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Example sentences for "uric acid"

  • Uric acid exists in the urine in the form of urates, which in concentrated urines are readily thrown out of solution and constitute the familiar sediment of "amorphous urates.

  • Uric acid is the most important of a group of substances, called purin bodies, which are derived chiefly from the nucleins of the food and from metabolic destruction of the nuclei of the body.

  • The daily output of uric acid is about 0.

  • The amount of the other purin bodies together is about one-tenth that of uric acid.

  • To a few practitioners of an older generation the pharmacologic basis of a remedy for rheumatism was sufficiently defined by saying that it increased the solubility of uric acid or affected it in some way.

  • Rheumatism and that allied group of ailments which is caused by an excess of Uric Acid.

  • Its principal constituents are urea and uric acid, together with various other animal matters of less importance, and saline substances, held in solution in a proportionately large amount of water.

  • This quantity usually holds in solution about one ounce of urea, and ten or twelve grains of uric acid.

  • Uric acid is uniformly increased, the amount of increase being relatively greater than that of the urea; it is often doubled, and sometimes the increase is even more than this.

  • It contains an increased amount of urea and of uric acid, the latter of which is not infrequently spontaneously precipitated.

  • In one case he made a daily estimation of the amount of uric acid, and found it greatly diminished on the second and third days, normal on the fourth, and much increased on the fifth.

  • One milligramme may be added to compensate for loss, and the whole multiplied by four gives the percentage of uric acid in the urine.

  • A sandy precipitate of free uric acid will not dissolve on warming the urine, and its identity can further be determined by means of the microscope, or by applying a well-known color-reaction.

  • The determination of the proportion of uric acid in urine was formerly rather neglected by physicians.

  • This diminution, however, was not due to retention of uric acid in the organism.

  • Gout, as a disease, in the traditional acceptation of the term, is a specific arthritis, characterized by the deposit of the salts of uric acid in the affected joints.

  • Quite recently a woman aged forty-eight consulted me with these nodosities beginning upon the last joint of the fingers, while she was the subject of vesico-renal irritation and was passing free uric acid in the urine.

  • The formation of murexide is used as a test for the presence of uric acid, which on evaporation with dilute nitric acid gives alloxantin, and by the addition of ammonia to the residue the purple red colour of murexide becomes apparent.

  • Is this a uric acid condition, or do you think it merely due to a lack of nourishment, causing a lack of synovial fluid?

  • If the part they play has not been systematically studied from the point of view of their effects on the nervous organism, they still give rise to the same terminal products, such as uric acid.

  • It is not one of ordinary gout or uric acid poisoning.

  • From acid urines, uric acid is frequently deposited, on standing in a cool place, in the form of a reddish yellow sediment, nearly always crystalline.

  • Sidenote: Uric acid in rheumatic conditions] Uric acid is always present in gouty and rheumatic conditions, but it is there as Nature's defense against our sins, and not as a primary cause.

  • Uric acid is one of the constituent elements of all animal bodies, and when the normal supply in the human body is supplemented by that which is contained in the body of the animal upon which we prey, we are oversupplied.

  • Meat is not the cause of uric acid as has been popularly taught.

  • Indeed, since this basic experiment I have discovered grains of uric acid in the adipose tissue of the larvæ of all the Hunting Wasps of our parts, as well as in the Bees at the moment of the nymphosis.

  • Uric acid, the inevitable product of the vital transformations, or at all events one of its analogues, must be formed in both.

  • However, the Sitaris remains still a fortnight in the intact shell, ejecting at intervals white droppings of uric acid, which it pushes back together with the shreds of its last two sloughs, those of the tertiary larva and of the nymph.

  • In this statement I do not include several references to "uric acid poisoning" which is not the same thing as gout, as will be explained in Chapter IX, on the Uric Acid Theory.

  • However, Gerber does not discuss the matter of gout in the text, but says merely, "Recently Bishop asserts that the nervous disturbances of hay fever are due to an excess of uric acid in the blood.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uric acid" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
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