But the independent spirit of Julian refused to yield the passive and unresisting obedience which was required, in the name of religion, by the haughty ministers of the church.
The passive and unresisting obedience, which bows under the yoke of authority, or even of oppression, must have appeared, in the eyes of an absolute monarch, the most conspicuous and useful of the evangelic virtues.
He was an unresistingand noncombatant captive, and there was no offense ever alleged to have been committed by him subsequent to the date of the capture of the city.
Butler, when said Mumford was an unresisting and non-combatant captive, and for no offenses even alleged to have been committed by him subsequent to the date of the occupation of the city.
It is one thing to slay in battle, but to slaughter unresisting men goes altogether against my grain.
There were, however, many exceptions to the rule thatunresisting persons were not injured.
Their swords drank deep of slaughter among the unresisting fugitives.
Already the water was flowing to the sea, and she could imagine the coagulated masses vaguely swirling beneath her, borne unresisting upon the outgoing tide.
She took from Sally's unwilling but unresisting hand the letter which Mrs. Perce had written, pulled it from the open envelope, read it, and looked again at Sally.
The two Garrisons thus united; the whole preceded by a large body of Indians, were pushed forward to the position which had been selected on the Thames, and both shores of the Detroit were left an unresisting conquest to the Americans.
They are her first champions in that contest with Hellenic culture which was a real combat of mind, not a mere massacre of unresisting victims, and which lasted for five hundred years.
As fast as she denuded a submissive form she bathed it soapily, set it before the fire to dry out, and seized, with moist, firm grasp, upon another unresisting victim.
They will come out expecting to murder unresisting people; and the sight of our men-at-arms, in their white scarves, will set them off running like hares.
He drew his young companion unresisting from the spot.
The Affghans now rushed down upon their helpless and unresisting victims sword in hand, and a general massacre took place.
All order was at an end, the entreaties and commands of the officers were unheeded, and an utter rout ensued down the hill towards the cantonments, the enemy's cavalry making a fearful slaughter among the unresisting fugitives.
Then, like a tiger pouncing upon a fawn, he seized the unresisting girl in his arms and staggered back to his chair.
In quick penitence and humility he stretched out his arm and drew her unresistingto him.
The woman, still retaining Carmen's hand, went directly to a waiting automobile and pushed the unresisting girl through the open door.
The troops signalized their entry by firing on a crowd of 150 unarmed unresisting civilians, ten alone of whom escaped.
So still, so serene, so silvery, lulled to unresisting sleep, as a captive bride might be, by love for the surpassing beauty of those embracing arms.
And when Lilly unresisting had given in, Fraeulein von Schwertfeger presented her as a reward with a tiny folding domestic altar.
She was too docile andunresisting to attempt to justify this passion even in her own eyes.
Whatever I may be NOW, I was THEN the soul of disinterestedness and honour; and had she reposed on the bosom of her own father, that devoted and unresisting girl could not have been pressed there with holier tenderness.
Cold as no living thing should be, it lay in his, unresisting and unresponsive, whilst his was like his mood--hotly masterful.
He preferred the unresisting victim and could not afford an open quarrel with Dangeau.
She came passively at his touch, and stood in his embrace unresisting and unresponsive.
With that he was beside her, catching her unresisting hand.
He who accepted the story of the dancing fairies could have little difficulty in giving credence to that of the witches' "covine" dragging their unresisting prey through the streets.
The stone door itself swung slowly open, and they were out of it, in the Temple of Flora, blinking in the good daylight, an unresisting prey to Kathleen's embraces and the questionings of Mabel.
And the young girl laid her hand upon her parent, and looked him in the face with unresisting affection.
He abhorred independence in a wife; and Gabriella's immediate and unresisting acquiescence in his desire appeared to him to establish the fact of her essential and inherent femininity.
She had found men less the servants of mere instinct than she had found women, less the passive and unresisting vehicles of the elemental impulses.
Then justification by faith, an embrace of doctrinal formularies, a fixed and constant and unresisting submission to a covenant which suspends mercy, is the standard for others.