He was said to have suffered death like the sun; and Plutarch tells us that Isis, unable to discover all the remains of her husband, consecrated the phallus as his representative.
They were designed as Father and Mother; and their more obvious symbols, as has already been intimated, were the Phallus and Kteis, or the Lingham and Yoni of Hindustan.
Whether the markings really ever were intended to represent the Phallus and the Yoni must always remain a matter of opinion.
The phallus is the other great symbol of the Life-Giver, generating life in woman, as the sun in the earth.
Thus Hermes, in Greece, was placed at cross-roads, with phallus prominent.
On some of these festive occasions the phallus was carried in the front of the procession and at other times the egg, the phallus and the serpent were carried in the secret casket.
The phallus was carried in procession for this purpose and the women dramatized the motive as searching for the god.
This was comparable to the phallus on Japanese highways.
There are frequent references to certain of the gods of the Ancients being represented in priapic attitudes, the phallus being the prominent and most important attribute.
Here thephallus was carried in procession as the emblem of Hermes.
In Syria, at the entrance of the temple at Hieropolis, was placed a human figure with a phallus 120 cubits high.
Some few plants are repellent from the obnoxious smells which they emit: among these are the Phallus impudicus, and many of the Stapelias.
In Italy even at the present day the phallus fulfils a similar function.
We have another Japanese case of a conventionalized phallus in the wo-bashira.
In Japan, thephallus symbolizes two distinct, although not unrelated, principles.
Near the end of the Kogojiui there is a passage which makes mention of the phallus as a magical appliance.
The phallus appears in another form at the festival held in honour of the Sahe no Kami on the first full moon in every year.
Through the cross-phallus idea, or through man's power to create, existence on the earth continues.
It was paid to thePhallus by the Asiatics, to Priapus by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, to Baal-Peor by the Canaanites and idolatrous Jews.
The stone phallus at the entrance as well as the erotic frescoes on the wall, point to this as being true.
Above all, no doubt, there were images of the phallusand the vulva, the great symbols of human fertility.
In the male the phallus becomes the penis; in the female it becomes the much smaller clitoris; this is only found to be very large in certain apes (Ateles).
The different forms of the phallus are connected with variations in the structure and distribution of the sensory corpuscles--i.
The sexual groove on the under side of the phallus receives in the male the mouth of the urogenital canal, and is changed into a continuation of this, becoming a closed canal by the juncture of its parallel edges, the male urethra.
The sexual protuberance or phallus is the chief organ of the sexual sense (Chapter 2.
The phallus of a divine statue was not always merely for adoration and carrying in procession; the Roman bride sacrificed her virginity to the god Priapus as a sacred rite.
Unless the phallus itself were the object of adoration there would be no reason to carry it in procession as a religious ceremony, and it is easily understandable that such a cult would commend itself chiefly to women.
In ancient Egypt it was not uncommon to have statues of which the phallus was of a different material from the figure, and so made that it could be removed from its place and carried in procession.
Its worship extended throughout India and Syria; a gigantic Phallus adorned the temple of the mother of the gods at Hierapolis, and it was carried in triumph in processions through Egypt and Greece.
This phallus develops under the ground until its spores are mature.
In order, however, to make some amends for the loss, Isis consecrated the phallus made in imitation of it, and instituted a solemn festival to its memory, which is even to this day observed by the Egyptians.
The festival of the phallus survived in Egypt until quite recently.
Thy phallus is to thee, Horus, and thou art Kamutef, the protector of his father, who maketh an answer for his children in the course of every day.
FN#338] The three-fold phallus merely signifies any great and indefinite number.
FN#337] Osiris is the great principle of fecundity, which is proved by the Pamylia festivals, in which a statue of the god with a triple phallus is carried about.
Lenoir, however, on account of the column shown within the building, believes the whole may be an emblem of phallic worship, the column being a phallus and the building its shrine or temple.
That the serpent was the phallusis proved by the Bible itself.
To primitive people it is but a natural phase to have the phallus become the exponent of creative power, and as such to be worshiped.
Thus we see the phallus associated with the pine cone and other elements of vegetative life.
A phallus was worn as a charm, somewhat as a fetish to ward off disease.
It is said that there are thirty million phalli in India and that a phallus is found in nearly every Hindu household.
The phallus which once had been attended with all ceremony had become a mere charm.
The Greeks usually represented the phallus alone, as a distinct symbol, the meaning of which seems to have been among the last discoveries revealed to the initiated.
The spiritual worship of the Deity gave place to the worship of a representative image of him--a block of stone called Phallus or Linga, representing the procreative power discerned in Nature.
It is more particularly with the god Siva we shall have to do in stating facts which illustrate the subject of Phallic worship, for the Lingam or Phallus was the emblem under which he was specially worshipped.
Linga--The phallus or emblematic representation of Siva.
Diodorus Siculus and Plutarch say that Osiris signifies a person that has many eyes, and Siva is drawn with an additional eye in his forehead, though the phallus is his usual form.
In the symbolic language of this sect the lotus is the symbol of the vagina, while the phallus is called “the jewel.
The Egyptians consecrated the Phallus in the Mysteries of Osiris and Isis, as we learn from Plutarch and Diodorus Siculus; and the latter assures us that these emblems were not consecrated by the Egyptians alone, but by every people.
Phallus appears on monuments a symbol of life-giving power, 427-m.
Phallus and Cteis conveyed no idea of indecency, 401-l.
Phallus and Cteis worn by innocent and virtuous women, 402-m.
Mysteries, Phallus and Cteis as emblems of generation appear in the, 401-l.
Phallus and Cteis symbolized the Active and Passive Principles of the Universe, 401-l.
Phallus consecrated in the Mysteries of Osiris and Isis in Egypt, 656-m.
Phallus of the Kabalah represented by Yod, type of human Tetragram, 771-m.
As we advance northward they decrease rapidly, so that the central districts of Sweden possess only a single species, the Phallus impudicus, and even this solitary representative of the family is very scarce.
There after nine days' devotions women stretched themselves on the horizontal figure of the saint, and then scraped the phallus for mixture in water as a drink.
In Midlothian, in 1268, the clergy instructed their flock to sprinkle water with a dog's phallus in order to avert a murrain.
It is not associated with any rites that might be called particularly obscene; and on the coast, where manners and morals are particularly corrupt, the phallus cult is no longer met with.
There it seems the trunk is a phallus which mounts and disappears into a skirt of leaves or which, on the contrary, issues from a green clout and plunges into the glossy belly of the earth.