Laboratory studies of thekinetics of dry-heat kill of resistant organisms show that at 135 deg.
The rate of transcription is involved in the kinetics of cessation of enzyme induction, and the rate of transcription can be measured.
But to a considerable extent, as we shall see, Kinetics is treated in this introductory chapter: indeed, the discussion of the general theorems of dynamics and their applications to kinetics is remarkably complete.
Thus Abstract Dynamics is without the more complete treatment of Kinetics to which, as well as to Statics, the discussion of Dynamical Laws and Principles was intended to be an introduction.
In Volume II it was intended to include chapters on the kinetics of a particle and of solid and fluid bodies, on the vibrations of solid bodies, and on wave-motion in general.
She found atoms and kinetics rather confusing at first, but Franklin's delighted and deliberate elucidations made a light for her that promised by degrees to illuminate these dark subjects.
He wrote to her of kinetics and atoms as if she had been a fellow-student.