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Example sentences for "urethra"

Lexicographically close words:
urea; uremic; ures; ureter; ureters; urethral; urge; urged; urgence; urgencies
  1. Under this name the writer recently described a large Filaria reported to have been withdrawn from the urethra of a man in West Virginia.

  2. To these symptoms are sometimes added an intolerable itching of the end of the urethra in males and of the vulva in females, probably due to the irritation caused by the saccharine urine in passing over and drying upon these parts.

  3. Fistulous openings generally close in a short time, when once the urethra has been widened.

  4. Retention from stricture of the urethra is of very frequent occurrence, and most difficult to manage.

  5. But it also occurs as a primary affection, particularly in young people, from irritability of the posterior part of the urethra not suffering the urine to accumulate within the bladder as in ordinary circumstances.

  6. Suppuration may take place at these points, and the matter escape either into the urethra or externally.

  7. This class of remedies, instead of stimulating, diminish greatly the irritability of the urethra or the other parts of the urinary organs.

  8. Sometimes the urethra is deficient to a great extent, terminating immediately before the scrotum, or even behind it.

  9. He went on from bad to worse; he had retention, and the urethra was found much obstructed; suppression followed, and death terminated his sufferings in a very few days.

  10. When the urethra is diseased, the testicle is irritable, and its circulation easily excited.

  11. The urethra seemed to have terminated at the bulb; the canula reached this, and was retained for twenty-four hours.

  12. A slender instrument for introduction into the urethra or a large one for the rectum or other opening.

  13. This can be called an infectious inflammation of the urethra, caused by the gonococcus, a microbe or germ, causing a specific inflammation of the mucous membrane of the urethra or vagina.

  14. The glands of Bartholin and those around the urethra may become infected and fill with pus.

  15. When the disease is caused by gonorrhoea it is more extensive and involves the vagina, urethra, the glands around the urethra and glands of Bartholin.

  16. Unless the patient takes great care, the bladder and urethra will be irritated and perhaps infected through neglect of cleanliness.

  17. A congenital defect in which the urethra opens on the dorsum (back) of the penis.

  18. The time that elapses between the exposure and development of the symptoms in the urethra is variable, extending from a few hours to twelve or fourteen days.

  19. As early as the first month of pregnancy a faint violet color of the anterior wall of the vagina just below the opening of the urethra may be distinguished.

  20. The urethra source of the infection must be cured.

  21. The urethra (the channel for the urine to pass through from the bladder out through the penis) usually passes through the gland at about the junction of its upper and middle third.

  22. In cases of difficulty occurring in the urethra behind the scrotum, invariably use the forefinger of the left hand in the rectum as a guide.

  23. This should not be furnished with a stop-cock or plug, lest the bladder should by inadvertence be allowed to be too full, and extravasation into the cellular tissue of the urethra take place along the side of the instrument.

  24. The opposite error may force the point out of the urethra between the membranous portion and the rectum, and onwards into the substance of the prostate gland.

  25. This is introduced into the urethra so that the angle projects the membranous portion of the urethra close to the apex of the prostate and the terminal straight portion enters the bladder parallel to the rectum.

  26. Civiale's instrument for internal incision of the urethra from behind forwards has the very high recommendation of Sir H.

  27. Care must be taken not to go past the urethra at either side.

  28. If not, the surgeon must simply seek for the remains of the urethra by slow, cautious dissection in the middle line.

  29. The membranous portion of the urethra is then laid open in the middle line, and the beak of a double lithotome caché securely lodged in the groove.

  30. In every exploration of an unknown urethra the surgeon should commence with an instrument of medium size, certainly not less than No.

  31. A button-hole is afterwards made in the lower flap, though which the corpus spongiosum and urethra protrude, while the flap itself is turned upwards, and attached dorsally and laterally, so as to cover in the exposed cavernous structure.

  32. A highly contagious venereal disease, characterized by an inflammatory discharge of mucus from the urethra and prepuce in the male, and from the urethra and the vagina in the female.

  33. The vagina lies in relation with the bladder and the urethra in front, and with the rectum behind.

  34. The symptoms of inflammation of the urethra are always very pronounced, because the mucous membrane of the urethra is the most sensitive part of the bladder.

  35. An obstruction to the flow of urine through the urethra causes the bladder to become overdistended with urine and induces paralysis.

  36. There is a predisposition on the part of the mucous surfaces to become infected by eruptions of the eruptive fevers, and the urethra is particularly liable to this invasion.

  37. The female urethra is sometimes the seat of simple neuralgia, by which is meant a painful condition in which there is no apparent disease or inflammation of the tissues.

  38. The urethra often takes on the inflammations of the neighboring tissue or organs; disease of the vulva or of the vagina will spread itself to the urinary canal.

  39. In the newly married, the urethra becomes sometimes the seat of a painful spasmodic contraction; this is due to a tense hymen, which should be slightly nicked with a pair of scissors.

  40. This naturally drags the bladder upwards, and so stretches the urethra that it becomes sore and extremely irritable.

  41. Smallpox pustules are apt to break out in the urethra during the acute stage of the disease, and excite a very itching and painful urethritis.

  42. I remember a case of internal hemorrhoids, which was never suspected by the patient because there were no painful symptoms pointing to the rectum, but in which the urethra was very painful in its entire extent.

  43. This occasions a drag on the urethra downwards and backwards, which is painfully annoying, and there is a constant inclination to pass water.

  44. Gonorrhœal infection of the vagina will in the great majority of cases extend itself to the urethra as well as to the cavity of the womb and neighboring organs.

  45. The urethra may also become involved, and then the symptoms that were detailed in connection with urethritis are also present.

  46. Injuries of the membranous urethra and bladder are frequent complications, less commonly the rectum, the vagina, or the iliac blood vessels are damaged.

  47. The urethra and anal canal are insensitive, and there is paralysis of the levatores ani, the rectal and the vesical sphincters.

  48. Before the treatment of the fracture is commenced, the surgeon must satisfy himself, by the use of the catheter and by other means, that the urethra and bladder are intact.

  49. Urinary cyst and urethra stand in sympathetic relation with the trachea and larynx, and have also similar diseases, such as catarrh, inflammation, &c.

  50. The uterus then ranks midway between its condition as such, and that of a prostate gland; the spermatic tube or urethra opens after a female fashion below the root of the penis.

  51. By degrees the cloaca is retracted towards the ureters, and then originates a cloaca, which is both urethra and urinary cyst, as in Birds.

  52. It will then be seen that the urethra is carried forward nearly an inch.

  53. The latter operation consists in excising a wedge-shaped piece of the posterior wall of the urethra containing the caruncle.

  54. Lacerations of the urethra from urethral coitus in instances of vaginal atresia or imperforate hymen may also excite serious hemorrhage.

  55. For three days he is allowed nothing to drink, and is not allowed to pass his urine, the urethra being filled with a pewter plug.

  56. In the evening he passed great quantities of blood from the urethra with excessive pain in the urinary tract.

  57. The urethra bifurcated in the perineal region and sent a branch to each penis, and urine passed from each meatus.

  58. There are a few cases on record in which the bladder has been ruptured by distention from the accumulation of urine, but the accident is a rare one, the urethra generally giving way first.

  59. She acquired this mania after an attempt at dilatation of the urethra in the relief of an obstinate case of strangury.

  60. Patients in whom the urethra opens at the root of the penis, the meatus being imperforate, are not necessarily impotent; as, for instance, Fournier knew of a man whose urethra opened posteriorly who was the father of four children.

  61. The glans penis and the urethra were perfectly formed.

  62. Morand relates the history of a man of sixty-two who introduced a sprig of wheat into his urethra for a supposed therapeutic purpose.

  63. A small silver cap was made to cover the sensitive urethra on a line with the abdominal wall.

  64. It was possible to pass a sound through the opening in the rectum to the bladder through a urethra 1 1/2 inches wide; the patient had control of the bladder and urinated from every three to five hours.

  65. Operations on the bladder or urethra are not dangerous or liable to be followed by abortion.

  66. Hunt speaks of eight calculi removed from the urethra of a boy of five.

  67. Neuralgia of the urethra is an affection which is occasionally seen, both in males and females.

  68. I have seen spasmodic stricture of the male urethra thus produced, and likewise vaginal spasm.

  69. A bougie of this description, of moderate size, and slightly oiled, or wetted with glycerin or gum-water, may be passed through the whole length of the urethra of a healthy person without causing the slightest pain.

  70. Gutta-percha catheters (hollow bougies) are still more flexible and easily introduced, and may remain in the urethra for a long time without causing irritation; an important advantage in such matters.

  71. This disease often appears in the form of a yellowish secretion, which is more and more increased and becomes ichorous with the decay of the urethra and the prostate gland.

  72. With the affection of the prostate gland, that of the urethra also begins, which passes through the middle of the prostate gland.

  73. Moreover, we must not forget that the rhythmical muscular contractions, which in the adult effect ejaculation, are able to expel the fluid from the urethra only when this fluid is present in sufficient quantity.

  74. These ducts convey the secretion of the testicles into the urethra along which canal it passes to the exterior.

  75. The secretion of this gland is conveyed into the urethra by numerous short ducts, known as the prostatic ducts.

  76. The proximal segment of the urethra is surrounded by the prostate gland.

  77. The vas deferens traverses the inguinal canal into the abdominal cavity, and therein passes downwards to the prostatic portion of the urethra (vide infra).

  78. At the anterior extremity of the glans penis is the orifice of the urethra (meatus).

  79. Compression of the urethra by growths or tumors, strictures of the urethra, distended bladder, spasm of the neck of the bladder in nervous animals, paralysis of the bladder and injuries to the penis are common causes of retention of the urine.

  80. These glands empty their secretions into the urethra and dilute the seminal fluid.

  81. The male may carry the infection in the sheath, urethra and on the penis.

  82. Cowper's glands lie along the course of the urethra and near the origin of the penis.

  83. In the female, the urethra is short and terminates in the vulva.

  84. Where extensive areas of mucous membranes are to be anesthetized, as in the rectum or urethra or bladder, one of the less toxic drugs is preferable.

  85. A hollow cylinder of silver, rubber or other material designed for passage thru the urethra and other channels.

  86. From this point the male urethra emerges from the abdominal cavity and is continued along the special prolongation which forms the penis, or virile member of copulation.

  87. Gonorrheal ophthalmia may also occur in adults by conveying pus from the urethra to the eyes by the fingers.

  88. Stricture of the urethra and inflammation of the bladder are more rare in women than in men, as the result of gonorrhea.

  89. It hangs flaccid and terminates in a rounded swelling called the glans, at the end of which opens the urethra (Fig.

  90. Some hysterical women introduce objects into the urethra during masturbation and cause severe inflammation of the bladder.

  91. It has thus combined in the male the urethra with the copulatory organ, and the sexual germinal glands, or testicles, with an accessory gland, the epididymis.

  92. One of them, situated in the middle and underneath and formed by two bodies united into one, surrounds the urethra and terminates in front in a dilatation which constitutes the glans already mentioned.

  93. In women, the urethra opens externally on its own account.

  94. This disease consists in a purulent inflammation of the urethra caused by a microbe called the gonococcus.

  95. The opening of the female urethra is situated in front of the vulva directly under the pubic bone, at the same place as the root of the male penis.

  96. The point where the two seminal ducts open into the urethra forms a small elevation, the verumontanum.

  97. Even when the urethra is affected in women, it does not give as severe symptoms as inflammation of the urethra in men.

  98. Third, the menstrual discharge, which as we know does not consist of pure blood but is a mixture of blood, mucus, and degenerated lining membrane of the uterus, may give rise to a catarrh of the urethra in the man.

  99. When a man has gonorrhea he knows it immediately; first, because the discharge tells him that there is something the matter with him, for a man is not used to having any discharge from the urethra unless there is something the matter with him.

  100. In women the urethra is a separate canal from the vagina, and the urethra is very frequently not affected in gonorrhea.

  101. Of course, the urine must be clear and the urethra must be normal; however, we cannot insist that there must be no discharge.

  102. I kept going from bad to worse, until the urethra appeared to be entirely closed.

  103. It must not be supposed that because stricture of the urethra does not co-exist with Brights disease, that the latter may not have been caused by the obstruction in the urethra due to stricture.

  104. Irritation is set up in the urethra behind the stricture by undue strain in passing water, and the frequent reoccurrence of acrid urine, as the result of any of the causes we have already mentioned, this irritation keeps gradually increasing.

  105. An operation for stone in the bladder in which the perineum and part of the urethra are cut; the prostatic portion of the urethra is dilated to introduce forceps and withdraw the stone.

  106. The seminal sacs and the prostate and Cowper's glands communicate with the deeper portions of the urethra by means of canals or ducts, lined with mucous membrane which is continuous with the urethral mucous membrane.

  107. Many examinations heretofore very painful, as of the bladder for stone, and of the deep urethra for strictures, are now rendered entirely painless by the use of this wonderful agent.

  108. No man should insert such absurdly devised and mischief breeding contrivances into his urethra (urinary canal), for thereby he is almost sure to do himself a permanent injury.

  109. A fistula, or false passage, is sometimes formed between the bladder and the vagina, between the bladder and the uterus, or between the urethra and the vagina.

  110. The operation for opening the urethra for the removal of stricture.

  111. On examination a contraction of the urethra was found at the point shown in Fig.

  112. To reach the urethra the Seminal Duct m passes directly through the body of the Prostate Gland j-b.

  113. From here it is thrown forcibly into the urethra (urine canal) e, when needed, and expelled anteriorly by the ejaculatory muscles of the urethra.

  114. The disease is in the Urethra or Urine Channel, whether it be Spermatorrhoe, Impotence, Prostatitis or gleet, and in order to effect a lasting cure, the remedies must be applied directly to the diseased membrane.

  115. Crayons+ in the urethra could not wholly cure these symptoms, although they stopped the drain that originally caused them.

  116. Smith, indeed, considers that "the urethra is the part in which the orgasm occurs," and remarks that in sexual excitement mucus always flows largely from the urethra.

  117. More than nine-tenths of the foreign bodies found in the female bladder or urethra are due to masturbation.

  118. Mr Tuffnell records a case where irritability of the bladder and stricture of the urethra were entirely dependent on tapeworm, as proved by the subsequent recovery.

  119. Cowper's Gland, which secretes a liquid which makes the urethra alkaline.

  120. He perceived a conical body half an inch long protruding from the urethra with each effort of the dog to void his urine, and immediately afterwards returning into the urethra.

  121. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "urethra" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.