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Example sentences for "mucous membranes"

  • This is probably an important agent in the causation of many of the tumours met with in the skin and in mucous membranes--for example, cancer of the skin, of the lip, and of the tongue.

  • Capillary hæmorrhages sometimes take place in the skin or mucous membranes; and in a certain proportion of cases cutaneous eruptions simulating those of scarlet fever or measles appear, and are apt to lead to errors in diagnosis.

  • When applied to mucous membranes Apothesine is far inferior to cocain and to some other local anesthetics, yet the claim obviously suggests that Apothesine is an efficient substitute for any local anesthetic.

  • It belongs to the procain rather than to the cocain type, that is, it belongs to that type which, while effective for injection anesthesia (especially when combined with epinephrin) is relatively inefficient when applied to mucous membranes.

  • On the other hand, the acid properties of hydric cyanide are very feeble, and its effect on mucous membranes or the skin in no way resembles that of the mineral acids.

  • All these symptoms may occur from the application of the acid to the skin or to mucous membranes, and have been noticed when solutions of but moderate strength have been used--e.

  • Potassic chlorate is quickly absorbed by mucous membranes, and by the inflamed skin, and rapidly separated from the body by the action of the kidneys.

  • Spots soon appear upon the visible mucous membranes, and free hemorrhages occur; indeed, the latter may be the first symptom observed.

  • A morbid condition of the system manifested by a peculiar liability to certain forms of nutritive disorders of the skin, mucous membranes, joints, bones, organs of special sense, and especially the lymphatic glands.

  • The continuity of these lesions at the orifices of the mucous tracts, and the frequent association of external eczemas with catarrhs of mucous membranes, are facts of common experience.

  • Fibrinous inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larger air-passages is much more frequently met with than that of mucous membranes elsewhere, as of the intestines, uterus, and bladder.

  • The horn-like, keratoid, transformation of epidermoid cells in cutaneous cancers, the mucous degeneration of the epithelioid cells of cancers of mucous membranes, are sufficiently familiar.

  • It is probable that a diaphoretic dose of Tartar Emetic is actually eliminated from the skin and mucous membranes.

  • It acts on mucous membranes generally, being probably excreted in small quantities by those which are remote from the stomach.

  • Where extensive areas of mucous membranes are to be anesthetized, as in the rectum or urethra or bladder, one of the less toxic drugs is preferable.

  • Koller's report appeared, cocaine was used for a great many operations upon the eye, and its application to mucous membranes in general was soon taken up by practitioners everywhere.

  • In its use on mucous membranes it does not cause any anemia and therefore no secondary bleeding occurs.

  • For application to mucous membranes, as in the urethra, nose and throat, 1 per cent.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mucous membranes" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    another poem; brought her; caught himself; distance from the sun; everything that; extra hand; goes back; money economy; mucous membrane; mucous membranes; mucous patches; one that; operative stores; our earth; outward things; physical culture; sent back; she lay; sick room; starboard quarter; steep slope; straight replied; thirty years; will rise