All I have been able to discover concerning masturbation in little girls concerned the clitoris and not those other external genitals which are so important for the later sexual functions.
The genitals of such persons unite the male and female characteristics (hermaphroditism).
But besides this, just as in thumbsucking, any other region of the body may become endowed with the excitation of the genitals and raised to an erogenous zone.
The latter, if I may draw conclusions from a single analysis, is in a most pronounced way true of exhibitionists, who expose their genitals so as in turn to bring to view the genitals of others.
The tension produced by sexual excitation is everywhere accompanied by pleasure; even in the preparatory changes of the genitals there is a distinct feeling of satisfaction.
The most striking process of puberty has been selected as its most characteristic; it is the manifest growth of the external genitals which have shown a relative inhibition of growth during the latency period of childhood.
This can be turned into the artistic ("sublimation") if the interest is turned from the genitals to the form of the body.
As a rule these forces halt at the genitals; there is, however, no doubt that even the genitals of the other sex themselves may be an object of loathing.
The employment of the mouth as a sexual organ is considered as a perversion if the lips (tongue) of the one are brought into contact with the genitals of the other, but not when the mucous membrane of the lips of both touch each other.
At some time during childhood after the nursing period, the sexual impulse of the genitals reawakens and continues active for some time until it is again suppressed, or it may continue without interruption.
It is this sexual overvaluation, which so ill agrees with the restriction of the sexual aim to the union of the genitals only, that assists other parts of the body to participate as sexual aims.
But the otter made a mistake in conveying the message to that effect; and that is how the genitals come to be in the inconvenient place they are now in.
At the beginning of the world it had been the Creator's intention to place both men's and women's genitals on their foreheads so that they might be able to procreate children easily.
To it is directly related the satisfaction of the sexual impulse; indeed this belongs to it, because the genitals belong to the body.
According to all this, the genitals are properly the focus of will, and consequently the opposite pole of the brain, the representative of knowledge, i.
For although here also the body objectifies in the genitals the will to perpetuate the species, yet this is not willed.
And here is a curious fact: The hand of the opposite sex will produce effects on the genitals of the other which will not be produced in any other way.
Truth to tell, the practice of applying saliva to the genitals before coition is very general, so much so that it might almost be counted as instinctive.
Among these savages the genitals of a murdered man are eaten by an old woman, and the genitals of a murdered woman are eaten by an old man.
At certain sacrifices in Yucatan blood was drawn from the genitals of a human victim and smeared on the face of the idol.
And this is certain, that if Nature having formed a male should convert him into a female, she has nothing else to do but to turn his genitals inward, and again to turn a woman into a man by a contrary operation.
Egyptians, the surviving women, that they might multiply quickly, were commanded to drink the juice of sage, and to anoint the genitals with oil of aniseed and spikenard.
The priest, finding himself surrounded by flames, saw that he must either lose his genitals or be burned alive, so he jumped up and ran away, leaving his purse nailed there.
So it was ordered that he should be put in a cart and led through all the city of Rome, and at every street corner his genitals should be exposed.
Harriet began to tickle our genitals when we were thus joined while George entered her en cul at the same time passing his hand in front of her and titillating her clitoris with his finger.
Her thighs were stretched widely apart and Horace's staff was so deeply imbedded in Olivia's slit that the very hair of their genitals intermingled.
I then clasped his loins with my thighs and legs and strained myself so closely to him that the very hair of our genitals intermingled.
She was determined, however, to be aggressive with me, and with a tremendous heave of her bottom impaled herself to the hilt on my rod, so much so that the hair surrounding our genitals intermingled.
From below the knee to the beginning of the genitals will be the fourth part of the man.
From this point to the genitals is a face's length.
The whole hand will be the tenth part of the man; the beginning of the genitals marks the middle of the man.
For a long series of generations we have been in the habit of considering the genitals or pudenda as objects of shame, and in the case of more successful sexual repression as objects of disgust.
He wished to see the genitals of other persons, originally probably because he wished to compare them with his own.
This preconception is so firm in the youthful investigator that it is not destroyed even by the first observation of the genitals in little girls.
When parents make the "awful" discovery that their child is fondling its genitals or is indulging in masturbation, they feel as if a great calamity had befallen them.
When a little girl complains of itching around the genitals or of some discharge, the mother will hesitate long before taking her to a doctor.
The external genitals of the female are called the vulva.
The child's genitals should be frequently inspected by the mother, and scrupulous cleanliness by frequent bathing, sponging with warm solutions and powdering, should be maintained.
Every morning and every evening the girl should wash the external genitals with warm water, or plain soap and water.
It extends from the external genitals or vulva to the neck of the womb, embracing the latter for some distance.
The external genitalsof the human male consist of the penis and scrotum, the latter containing the testes.
While these may in part be removed by the friction against the clothing, it is advisable to wash the external genitals and all neighboring surfaces as a regular part of the daily toilet.
But outwardly or physiologically the genitals are the root and the head the crown.
The areas around the anus and genitals and the lips are unpigmented.
They are approximately the same size as pygmy killer whales, but the white area around the genitalswhich extends up onto the side in pygmy killer whales may be lacking in many-toothed blackfish.
Irritation about the genitals and the use of tobacco in the mouth encourage the appearance of contagious patches.
One may appear on the genitals one day and a few days later be gone, without the patient's ever realizing that it was there--yet in this interval a married man might infect his wife by sexual contact.
Similar recurrences about thegenitals often grow, because of the moisture, into buttons and flat, cauliflower-like warts from which millions of the germs can be squeezed.
The genitals are especially fitted to keep the germs in an active condition because of the ease with which air is excluded from the numerous folds about these parts.
Even a cold-sore on the mouth or genitals may become the seat of a syphilitic infection which will be misunderstood or escape notice.
On the other hand, chancres on parts other than the genitals may be acquired in any but innocent ways.
It is, however, a well-recognized fact that a person with syphilis may develop infectious sores about the mouth and the genitals even while the blood test is negative.
A chancre acquired from a drinking cup or pipe may be transmitted to husband or wife through a mucous patch on the genitals and to children through an infected mother, without the question of innocence or guilt ever having arisen.
The genitals were impure and must not be uncovered to the eye of God.
The aborigines of Queensland never cover the genitals except on special public occasions, or when near white settlements.
The primitive notion about the genitals is that they are the seat of involuntary phenomena which are to be referred to superior agents.
Venereal warts occur on thegenitals of either sex, and may form large cauliflower-like masses on the inner surface of the prepuce or of the labia majora.
The frequency with which infection takes place on the genitals during sexual intercourse warrants syphilis being considered a venereal disease, although there are other ways in which it may be contracted.
The superficial glands through their relations to the genitals are frequently the subject of venereal infection, and also of epithelioma when this disease affects the genitals or anus; they are rarely the seat of tuberculosis.
It attacks the lower extremity or the genitals in either sex (Figs.
How should you clean the genitals of a female child?
The genitals become bathed with secretions, which are sometimes tinged with blood.
The boy said, 'I will show you I am a laddie,' and pulled up his kilt, exposing his genitals and then his posterior.
The other was obscene, being generally the sight of a groom's or carter's genitalsin a state of violent erection.
Some confirmation of this conjecture is furnished by the savage story that the mother of Attis conceived by putting in her bosom a pomegranate sprung from the severed genitals of a man-monster named Agdestis, a sort of double of Attis.
If discharge from the genitals is present use absorbent cotton, or clean, soft old cloth to wash the parts, and burn it afterward.
Vaseline may be applied if the genitals are slightly reddened; any discharge or abnormal appearance should be reported to the doctor.
The author quoted above cites another case which occurred to Watson, where the prisoner alleged that a deep, clean-cut wound of the genitals of a woman which had caused her death was due to a fall on some broken glass.
There was no swelling of genitals and no soiling of clothing.
The external genitals should be very carefully examined for evidence of injury, the presence of syphilitic lesions, and in the female the condition of the vagina should be particularly ascertained.
Incised, lacerated, or contused wounds of the female genitals may be fatal from hemorrhage from many small vessels.
Deeply incised wounds of the female genitals proves wilful and deliberate malice; accident is out of the question and suicide is improbable in such cases.