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Example sentences for "vulva"

Lexicographically close words:
vultum; vulture; vultures; vulturine; vultus; vunce; vuoi; vuol; vurry; vus
  1. Behold this Neferkere--his feet are kissed by the pure waters which are from Atum, which the phallus of Shu made, which the vulva of Tefnut brought into being.

  2. In the Egyptian Pyramid Texts there is a reference to a new being formed "by the vulva of Tefnut" (Breasted).

  3. In such case, the discharge from the vulva is dark in color, contains small pieces of the decomposed membrane and has a very disagreeable odor.

  4. The female generative organs are the ovaries, fallopian tubules, uterus, vagina, vulva and mammary glands.

  5. A slight falling of the flanks, swelling of the lips of the vulva and a retention of the fetal membranes, or discharge from the vulva may be the only symptoms noted at the time abortion occurs.

  6. This is a membranous canal and extends from the vulva to the uterus (womb) and connects the external and internal organs of generation.

  7. An acute or chronic inflammation of the vulva (external genitals) either from a specific, like gonorrhoea, or non-specific cause.

  8. When the womb escapes at the vulva it is called a complete falling (prolapse or procidentia).

  9. Many a small man has an abnormally large and long penis, and many a little woman has a large vulva and a long vagina; and the reverse of all this is true, in the case of many men and women.

  10. This moistening the vulva with saliva may be repeated several times, if necessary, always until the flow of pre-coital fluid from the parts themselves renders any further moistening needless.

  11. The wife should always wash her vulva with soap and warm water before retiring, and if reservatus is to be engaged in in the morning, after urination, she should thoroughly cleanse the parts before union takes place.

  12. The glans penis is then covered with the slippery fluid, and the vulva and all the walls of the vagina are laved with the substance.

  13. In thickness and quality these labiae are much like the lips of the face of each individual, a large mouth and thick lips indicate a large vulva and thick labiae and vice-versa.

  14. The result is that the penis is enlarged to several times its dormant size, and the vulva and vagina should, and will, under right conditions, undergo similar changes and transformation.

  15. But if the vulva and vagina are not yet fully dilated, the entrance should be carefully made, gently made, as she can bear it, as she wishes it to be.

  16. The stroking of the dry vulva will do little toward the arousing of passion, or producing the pre-coital flow.

  17. If, perchance, the pre-coital secretion should be tardy in appearing on the part of the wife, so that the vulva is dry as the husband strokes it, let him moisten the part with saliva from his mouth.

  18. However, the wound within the uterus is so far from the surface of the body that it need not be directly covered with a surgical dressing; sterile pads are kept over the vulva to exclude contaminating material until the healing is completed.

  19. Local cleanliness, which is a matter of the very first importance, can only be attained through bathing the vulva with an antiseptic solution and the use of sterile pads.

  20. A sterile sanitary pad is placed over the vulva and a fresh one substituted as often as necessary, but none of the pads should be destroyed.

  21. The two marks on the sides of the vulva are narrow streaks of ascending hair, not in the general mark.

  22. In this way a sort of mould of the vulva is formed, which is hollow, and opens forwards towards the outlet of the common oviduct.

  23. The external outlet of the | The outlet between the 10th rectum and vulva between | tergum and the 9th sternum.

  24. The fact that it is drawn within the vulva of the leaden image of the Asiatic goddess [see fig.

  25. Similar white Parian marble figures, found in the Cyclades, whereon the vulva is represented by a decorated triangle, are preserved in the British Museum.

  26. The fact that it is drawn within the vulva of the leaden image on the Asiatic goddess shown in fig.

  27. The vulva is represented on the six figures by a large triangle.

  28. An infection of the vulva and vagina due to the gonococcus or to some other germ is very common in little girls.

  29. The vulva and the clitoris have no special functions to perform; but in them, in the clitoris particularly, but also in the labia minora, resides the feeling of voluptuousness, the pleasurable sensation experienced during the sexual act.

  30. If the gonorrhea is limited only to the cervix, the vulva and the urethra, then prompt treatment will usually bring about a cure in a comparatively short time.

  31. The mons Veneris has no special physiological function to perform, but it as well as the vulva serve as strong points of attraction for the male sex.

  32. In little girls, however, in whom the lining of the vagina is tender, gonorrhea of the vagina and the vulva is common.

  33. The mucous membrane, or the lining of the vulva and vagina, in little girls is very tender, and therefore very readily subject to infection.

  34. Second, the secretion is necessary to the proper development of her other sexual organs; if the ovaries are cut out, then the uterus and the vagina and even the vulva shrivel up.

  35. This may be due to the fact that the vulva is generally congested and swollen during pregnancy or it may be caused by an increased leucorrheal discharge.

  36. In severe cases, there is also an infection of the urethra, and the child may complain of burning at urination, itching and pain around the vulva and anus, and slight pain in the abdomen.

  37. A small towel or gauze compress wrung out of boiling water and applied to the vulva several times a day, followed by a free application of stearate of zinc powder is often efficient.

  38. It extends from the external genitals or vulva to the neck of the womb, embracing the latter for some distance.

  39. In very severe cases the vulva should be painted with a solution of silver nitrate, 25 grains to 1 ounce of distilled water.

  40. The vulva and the mons Veneris are the strongest erogenous zones; other erogenous zones are the lips, the breasts, etc.

  41. She is also instructed that during the time of her menstruation she is unclean, and that during her monthly period she must close her vulva with a pad of fibre used for the purpose.

  42. In such cases, Vatsyayana adds, it is his duty to rub the vulva with his hand before union until it is moist, and he should perform the same movements afterwards if his own orgasm has occurred first.

  43. For a thrombus of the vulva indicates a clot of extravasated blood within the connective tissue of the labium; in like manner, a vaginal thrombus is the effused and clotted blood in the loose connective tissue surrounding the vagina.

  44. Antiseptic pad applied to the head during its egress, and to the vulva until the secondines had been expelled.

  45. At these institutions, however, vaginal disinfection is vigorously resorted to during and immediately subsequent to labor, and during childbed some form of antiseptic pad over the vulva is employed.

  46. On the vulva and vagina of little girls diphtheria is sometimes met with; probably in every case it is due, under the epidemic influence, to a local catarrh or erosion.

  47. Spillmann[64] has also called attention to the occurrence of gangrene of the vagina and vulva in cases of typhoid fever.

  48. From the vulva they may extend to the perineum or pursue a serpiginous course down the thighs.

  49. With my hospital patients, in place of cloths to the vulva I have been in the habit of using oakum.

  50. In hospital epidemics of puerperal fever diphtheritic patches situated upon the lesions of the vulva and in the course of the utero-vaginal canal are sometimes observed.

  51. By soaking the latter in a solution of carbolic acid the vulva is surrounded by an antiseptic atmosphere.

  52. I love thee, though the kisses of thy teeth, Cunning to bite in their red vulva sheath, Have the allure of Lamias that enslave With luxury swift and cruelty suave.

  53. In the Macaci rhesus and cynomolgus at menstruation "the nipples and vulva become swollen and deeply congested, and the skin of the buttocks swollen, tense, and of a brilliant-red or even purple color.

  54. Singhalese women believe that they must keep the vulva covered lest demons should have intercourse with them.

  55. The sexual organs are normal, the vulva moist and red, the vagina is painful to touch; the contact of the finger causes erectile turgescence.

  56. Among the Malays, puki is also a name for the vulva which it is very indecent to utter, and it is only used in public by people under the influence of an obsessive nervous disorder.

  57. If the vulva and vagina were situated between a woman's shoulder blades, and a man had a separate instrument for coitus, not used for any excretory purpose, I do not think women would feel about intercourse as they sometimes do.

  58. Pertaining both to the vulva and the vagina.

  59. Pertaining both to the vulva and the uterus.

  60. The vulva is pierced by two openings, the smallest and most anterior of which is the external opening of the urethra, or excretory duct of the bladder.

  61. The scalding sensations at the vulva may be due to the acidity of the urine, in which case it will be increased just after urination; or it may be due to an acrid discharge from the vagina.

  62. After labor the vulva is very sensitive, so that while the greatest care must be used to remove all clots of blood and the discharge, there must be no brisk rubbing of the parts.

  63. She will usually prefer to be dressed in her night-clothing, over which during the first stage she may wear a loose wrapper; a sterilized napkin should be worn over the vulva during this stage.

  64. In some even the vulva and anus become one foramen, having the same course.

  65. After this we sew the tear between the anus and vulva in three or four places with silk thread.

  66. The main factor in the position and aspect of the vulva is pelvic inclination.

  67. A large quantity of omentum protruded from the vulva and upper part of the vagina, and an enormous rent was left.

  68. She had a vulva with two well-shaped labia as shown by the accompanying illustration.

  69. The external labia and the vulva in all its parts were well formed, and the mons veneris was covered with a full growth of hair.

  70. Neuroma of the vulva is a pathologic curiosity.

  71. The vulva of this woman five months afterward displayed all the characteristics of virginity, the vagina opened into the rectum, and menstruation had always been regular.

  72. Brown speaks of protrusion of the membranes from the vulva several weeks before confinement.

  73. The absence of the clitoris coincides with epispadias in the male, and in atrophy of the vulva it is common to find the clitoris rudimentary; but a more frequent anomaly is hypertrophy of the clitoris.

  74. Debout has reported a case of absence of the vulva in a woman of twenty upon whom he operated, which was the result of the fusion of the labia minora, and this with an enlarged clitoris gave the external appearance of an hermaphrodite.

  75. Mann quotes Munde in speaking of an instance of removal of elephantiasis of the vulva without interrupting pregnancy, and says that there are many cases of the removal of venereal warts without any interference with gestation.

  76. Projecting from the vulva was a body looking like a penis 7 cm.

  77. Among the Nubians this operation was performed at about the age of eight with great ceremony, and when the time for marriage approached the vulva had to be opened by incision.

  78. The vulva was covered with thick hair and the external genitalia were well developed.

  79. It was while feeling the vulva of a young mare that the brilliant thought struck me of trying to copulate with her, and thus getting the advantage of the soft vagina.

  80. He noted the significance of the action of the hermaphroditic snails in inserting their darts into each other's flesh near the vulva in order to cause preliminary excitation.

  81. The woman tucks up her clothes and convulsively agitates the lower part of her body; she alternately shows her partner her vulva and hides it from him by a regular movement, backward and forward, of the body.

  82. The vulva stripped back the foreskin, which was a voluptuous feeling; then we were alarmed by something and separated.

  83. The first sign of pro-estrum noticed in the lower mammals is a swollen and congested vulva and a general restlessness, excitement, or uneasiness.

  84. In the child, the vulva is placed much higher and more to the front, so that it is distinctly visible even when the thighs are in close apposition.

  85. After each urination and bowel movement, a lysol solution (prepared by putting one teaspoonful of lysol in a quart of sterile water) is poured from a clean pitcher over the vulva into the bed pan, and fresh pads applied.

  86. The infected child should sleep by herself, and utmost care must be exercised in preventing her fingers from first touching the itching vulva and then placing them to the eyes or to the mother's eyes.

  87. The foreskin of the boy baby is gently pushed back and cleansed thoroughly; while the vulva of the little girl baby, having first been swabbed with boracic acid, is now gently lathered and cleansed.

  88. A vulva pad must be worn as long as the disease lasts.

  89. With a dozen or fifteen in each package these vulva pads are wrapped loosely in pieces of old sheets and pinned securely and marked plainly on the outside.

  90. The lips of the vulva should be separated and thorough but careful cleaning should be the daily routine.

  91. The vulva of the female is longitudinal; near it is found the udder which projects greatly when she gives suck.

  92. Circular in rodents, transversal in the unique case of the hyena, a heteroclite animal, the vulva is longitudinal in all other mammifers.

  93. Even oneself has felt it, driving any new idea into the great passive vulva of London, a sensation analogous to the male feeling in copulation.

  94. Bitches in heat rub their vulva on the ground.

  95. The males have a retractile prong fixed by two ligaments to the abdomen, the female an oviduct which opens in vulva and spreads interiorly into a vast pouch, the resting place for the eggs.

  96. Savigny thought that the introduction of the feelers into the vulva was merely an excitative manoeuvre, and that the true copulation followed.

  97. As her vulva opens not between her legs but toward the middle of her abdomen, Buffon believed that she had to lie on her back to receive the male.

  98. In some instances the veins around the Vulva become much enlarged, and resemble tumors, and sometimes even impede delivery.

  99. I have often known the limbs and vulva covered with patches of Erysipelas from this cause.

  100. As the head of the child descends to the bottom of the basin, it presses upon this floor, and gradually distends it, until the Vulva is sufficiently enlarged.

  101. The left buttock reaches the mouth of the Vulva first, in this position, and then remains stationary there while the right one slides along the curve of the sacrum and perineum, and passes out first at the lower part of the external opening.

  102. Gradually the lips become thinner and thinner, and at last disappear nearly altogether, so that the mouth of the Vulva is only composed of thin ring, which seems ready to give way every moment.

  103. The lips of the Vulva are also apt to swell and become painful, and the lower limbs numbed and cramped, owing to the child's head pressing on the large nerves.

  104. This is the part situated between the Vulva and the Rectum.

  105. The axis, or direction, of the upper strait is denoted by the line A, that of the lower strait by the line B, and that of the Vulva by the line C.

  106. The Vulva begins to dilate, the lips separate wider and wider, and part of the child's head becomes visible.

  107. When the perineum or Vulva remains rigid and hard, so that the opening cannot be enlarged sufficiently for the child to pass, it may also be necessary to operate with the knife.

  108. The vulva swells and discharges much mucus, the udder enlarges, the belly becomes more pendent, and the animal strains more or less.

  109. The mare should not be served again for a month or longer, and in no case until after all discharge from the vulva has ceased.

  110. The penis hangs from the sheath, or in the mare the vulva is frequently opened and closed, as after urination.

  111. Vesicles may appear on the external vulva and mucous membrane of the vulva and vagina which later rupture and form ulcers.

  112. Still more rarely the wall of the vagina becomes relaxed, and being pressed by a mass of intestines will protrude through the lips of the vulva as a hernial sac, containing a part of the bowels.

  113. The disposition to dropsy often shows itself in the hind and even in the fore limbs, around and beneath the vulva (perineum), and beneath the abdomen and chest.

  114. The disease, being the result of copulation, usually begins with inflammation of the vulva and vagina.

  115. These are attended with dangers similar to those belonging to rupture of the womb, and in addition by the risk of protrusion of the bladder, which appears through the lips of the vulva as a red, pyriform mass.

  116. It consists in the turning of the organ outside in through the channel of the urethra, so that it appears as a red, pear-shaped mass hanging from the floor of the vulva and protruding externally between its lips.

  117. These are slightly warmed and oiled, and carried forward along the floor of the passage of the vulva for 4 inches, when the orifice of the urethra will be felt exactly in the median line.

  118. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "vulva" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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