The superficial fascia having invested the testicles each in a distinct sac, the adjacent sides of both these sacs, by joining together, form the median septum scroti, E, Fig.
I felt the hand of the doctor embracing my testicles and gently pressing them.
This is true, for my testicles were swollen in an alarming manner.
When they came thither, then were they taken one by one, and deprived each of the right hand and the testicles beneath.
The wearing of a suspensory bag is also advisable for those whose testicles are unusually pendulous.
The testicles form an abnormal amount of spermatozoa; the seminal vesicles secrete their peculiar fluid too freely.
As the ovaries enlarge and the eggs ripen in the one sex, so in the other the testicles increase in size, as the season of reproduction approaches, and become turgid with spermatozoa.
In most of the lower orders of animals there is a periodical development of the testicles in the male, corresponding in time with that of the ovaries in the female.
The testicles first begin the secretion of the seminal fluid.
At the same time, the testicles of the male fish, which are contained within the abdominal cavity, become distended with developed zoosperms.
The testicles are connected with the urinary passage by means of two ducts which terminate near the base of the bladder, at which point they connect with the urethra.
The importance of the testicles has not, however, been altogether ignored, as the very word testis itself shows, for the testis is simply the witness of virility.
One may perhaps refer in this connection to the fact that at Rome and elsewhere the testicles have been called apples.
Spermatogenesis, these inquirers conclude, may be the initial factor, but the results must be attributed to the elaboration by the testicles of an internal secretion and its absorption into the general circulation.
Below puberty the diameter of testicles is below 14 millimeters.
In the meanwhile, apparently on the advice of friends, he went into hospital, and in the middle of February, 1894, his testicles were removed.
The penis, it may be added, is of good size, and the testiclesrather large.
The testicles are well developed, the penis perhaps rather below the average in size, and the prepuce long and narrow.
Before that operation my testicles would swell and become sore and hurt me, and have seemed to do so since, just as a man will sometimes complain that his amputated leg hurts him.
The effect of removing the testicleswas far from beneficial, and he began to suffer from hysterical melancholia.
When discharged from the Criminal Insane Asylum, Olmstead returned to Chicago and demanded his testicles from the City Postmaster, whom he accused of being in a systematized conspiracy against him.
As previously mentioned, it is in the testicles that the secretion necessary for the reproductive act is prepared.
The young male, even before its testicles have developed, woos the female by movements, song, or other characteristic sounds.
This external secretion of the testicles does, however, receive the admixture of a number of other secretions, to constitute the semen as actually discharged, viz.
Thus, in the post-mortem examination of the body of a boy aged fourteen, whose physique was still quite infantile, he found well-developed spermatozoa both in the testicles and in the seminal vesicles.
In the boy, we observe the growth of the beard and the pubic hair, and a more rapid enlargement of the testicles and the other organs of reproduction.
In the child, the testicles are considerably smaller; smaller also are the penis and the other genital organs.
These ducts convey the secretion of the testicles into the urethra along which canal it passes to the exterior.
Whichever theory we accept, the chemical or the nervous, both theories harmonise equally with the fact that in boys, before the formation of spermatozoa begins, processes occur in the testicles which powerfully influence the organism.
The testicles forming within the body, descend later into the scrotum, and organs similar to them, their counterparts, form in the female and are called ovaries.
Antiquity knew three varieties of eunuch: Castrati: Scrotum andtesticles were amputated.
To the testicleswere vasa deferentia, but they were imperfect.
Masturbation not only occasions loss of semen, but frequently the testicles and other generative organs waste and become reduced in size as a result of the abuse.
Colorado, applied at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, a few years ago, and said he had for five years been troubled with nightly emissions of semen and his testicles were gradually wasting away.
Sometimes the disease is accompanied by swelling of the breasts in the female, or the testicles in the male.
It is secreted by the testicles and is intermixed with the fluids secreted by the prostate and by Cowper's glands.
In the lower order of animals, as sheep and swine, one of the testicles has been removed, and there resulted afterward both male and female progeny, so that the theory seems to lack facts for a foundation.
The secretion of the testicles which is thrown out during sexual intercourse and contains the principle of generation.
In the male the testicles pass out of the ventral cavity, and penetrate by the inguinal canal into a sac-shaped fold of the outer skin.
In these cases either an ovary is developed on the right and a testicle on the left (or vice versa); or else there are testicles and ovaries on both sides, some more and others less developed.
In the elephant and the whale the testicles descend very little, and remain underneath the kidneys.
When it remains open the testicles may periodically pass into the scrotum, and withdraw into the ventral cavity again in time of rut (as in many of the marsupials, rodents, bats, etc.
The testicles being so seated in the female, that they admit not of protrusion; and the neck of the matrix wanting those parts which are discoverable in the organ of virility.
But to speak properly, these are no Testicles or parts official unto generation, but glandulous substances that seem to hold the nature of Emunctories.
He setteth up his tail like a cedar, the sinews of his testicles are wrapped together.
Lord any beast that hath the testicles bruised, or crushed, or cut and taken away: neither shall you do any such things in your land.
An eunuch, whose testicles are broken or cut away, or yard cut off, shall not enter into the church of the Lord.
It has been demanded whether an animal, a man for example, can possess at once testicles and ovaries, or the glands which are taken for ovaries; in a word, the distinctive organs of both sexes?
But how could a man, who had been a Cordelier, be ignorant that thetesticles of men are often hidden in the abdomen, and that they are equally if not more effective in that situation?
The testicles are then seized with the fingers and drawn out.
The usual method employed in this country is to remove the testicles before the regenerative power of the animal is developed.
The Turk claims that an animal treated in this manner is less liable to die than one whose testicles are removed.
When the latter method is used the testicles and cord undergo an inflammatory process which destroys the regenerative power of the animal.
The testicles are slippery and some herders prefer to use the teeth instead of the fingers to extract the testicles.
The testicles remain in the scrotum apparently unchanged.
The testicles can be located at the bottom of the enlargement.
It is not difficult to recognize this form of rupture, as the scrotum that normally retains only the testicles is usually enlarged by the bowels entering it.
The glandular structure of the testicles had disappeared; they were atrophied, little besides connective tissue remaining.
The penis was not more than an inch in length and about the diameter of the little finger, and of the testicles there was apparently nothing left but a little connective tissue.
Indurated testicles may sometimes be remedied in the early stages by smearing with a weak iodin ointment daily for a length of time, and at the same time invigorating the system by liberal feeding and judicious work.
Stallions with undescended testicles are beyond the reach of medicine, and should be castrated and devoted to other uses.
In the male the alternate drawing up and relaxation of the testicles in the scrotum are suggestive, and in small horses the oiled hand introduced into the rectum may reach the kidney and ascertain its sensitiveness.
The testiclesmay become the seat of fibrous, calcareous, fatty, cartilaginous, or cystic degeneration, for all which the appropriate treatment is castration.
This is the removal of a testicle or testicles that have failed to descend into the scrotum, but have been detained in the inguinal canal or inside the abdomen.
Bleeding from the nose, sudden swelling of one of the hind legs, and the swelling of the testicles are liable to precede an acute eruption of glanders.
In the entire horse the testicles are frequently swollen and hot and sensitive to the touch, but they have no tendency to suppuration.
A boar with excessively small testicles should be avoided, as such a one is often barren.
Occasionally one or more of the boar pigs of a litter will be found to be malformed, in that only one of the testicles is apparent.
The testicles become flabby and stringy and no longer make strong, healthy, fecund vital fluid.
Soon this loss tells, not only upon the brain and nerves and general health, but upon the testicles where this fluid is made.
There are small ducts leading from the testicles into the pocket which contains the prostate fluid.
These are known as the seminal ducts, and through them the spermatozoa pass from the testiclesinto the prostate pocket.
The testicles are two kidney shaped glands, not far from the size of a large hickory nut, and are contained in a sort of sack, or pocket, called the scrotum, which is made for their comfortable and safe carrying.
The removal of the testicles does not of necessity render a man impotent, although it deprives him of his procreative power.
Removal of testicles may prove fatal from shock to nervous system.
From the illustrations referred to, a boy is likely to draw conclusions regarding the vital importance of the functions of the testicles and regarding any possible misuse of them.