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Example sentences for "duct"

Lexicographically close words:
ducked; ducking; ducklings; ducks; duckweed; ductile; ductility; duction; ductless; ductor
  1. A pair of genital apertures, connected by genital ducts with the paired gonads, are found right and left near the nephridial pores, except in a few cases where the genital duct joins that of the renal organ (Spondylus).

  2. These forms are hermaphrodite, with an ovary and testis completely separate from each other on each side of the body, each having its own duct and aperture.

  3. Duct of the liver on the wall of the stomach.

  4. The genital duct opens by a pore into the urino-genital groove of the oyster (the same arrangement being repeated on each side of the body) close to but distinct from the aperture of the nephridial canal.

  5. In tuberculous cases it is desirable to curette the lower end of the duct after removal of the sac.

  6. The orifice of the main duct is very liable to become blocked from inflammation of the vulva, and leads to the formation of a single cyst varying in size from a cherry to an orange.

  7. The lower end of the style should rest upon the floor of the nose, otherwise there is a tendency for the style to slip into the duct and disappear.

  8. The orifice of the duct can usually be seen red and prominent, and may exude pus if pressure be made over the abscess-sac.

  9. When a vaginal leakage occurs a few days after a vaginal hysterectomy, it is probably due to necrosis and sloughing of a ureter, or the duct may have been included in a ligature which has separated by sloughing.

  10. The sac is pulled well forward, and the posterior wall is separated, the neck of the sac being divided as far down the duct as possible by means of scissors.

  11. The backward direction of the duct is much more marked in young children than in adults.

  12. A large probe is passed down the duct into the nose.

  13. The fluid will either regurgitate through the upper canaliculus or, if the duct be patent, pass down into the nose and so into the throat.

  14. The duct is dilated by probing (vide supra) or enlarged by passing Stilling’s knife down it.

  15. As soon as the surgeon clearly establishes the existence of a ureteral fistula he is beset with the necessity of deciding which duct is the seat of damage.

  16. In the latter the duct through which the solid excretions pass is not yet in working order; the digestive apparatus, tied at the lower end, is not discharging an atom.

  17. Excitement can set the attendant air-duct in motion.

  18. Bourne that the genital ducts of both sexes are paired right and left, the left duct being rudimentary and forming the "pyriform appendage," described by Sir R.

  19. The right and left portions of the intestinal ring of the genital duct are unequally developed, and there are no vesiculae seminales, but two pairs of accessory glands communicate with the genital atrium as in Lithobius.

  20. There are two oviducts (right and left) in the female, and two sperm-ducts in the male, the left duct in both sexes being rudimentary.

  21. The sperm-duct is always single except, according to W.

  22. Beyond the prostate the duct opens into a large terminal reservoir which has been called Needham's sac, and in which the spermatophores are stored.

  23. Into the latter open a pair of short receptacula seminis and the slender duct of two pairs of large accessory glands.

  24. Bourne), the functional right ovi-sac and its duct being attached by a membrane to the opposite side of the heart.

  25. From each pair proceed two slender ducts which open into a median duct coiled in the posterior third of the body and much expanded in the last three of the leg-bearing segments.

  26. In the Decapoda the ducts of the posterior pair unite into a median duct which opens on the surface of the sub-radular organ.

  27. The genital aperture and duct is sometimes single, when it is the left; sometimes the typical pair is developed right and left of the anus.

  28. Each gland has a single duct and by this duct opens the inner surface of the adjacent labia minoris just external to the hymen.

  29. There are usually none while the stones are in the gall bladder, but when they pass from the gall bladder down through the (channel) duct into the bowel they often cause terrific pain, especially when the stone is large.

  30. The duct (canal) of the gland of Bartholin, situated in the labia majora, sometimes closes and the secretions of the gland are not cast out, thus forming the cyst.

  31. Schwann found that when the contents of the bile-duct in dogs were caused to discharge themselves externally through a fistulous opening in the wall of the abdomen, the animals quickly wasted away and died.

  32. It is supposed by some that this result is due to an irritation of the orifice of the hepatic duct in the duodenum, produced by the purgative medicine.

  33. On killing it and opening the body, the thoracic duct was found to be full.

  34. If the period of sexual excitement extends over fifteen to thirty minutes, the whole duct system from the epididymis to the ampulla becomes gorged with the secreted testicular product.

  35. There are two of these vesicles, from each a small duct joins the vas deferens making up what is known as the ejaculatory duct.

  36. The urine is acid in reaction and the frequent passage of urine along the urethra leaves that duct acid in reaction under usual conditions.

  37. On the contrary, in the male, sterilization is ordinarily accomplished by an operation known as vasectomy, in which a small piece of each sperm duct is removed.

  38. The Mexicans although in the State are out of it.

  39. They still preserve a sort of international independence, and keep their affairs snug to themselves.

  40. To provide for more continuous operation and for more exact temperature control, a thermostat has been placed in the duct and is so constructed as to operate some reheater coils beneath the brine-coils in the refrigerating room.

  41. This duct has a number of openings, each of which can be controlled by a valve, and an unlimited supply of cold air can be directed to any portion of the calorimeter room at will.

  42. If outdoor air is desired, a special duct can be connected with the system so as to furnish outdoor air to the chamber.

  43. The spleen is the branchia of the stomach; it has therefore no excretory duct and requires none.

  44. The transition of the water-into the air-ducts takes place in the higher animals through the union of the thoracic duct with the subclavian vein, which conveys the blood directly to the lungs.

  45. For it is the air-duct united with the intestinal vessel.

  46. Then the thoracic duct finally unites with the lungs through the medium of the heart, which is a new formation.

  47. The oviduct and seminal duct or penis follow the same mode of formation.

  48. They are bundles of ramified Vorticellæ, a thoracic duct full of glands and roots, which absorbs nutriment out of the sea, instead of an intestine.

  49. It is a continuation of the artery, like the air-duct is of the skin, and the lymphatic vessel of the intestine.

  50. By this inosculation it is not improbable that all four ducts, proceeding from the two glands of the same age, may be connected together; certainly the bifurcating branches from the same duct thus become repeatedly connected.

  51. In one case I was able to count four bifurcations in the duct between the gland and the edge of the basal membrane.

  52. The cartilage does not seem to be involved, and, although it is not so stated, the nasal duct appears to remain intact.

  53. Manley reports a case of rupture of the thoracic duct in a man of thirty-five, who was struck by the pole of a brewery wagon; he was knocked down on his back, the wheel passing squarely over his abdomen.

  54. Hebra mentions a young man in whom the blood spurted from the hand in a spiral jet corresponding to the direction of the duct of the sweat-gland.

  55. In other cases this malformation is unilateral and the fissure ascends, in which instance the fissure may be accompanied by a fistula of the duct of Stensen.

  56. Lieutaud has seen the pancreas missing and speaks of a double pancreatic duct that he found in a man who died from starvation; Bonet speaks of a case similar to this last.

  57. The hepatic and cystic ducts were pervious and the hepatic duct obliterated.

  58. On postmortem examination it was found that the effusion was chyle, the thoracic duct being torn just opposite the 9th dorsal vertebra, which had been transversely fractured.

  59. There is no gall-bladder, and the biliary duct enters the duodenum about 6 in.

  60. The principal duct enters the duedenum with the bile-duct, and there is often a second small duct opening separately.

  61. The opening of the exit-duct is adjusted so as to be opposite to the canals which extend down the mandibles like troughs.

  62. It receives the saliva from the glands by means of the two salivary ducts which have just been described, and propels it through the exit duct of the pump into the salivary canal in the mandibles.

  63. Opposite each biat, a bracket, bb, was then nailed, which carries a set of rough boards which formed the risers for the duct steps.

  64. The serious problem was to guard against grout and mortar running into the duct opening through the joints from the concrete, which was a rather wet mixture.

  65. Instead, a board was laid upon this lower step on which the duct layers could work.

  66. Where the bond came opposite the risers of the duct step, against which the ducts were laid, recesses were provided for the projecting bond.

  67. All costs of labor in the tunnel chargeable to duct laying amounted to $0.

  68. There are two sets of these, each having three lobes with a common duct which joins the duct from the other set a short distance before they enter the base of the hypopharynx.

  69. Down through the median line of the hypopharynx runs a minute duct (Fig.

  70. The thoracic duct opens into a vein leading directly to the heart; so that whatever portion of the chyle is not actually needed by the organism is thoroughly mixed with the general mass of blood.

  71. The Pancreas is composed of a number of lobules or glands; a small duct proceeds from each; they unite and form a common canal, which proceeds towards, and terminates in, the fourth stomach.

  72. And there was that hazard here, for every duct looked like every other one.

  73. As he went from duct to duct, he had an almost ridiculous feeling of freedom and power.

  74. This duct passes upward in front of the spine and empties into a vein near the heart.

  75. A smaller portion is carried through the thoracic duct and emptied into a vein near the heart.

  76. Teat with milk duct connecting the exterior with the milk cistern.

  77. The inner walls of the milk duct and cistern are always more or less moist, and therefore afford a suitable place for bacteria to develop, if infection once occurs, and conditions are favorable for growth.

  78. The normal contraction of the muscles at the lower opening of the outer duct prevents the milk from passing out except when pressure is applied, as in milking.

  79. The reel or drum carrying the cable should be mounted on wheels or jacks and placed on the same side of the manhole as the duct into which the cable is to be drawn, and must always be so placed that the cable will run off the top of the reel.

  80. Iron pipe will of course rust out in time, and if absolute permanence in construction is desired, should be laid in cement, for after the pipe rusts out, the duct of cement is still left.

  81. The cable should be reeled off the drum just fast enough to prevent any of the power used in pulling the cable through the duct being utilized in unreeling it.

  82. It is not advisable to pull more than one cable into a duct, and never advisable to pull a cable into a duct containing another cable, but if two or more cables have to go into the same duct, they should always be drawn in together.

  83. Six inches of lead pipe, split lengthwise and bent over at one end to prevent being drawn into the duct with the cable, makes a very good protector.

  84. A rod is placed in a duct at a manhole, one screwed to that, both are pushed forward, another one added and pushed forward, and so on until they extend the entire length of the duct.

  85. To do this the rope should be pulled through the proper duct in the next section without unfastening it from the cable; the winch should be moved to the next manhole, and pulling through then done as before.

  86. If this latter is allowed to occur the cable will be bent too short and the lead covering buckled or broken, and also the cable may be jammed against the upper edge of the duct and perhaps cut through.

  87. At the reel there must always be a large enough number of men to turn it and keep the cable from rubbing on anything, and in the manhole one or more men to see that the cable feeds into the duct straight and to guide it if necessary.

  88. For the ducts separated from the earth by at least one other duct the rise in temperature of contained air was 144° Fahrenheit above the earth.

  89. At Niagara Falls some tests were made to show the rise of air temperature in a section of thirty-six-duct conduit lying between two manholes about 140 feet apart.

  90. Pressure in this basement is maintained by drawing outside air through a metal duct that terminates in a hood on the outside of the sub-station about nine feet above the ground.

  91. The Wolffian duct is the urogenital duct of the adult, and the Mullerian duct is entirely absorbed, or remains, more or less, in exceptional cases.

  92. Mark with flag-labels the duct of the pancreas, the ureters, and the oviducts or the sperm ducts (as the case may be).

  93. Ventral to this appears a parallel canal, the Mullerian duct (M.

  94. By squeezing the gall bladder gently, the bile duct will be injected with bile, and will be apparent if the stomach is turned over.

  95. There is no coiling small intestine, but the short portion, receiving the bile duct (b.

  96. Hence in the tissue of the liver we have, branching and interweaving among the lobuli, the small branches of the bile duct (b.

  97. There is no separate pancreatic duct, but the bile duct runs through the pancreas, and receives a series of ducts from that gland as it does so.

  98. The eggs receive an oblong horny case in the oviduct; in the figure such a case is figured as distending the duct at e.

  99. New material enters most conspicuously; (a) by the portal veins portal veins and (b) by the thoracic duct and left superior cava.

  100. Romans constructed a duct to carry off its superfluous water into the Tiber; part of the duct is through a tunnel, which, in consequence of modern repairs, is still in a state of perfect preservation.

  101. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "duct" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.