The opening, therefore, of the uterus is not external but internal, into the large internal space known as the genital cavity.
If, then, it be found that a glandular organ of this very peculiar structure and arrangement is characteristic of the uterus of any living member of the scorpion group, then the confidence of this assertion is greatly increased.
In the male, he says that the {207}epithelium of the uterus masculinus and its processes is extraordinarily elongated, the chitin covering being thick.
Ammocoetes opening into the respiratory chamber, while the uterus of Scorpio opens direct to the exterior.
Before, therefore, making too sure of the insuperable character of this difficulty, we must examine the uterus of the Pedipalpi, and see the nature of its opening.
The resemblance between the structure of the thyroid of Ammocoetes and the uterus of the scorpion is most striking, except in two respects, viz.
This uterus and glandular arrangement is found in both sexes; the gland is, however, more developed in the male than in the female scorpion.
I shall use the latter term, in accordance with Tarnani's work, and the corresponding chamber in the male will be the uterus masculinus.
Thus, Kuester[202] relates a case in which, four days after confinement, the uterus was washed out with a 2 per cent.
In addition to the bleeding from the uterus noticed during life, there was capillary haemorrhage into the right lung and pleura, into the pericardium, and, as already mentioned, into the stomach.
The uterus is also excited to strong contraction by nicotine; the secretions of the bile and saliva are increased.
There was intense diphtheria of the uterus and vagina.
Cornutin stimulates the uterus to contraction, but it does not act so well in this respect alone as when given with sphacelic acid.
Roehrig also saw strong contraction of the uterusproduced by picrotoxin.
The patient must have the right mental attitude, must think that she is trying to replace the uterus by lifting it to its natural position.
The uterus has become more congested by its use, and when the paralyzing effect of the alcohol has worn off the pain will be found more severe, and the demand for alcohol increased correspondingly.
This author showed that the corpus luteum of the ovary gives off a substance to the blood which alters the tissues in the uterus in such a way that contact with any foreign body induces this deciduoma formation.
In this animal the two sexes are very different, the male being a tiny parasite, a few millimetres in length, which spends its life in the uterus of the female, whose size is about five centimetres.
On the other hand the infantile uterus and tube when transplanted into the young male with the ovaries grow in a normal way, and Steinach thinks that pregnancy in such feminized males is possible if sperm be injected into the uterus.
The rapidly elongating ova meet and fuse in the small body of the uterus at some time between the 10 mm.
When the fertilized ovum comes in contact with the wall of the uterus it calls forth a growth there, namely the formation of the maternal placenta (decidua).
The action of the substance of the corpus luteum is independent of the nervous system, since in a uterus which has been cut out and retransplanted the same phenomenon can be observed.
The foetal villi of these patches fit into corresponding pits in thickened patches of the wall of the uterus (figs.
In the male the Muellerian ducts in this cord atrophy, except at their distal end where they unite to form the uterus masculinus.
The gravid uterusand placenta of Hyomoschus aquaticus.
The glands of theuterus open in the intervals between the cotyledons.
The blood-vessels of the allantois and of the uterus become intertwined, and a disc-like placenta more or less similar to that in the Rabbit becomes formed (pl).
The surface of the uterus adapts itself exactly to the elevations of the chorion; and the furrows which receive the chorionic ridges are highly vascular (fig.
The germinal tissue, which is originally continuous, is interrupted in the middle part (where the superficial layer gives rise to the uterus and oviduct), and is confined to the two blind extremities of the tube.
Man, the lower fused ends of the Muellerian ducts give rise to a pocket opening into the urethra, known as the uterus masculinus; and in other cases, e.
The lining membrane of the uterus was thickened and highly vascular.
The superficial layer gives rise to the epithelium of the uterus and oviduct.
The general cavity of theuterus is to a large extent obliterated by the ovum, but still persists as a space filled with mucus, between the decidua reflexa and the decidua vera.
The whole vesicle assumes an oval form, and it lies in the uterus with its two ends free.
In the male it usually disappears; the uterus masculinus of the rabbit is still very generally regarded as a vestige of it.
In the male we find, in the position of the female uterus, a uterus masculinus (u.
The most marked instance which ever came under my notice was due to irritation in the ovaries, which had been forced down in front of the uterus and been fixed there by adhesions.
A little later, in a case of partial prolapse, Beck, in ignorance of Wernich's theory, was enabled to make a very precise observation of the action of the uterus during excitement.
In this case a girl of 16 had a uterus duplex, an infantile pelvis, very slight menstruation and undeveloped breasts.
It would appear that in the early part of this final process of detumescence the action of the uterusis mainly one of contraction and ejaculation of any mucus that may be contained; Dr.
Thus the uterus of various species of semnopithecus seems to show a noteworthy correspondence with the same organ in woman.
Azerbaijan's oil production declined through 1997 but has registered an increase every year since.
Published estimates of Burma's foreign trade are greatly understated because of the volume of black-market, illicit, and border trade.
Germany's aging population, combined with high unemployment, has pushed social security outlays to a level exceeding contributions from workers.
The country is pinning its hopes for long-term recovery on the development of an international transportation corridor through the key Black Sea ports of P'ot'i and Bat'umi.
Finally, with delightful English and elaborate insouciance, they advise in the treatment of eclampsia: “In all cases the uterus should be emptied as quick as possible.
Labor is caused by involuntary contractions of the uterus and abdominal muscles.
Dropsy of the uterus I have encountered, though, as no teacher or work speaks of such an affection in the dog, it was some time before I was able to recognise the disease.
The following particulars will enable him who may be in such a difficulty to discriminate the uterus from a polypus.
The uterus is principally composed of white muscular fibre, upon which structure heat has a sedative and cold has a stimulative action.
There is no precise limit to the size the uterus may attain; but, in consequence of its increased volume, it occupies another situation to that it naturally holds in the abdomen of the bitch.
The uterus was replaced, but how was it to be retained?
In the larger animals, that produce one or two young at a time, the uterus is commonly inverted subsequent to parturition; but in the dog I have known it only when the womb had for some period been unimpregnated.
The labor either has not proceeded far enough, and time is required for its completion; or the uterus is feeble, and stimulants are wanted to invigorate it.
Fairly at my wits' end, I suddenly determined to try how the injection of cold water into the uterus would act.
I began by having a soft clean cloth spread upon a table, and, placing the dog on this, with a sponge the uterus was gently moistened.
During gestation the muscular coat of the uterus is passive; but when that function has been perfected, Nature endues it with energy to expel the foetus.
Photograph of model of uterus of cow containing a foetus: foetus; umbilical cord; placenta; horn containing foetus; and opposite horn.
Injuries to the uterus resulting from the animal slipping, fighting and becoming crowded are, no doubt, common causes of failure to "clean" in cows.
The uterus or womb is a membranous sack situated in the sublumbar region and at the inlet to the pelvic cavity.
Comparatively early in pregnancy, the presence of a foetus can be determined by feeling the uterus through the wall of the rectum.
Photograph of model of uterus of cow containing foetus.
In this case, if baptism in the uterusis possible without increasing the danger to the mother's life, it should be attempted.
Cancer may occur on the skin, stomach, or other organs; in women it most commonly occurs in the breast or uterus (womb).
Miscarriage applies to the expulsion of the fetus or emptying of the uterus after the third month.
At such a time, the attending physician will immediately set about to bring on labor, and thus seek to empty the uterus at the earliest possible moment.
They may consist of backache, cramps, frequent urination, pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm or pressure against the sides of the abdomen.
The treatment is heavy kneading of the abdomen until the uterus again becomes like a hard ball.
Because of the pressure exerted by the growing uterus upon the bladder, disturbances in urination often appear, but as the uterus continues to grow and lifts itself up and away from the bladder these symptoms disappear.
With the developmental growth of the product of conception, the uterus or room that had been particularly prepared for the "big reception" of the second week, has also grown to great dimensions.
These defects might also be caused by certain types of severe inflammatory disorders in the uterus during the early days of pregnancy.
When no adhesions exist it is extremely easy to pass the hand quite round the tumour, ascertain its relations to the uterus and Fallopian tubes, and the length and thickness of its pedicle.
In two other groups of cases--one in which both ovaries and uterus were removed and another in which the uterus alone was removed--the results were not notably different.
Examination showed an enlarged and retroflexed uterus and anesthesia of vagina.
Clara Barrus has reported the case of a woman in whom there was congenital absence of uterus and ovaries, as proved subsequently by autopsy, but the sexual impulse was very strong and she had had illicit intercourse with a lover.
In a case of Cotterill's, the ovaries and uterus were of minute size and functionless, and the vagina was absent, but the sexual feelings were normal, and the clitoris preserved its usual sensibility.
He also refers to the frequency of myoma of the uterus among those who have not become pregnant or who have long ceased to bear children.
The uterus has a muscular wall and a chitinous lining.
At its hinder end theuterus opens by a median vertical slit, which lies in the 8th sternum, into a genital pouch which represents part of the external integument, folded back far into the interior of the abdomen.
This want of development of the ovaries is generally, though not invariably, associated with want of development of the uterus and other sexual organs; and I need not say that women in whom it exists are sterile.
Recollecting that the normal measurement is from two and a half to three inches, it appears that the arrest of development in these cases occurred when the uterus was half or less than half grown.
The common belief that the term "hysteria" is derived directly from the Greek word foruterus is certainly erroneous.
These displacements are many, for the uterus may not only drop down out of place, but it may be tipped towards one side or the other, to the front or the back; or it may be bent upon itself in various directions.
The uterus is the little nest or room in which the unborn baby has to live for three-fourths of a year.
The broad ligament on one side is stretched from use and on the other side shortened from disuse, and so the uterus remains permanently dislocated.
This extends to all the pelvic organs; the uterus and ovaries thus congested will soon manifest disease, and painful menstruation be the result.
I have known cases of painful menstruation entirely relieved by simply supporting the bowels by a bandage, thus relieving the uterus of pressure and allowing a free circulation through all the internal organs.
The uterus is a small organ, not vital to the individual, is very movable, and not sensitive, so that its displacement alone could hardly be considered sufficient to cause so great a train of evils as is frequently manifest.
People are very apt to think that the displacement of the uterus is the main factor, but in my opinion it is a secondary condition, and not the one to be first considered.
On the other side a support has been removed for the contents of the abdomen, and they sag down until they pry the uterus out of place and press it over towards the side where there is less pressure.
In order to relieve this condition, we apply to the uterus warm wine in which butter has been boiled, and these fomentations are continued until the uterus becomes soft, and then it is gently replaced.
This same method has been suggested for severe haemorrhage from the lungs as well as from the uterus in our own time.
As a consequence, prolapse of the uterus occurs, and it becomes indurated.
Probably the most interesting passage in her book for the modern time is that with regard to a torn perineum and its repair, even when prolapse of the uterus is a complication.