisoning substance has been thoroughly evacuated.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "warm water" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    arsenic acid; fine stream; good joke; inch hole; just now; landing craft; love letters; many birds; molten metal; never marry; speak kindly; these days; upon that; warm bath; warm baths; warm climate; warm countries; warm heart; warm milk; warm oven; warm reception; warm room; warm summers; warm through; warm weather; washing machine