The Internet is the one and only uncensored place left on the earth.
Within the realm of human interaction in the only uncensored medium known, a different political experience is taking shape.
A few weeks later the case came back to Harmony with an antique gold bracelet for Hansie and a long uncensored letter, in the snug hiding-place, for Mrs. van Warmelo.
The author of Uncensored Celebrities is far too modest when he calls his new work a "sketch.
Their dreams are as uncensored as is their conversation.
The spontaneous and uncensored wishes of children gradually disappear as the children take on the speech conventions of the adult.
Open and uncensored wishes are best seen in children (though children at an early age begin to show repressions).
This conception of the dream as having both censored and uncensored features has led us to divide the dream into its specious or manifest content (face value, which is usually nonsensical) and its latent or logical content.
Raymond's "Uncensored Celebrities," a work as caustic as it was impartial.
Some exceedingly frank portraits of public men are contained in a book with the curious title of 'Uncensored Celebrities,' which Messrs.
Wider in range than "Uncensored Celebrities" and equally brilliant, this work may be expected to appeal to even a larger public than its remarkable predecessor.
All uncensored books, including those already passed as "harmless," were ordered to be taken away from the private libraries and forwarded to the censorship committees in Vilna and Kiev.
Many a doughboy at the front sighed wearily and shook his head doubtfully over the mess of sob-stuff that came uncensored from the States.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "uncensored" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: full; unbound; unmuzzled; untied