Every conceivable sedative and derivative have had their advocates, while local and counter-irritant medication has not been without support.
It is only after several years of volitional effort that such acts as locomotion or the expulsion from the throat of an irritantparticle become really automatic.
Laws that are merelyirritant do not oblige one in conscience to omit the act, but only to suffer the effect of irritation; but laws that are both irritant and prohibitive oblige one in conscience to omit the act.
Irritant laws are merelyirritant or irritant and prohibitive, according as they make an act invalid but not illicit, or both invalid and illicit.
Some authors hold that an irritant law may also cease on account of impossibility, or of a most grave inconvenience that is only private; but this opinion cannot be deemed certain.
Irritant laws are merely irritant or irritantand penal, according as the legislator does not or does intend them as punishments.
An irritant law should be regarded as obligatory ipso facto, when the general purpose of law (viz.
Irritant or voiding laws are those that deprive certain acts of legal value.
For example, the law of clandestinity is merely irritant; the law regarding the impediment of crime is probably both irritant and penal.
Hence, it is not applicable to those laws whose universal observance is demanded by the common good--that is, to irritant laws.
As to the time when irritant laws obtain their effect, the following points are important.
It is more of a cerebral irritant than alcohol, and probably has few, if any, advantages over camphor.
If some other form of salicylic acid is preferred, novaspirin, which is methylene-citryl-salicylic acid and contains 62 percent of salicylic acid, is perhaps the least irritant to the stomach of the salicylic preparations.
Remember that alcohol is anirritant poison, and that daily indulgence in its use originates dyspepsia, or indigestion, and many other serious complaints.
It is used internally in dropsy, and for the expulsion of tapeworm; but its use requires caution, as it is an irritant poison.
It is considered especially useful when there is constipation, the slightly irritant properties of the bran aiding in maintaining a proper peristalsis and action of the bowels.
The purpuric effusion appears to act as an irritant upon the tissues, and to excite inflammation.
In irritant poisoning the vomiting follows quickly after the ingestion of a meal or poisonous matter; it continues for some time before purging begins, and is out of all proportion to the diarrhoea.
Anstie[33] says: "It needs some very powerfulirritant to set up neuralgia in any portion of the alimentary canal: .
Drastic purgatives act as irritant poisons in producing acute hyperaemia of the mucous coat with excessive transudation of serum; or, in other words, an acute catarrh.
These irritant properties are, however, inversely as the degree of comminution.
The nervous system may be so enfeebled by prolonged heat that an irritant quickly destroys its equilibrium and brings about vaso-motor paralysis of the intestinal vessels and abundant serum transudation.
Scheppegrell, probably the first in this country to use the pollens, has given them up and advises the patient to keep away from his irritant and to have the weeds cut in all cities as the best treatment obtainable (Journal of the A.
The sudden onset in response to a specific irritant and the sudden disappearance--this is no catarrhal inflammation and no rhinitis or inflammation of any kind.
And this is as plainly decided by the same author, in his preceding word Aut agitur res in Scenis aut acta refertur: Segnius irritant animos demissa per aurem; Quam quae sunt oculis subjecta fidelibus, et quae Ipse sibi tradit spectator.
When they do so, it is not surprising that their constipation should be emphasized and that they should have to ingest other irritant materials, laxatives, to replace the sugars.
Everybody winks both eyes a number of times a minute quite unconsciously, though the unconscious movement accomplishes the definite and necessary purpose of keeping the conjunctiva free from irritant particles.
It is as well to take simple irritants of this kind as some of the irritant foods that will have a tendency to add to their accumulation of fat, though they may increase peristalsis.
There are other counter-irritant procedures of the same kind that have been used with reported successes in many cases.
Sometimes we have to overcome a morbid dread of touching themselves even for cleansing purposes which allows the accumulation of irritant material and predisposes to relapse.
These seem to be due to the direct irritant effect of animal emanations.
Tea is not so prone to cause wakefulness as coffee, yet the toxic irritant principle in both is the same and when the amount of tea and its strength are sufficient, the same results follow.
Scorpion-venom is a strongirritant to the mucous membranes.
When the animal defends itself it inflicts wounds with these rays, and ejects from its poison-glands a toxic or irritant liquid, which enters the sores.
All these changes resemble those observed as the result of the action of a host of other muscle poisons, especially the irritant or caustic chemical substances.
We all know what an intense irritant it is to leeches, and how they immediately vomit if some salt is sprinkled upon them when they are engorged with blood.
In view of the obvious importance of highly irritant compounds capable of existing in a very finely divided, pulverised, or particulate form, research was made in the domain of little volatile substances with boiling points up to 400'0.
This led to the astonishing discovery that diphenylarsenious chloride when scattered would penetrate all gas masks then in use, even the German, practically unweakened, and would have serious irritanteffects on the wearers.
The leaves and berries of the yew have both proved fatal, commonly with irritant symptoms; but those of coma have also been observed.
LIME acts as an irritant poison, though a feeble one, when taken into the stomach or applied to a vital part.
This, on being analyzed, was found to contain no other irritant but this salt.
If the irritant has passed out of the stomach into the intestines it must be carried off by purgatives, especially castor oil.
The post-mortem appearances would be those due to an irritant poison, namely, inflammation and softening of the stomach; the mucous membrane being detached in different parts, and stained of a yellow color.
Very soon afterwards she began to suffer from all the effects of an irritant poison, with general paralysis; and in spite of the use of the stomach pump and of antidotes, she died in a few hours.
Savin and its oil are irritant poisons, only indirectly affecting the uterus; nevertheless, they not unfrequently are used to induce miscarriage.
The symptoms were those of an irritant poison, with paralysis of the lower extremities.
At first there may be merely the ordinary signs of irritant poisoning.
But all antiseptics have a slight irritant action which is disagreeable if there be an intact mucosa, although they may be more helpful in certain cases of ulceration or intranasal sepsis.
Wireless telegraphy, by the way, is more or less of an irritant to the traveller.
When the causal irritant has been excessively severe and the migration of leucocytes abundant, actual formation of pus may occur, the bony tissue being broken down and mingled with it, and an abscess cavity formed.
Instead of blistering the coronet (or in conjunction with that treatment), the counter-irritant may be applied by passing a seton through the plantar cushion or fibro-fatty frog.
The second indication in the treatment is that of applying a counter-irritant as near to the diseased parts as possible.
The act was certainly a breach of international law; but that was almost the smallest part of its irritant effect.
Davis had attempted to meet this menace by issuing letters of marque to privateers; but this could be little more than an irritant to the dominant power.
The root is the officinal pellitory, and is used as an irritant and sialogogue.
Pure irritant (Toxicology), a poison that produces inflammation without any corrosive action upon the tissues.
Defn: The state o quality of being irritant or irritating.
It has a burning taste, and gives off a vapor, which is a powerful irritant poison, violently attacking the eyes, and emitting a strong chlorinelike odor.
This prevents free movement and the crystals can not exert any irritant action.
It prevents the free movement of the crystals and in this way all irritant action is precluded.
The chill of terror it sent through every vein acted as a sort of counter-irritant to the other feeling, and she sprang from her chair and turned her face fearfully toward the sounds.
And this comparatively small source of friction was the irritant upon which we must fix as the cause of what followed.
The power of the King, who was still at the head of the Executive, acted more and more as an irritant against public opinion, and-- 4.
The noxious influence of tobacco upon the process of digestion is nearly parallel to the effects of alcohol, which it resembles in its irritant and narcotic character.
There are some substances which possess both the irritant and narcotic properties and in which the symptoms are of a mixed character.
The effects of irritant poisons are evident immediately after being taken.
He felt restless and excited--his nerves all on the jar: his colleague's calm, sardonic glance acted as a further irritant to his temper.
Again, in the remains of the dish in the other handkerchief, though I find lorchelin plentifully, I do not find the irritant poison I have mentioned.
Was not the box tampered with, and was not a pill compounded of this irritant poison substituted for the harmless morphia ones the box previously contained?
On the 9th of May the doctor concluded that Mr. Maybrick was suffering from the effects of someirritant poison, and Mrs. Maybrick from that time was not allowed to come near him.
All the animals in the farmyard had also died, apparently from the effects of an irritant poison, and in the bodies of some of them, probably owing to its quantity being greater, arsenic was found.
Dupre, proved that a vegetable irritant poison must have been the cause of death.
It was proved that he had died from an irritant poison, and there was also abundant proof that the niece had bought arsenic.