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Example sentences for "toxicity"

Lexicographically close words:
towres; tows; towt; toxemia; toxic; toxicological; toxicologist; toxicology; toxin; toxine
  1. Michet's experiments on the relative toxicity of metals, 41.

  2. Entrance of hydroxyl groups in the catalytic poisons of the fatty series weakens toxic character; on the other hand, it exalts the toxicity of the substituting poisons.

  3. Michet[40] has investigated the comparative toxicity of the metals by experiments on fish, using species of Serranus, Crenolabrus, and Julius.

  4. The smallest amount of toxicity is in the ethyl substitution; while the maximum antipyretic and antineuralgic action belongs to the methyl substitution.

  5. Crum Brown and Fraser[35] have suggested that there is some relation between toxicity and the saturated or non-saturated condition of the molecule.

  6. Michet's Experiments on the relative Toxicity of Metals, 41, 42 V.

  7. The toxicity of a chemical agent is not the same for everyone; each individual does not react exactly the same way to the same amount of an agent.

  8. Toxicity depends upon the route of entry and physical characteristics.

  9. The toxicity of biological agents is not the same for everyone; each individual does not react exactly the same way to the same amount of an agent.

  10. Caffein aids the action of nitrates, acetanilid, ethyl alcohol and amyl alcohol, and increases the toxicity of barium chloride.

  11. Elimination and toxicity of caffein in nephrectomized rabbits.

  12. Influence of certain drugs upon the toxicity of acetanilide and antipyrine.

  13. Toxicity of caffein: an experimental study on different species of animals.

  14. Intramuscularly the toxicity is 30 percent greater than subcutaneously.

  15. Shattock[24] on the negative action of sewer air in raising the toxicity of lowly virulent bacilli of diphtheria.

  16. Caution:--Owing to the toxicity of morphine only a few of these tablets should be ordered at one time, perhaps not more than three, as a few milligrams are liable to constitute a lethal dose.

  17. Caution:--Owing to the toxicity of opium, only a small number should be ordered at one time.

  18. Caution:--Owing to the toxicity of arsenic trioxide not more than a small number should be ordered at one time.

  19. Caution:--Owing to the toxicity of the digitalis, it is best not to order more than a limited number of these tablets at one time.

  20. Caution:--Owing to the toxicity of heroine only a small number of these tablets should be ordered at one time.

  21. Yield and toxicity of venom from snakes extracted over a period of two years.

  22. It can be seen from the above examples that toxicity of venoms and the resistance of the animal receiving an injection of venom is highly variable.

  23. Also there is no direct relationship between size of snake and toxicity or amount of venom injected.

  24. Venom Yield and Toxicity One of the most important yet undeterminable factors of the gravity of snakebite is the amount of venom injected into the victim.

  25. Since this volume varies considerably in every bite, attempts have been made to determine the amount and toxicity of venom produced by each species of poisonous snake.

  26. One of the major problems in comparing the data on toxicity of venom in studies of this type is that no standard method of estimating toxicity has been used.

  27. Toxicity of the venom is difficult to determine because of numerous variables, but cottonmouth venom is generally believed to be less potent than that of most rattlesnakes and more potent than that of the copperhead.

  28. No decrease in yield or toxicity was evident during this period.

  29. Several rattlesnakes that he tested showed a higher toxicity than copperheads or cottonmouths.

  30. In these substances there are, in addition to salt, certain products extracted from the fish or meat which undergo change and add to the toxicity of the solution.

  31. Most of the larkspur losses occur in the spring and early summer, as the plants lose their toxicity after maturing.

  32. The venom of the "black snake," another Australian variety, loses its toxicity at a temperature of between 99 deg.

  33. Another circumstance which appears to control the degree of toxicity inherent in serpent venom is the interval of time which elapses between two successive bites.

  34. Some saponins have a different toxicity for different species.

  35. The toxicity of various saponins is ten to a thousand times higher by vein than by mouth and is generally proportional to the hemolytic action.

  36. Water culture experiments were made upon the toxicity of certain organic compounds, with and without the addition of other inorganic salts.

  37. This selectivity of absorption may account for the difference in the toxicity of zinc salts to plants in the various soils.

  38. The addition of the inorganic food salts to solutions of a poison reduces the toxicity of the latter, so that the plant makes good growth in the presence of far more poison than it can withstand in the absence of the nutrients.

  39. Jensen (1907) again indicated the poisonous action of zinc salts and also found that a relatively small reduction of toxicity was obtained by the addition of finely divided quartz to the solutions.

  40. True and Gies (1903) showed that the addition of calcium salts in appropriate concentrations reduced the toxicity of zinc salts considerably, a result similar to that which they obtained for copper.

  41. The same fact obtains in the animal kingdom, where Loeb and others have found that the toxicity of solutions of sodium chloride for marine animals is reduced by the introduction of salts of the bivalent metals.

  42. In this way a double action was manifest, whereby the fertility of the soil was reduced by the loss of plant food, while its toxicity was increased by the accumulation of copper oxide.

  43. Schreiner and Reed (1908) found that the addition of a second solute to a solution decreases the toxicity of that solution; further the plant itself may exercise a modifying influence upon the toxic agent.

  44. The degree of toxicity of the different poisons is not the same, and also one and the same poison varies in the intensity and nature of its action on different species of plants.

  45. Moreover, the toxicity of the urines is considerably augmented the moment there is the least febrile condition, no matter what the cause is.

  46. In consequence of the toxicity of mushrooms, great attention must be given to the treatment to which they are subjected when it is desired to utilize them for alimentary purposes.

  47. These latter, in fact, appear to owe all their toxicity to true toxins which they contain, while the poisons of batrachians and saurians are chiefly composed of alkaloidal bases.

  48. It is self-evident, and it has already been shown, that the toxicity of the urines varies greatly according to the malady, in consequence of the elimination of toxins by the urines.

  49. The following table by Calmette[144] gives the comparative toxicity of various venoms, taking as the standard of comparison the quantity sufficient to kill a rabbit in three or four hours: Naja tripudians 0.

  50. According to this scientist the antibody inhibits the morbigenic action of the toxin by neutralizing the toxin, combining with the latter to form a compound of a chemical nature which is devoid of toxicity and without action on the organism.

  51. Even in the normal condition, the urinary toxicity varies greatly; and this is easily conceived since the physiological phenomena that control this secretion undergo incessant rise and fall.

  52. It is particularly among the fish that we find these normally present, and it is a singular fact that, for a given species, the toxicity frequently depends upon the period of the year.

  53. A very large number of hypotheses have been advanced regarding the toxicity of the urines.

  54. The slowness with which a lesion develops in the case of the black-fly bite supports the view of the initial lack of toxicity of the injected material.

  55. In this experiment it will be recalled that the sensitive serum seemed to bring out the toxicity of the ground flies, and the serum itself seemed even to contain some of the dissolved or liberated toxin.

  56. All possess similar toxicity as the thiazine dyes(20).

  57. One element, even though not noticeably needed, may make another available or it may antidote toxicity of some element present to excess.

  58. This review of the literature on the toxicity of caffein, although bearing evidence of considerable investigation and extending over three-quarters of a century, is largely qualitative in character.

  59. The presence of a trace of albumin in the urine of dog 19 is likewise inadmissible as a cause of the difference in the toxicity of caffein in this dog, for the urine of dog 20 likewise contained a trace of albumin.

  60. Diet was without any influence on the toxicity of the single dose of caffein.

  61. Observations made during the experimental period indicate, however, greater toxicity of caffein in the subjects on low protein diet.

  62. The relation of diet to toxicity received some attention, but the question was not studied exhaustively in the present investigation.

  63. The greater toxicity of caffein in this case is in all probability due to some morbid process, the presence of which was indicated by the high temperature of this subject.

  64. Arsenic, morphin, and cannabis indica may be cited as illustrations of drugs, the toxicity of which decreases with repeated doses, while digitalis and lead show a tendency to increased toxicity when similarly administered.

  65. The toxicity of caffein in these experiments on the rabbit indicates that it is greatest when given by vein and least when given by mouth.

  66. There are a number of factors far more important than zoological differences which influence the toxicity of caffein.

  67. Diet and race as possible factors which may influence the toxicity of caffein were made the subject of study in these experiments which were divided into two groups as shown in the table, page 25.

  68. Their resistance to caffein may be different, but, as was pointed out in the earlier part of this investigation, diet does not seem to influence the toxicity of the single dose of caffein.

  69. This diet does not seem to be a factor, therefore, in the toxicity of caffein.

  70. Thus, digitalin was but slightly more active when given subcutaneously than by mouth, while the toxicity of emetin hydrochlorid was just the same, whichever one of these methods of introducing the substance was used.

  71. The toxicity of caffein, as shown in the present investigation, was found to be less in the young than in the adult.

  72. As pointed out in the experiments on rabbits, age might be an important factor influencing the toxicity of caffein.

  73. The absolute toxicity of Apothesine is, therefore, only a little lower than that of cocain, and is twice as great as that of procain.

  74. If the toxicity ratio of the two substances were the same as for the rat experiments (a rather hazardous assumption), the fatal dose of chlorlyptus for man would be about 80 c.

  75. On account of lack of toxicity an aggressive routine can be carried on.

  76. Discussing the low toxicity claimed by the manufacturers, these investigators state: “In the samples which we examined the toxicity was, indeed, much lower than that of an ordinary 1 per cent.

  77. The toxicity experiments, which were carried out by Dr.

  78. On the Toxicity of Various Commercial Preparations of Emetin Hydrochlorid, Arch.

  79. In fact the absolute toxicity of cacodylates is low but Cole’s results were quoted as a caution that “effective” doses are not harmless.

  80. The difference between the various animal proteins as to their relative toxicity has been the subject of much discussion.

  81. The serum of the first of these two animals has now reached this point, that half a cubic centimetre destroys the toxicity of 1 mgr.

  82. Five drops of serum from these rabbits wholly neutralise in vitro (in a glass test-tube) the toxicity of 1 mgr.

  83. The claim of comparative non-toxicity is probable enough from what is known about the cacodylate.

  84. As to therapeutic claims, the preparation is said to be effective and safe in syphilis; “lower toxicity and greater spirochaetacidal power than other known arsenic compounds” are among the claims.

  85. Von Notthafft believes that the lower degree of toxicity which these remedies exhibit has its basis in a feebler activity; either the substitutes evolve too little iodin or they split it off with greater difficulty.

  86. No data are as yet available as to the influence of altitude and partial starvation on the toxicity of barium salts.

  87. Experimental Demonstrations of the Toxicity of the "Loco Weed.

  88. The high toxicity of barium was called attention to by early observers, but it was attributed by some to admixed arsenic.

  89. Toxicity of Magnesium Nitrate When Given by Mouth.

  90. It must also be remembered that the addition of one salt to the solution of another may greatly increase the toxicity of the first one.

  91. This logic seems very sound, and the facts in relation to the influence of alcohol upon urinary toxicity or renal activity, which are elucidated by our experiment, fully sustain this observation of Mr. Hart.

  92. Charrin, says: 'I have carried out a series of researches on the toxicity of various alcoholic beverages in common use, such as wines and brandies of all brands, from those which are reputed the best to those of very inferior quality.

  93. In our experiments, however, boiling has not diminished the toxicity at all and it can be definitely stated that the poison is not an albumen.

  94. My experiments have been entirely with mammals and frogs, and unfortunately those performed with the fresh toadstools were not numerous enough to enable me to draw positive conclusions as to any loss of toxicity by drying.

  95. A single experiment with a cat seemed to indicate that boiling of the fungus lessened the toxicity but subsequent experiments indicated that a boiled solution was no less toxic than one not boiled.

  96. This toxicity is exhibited only when there is a direct contact between the roots of the two plants involved.

  97. Possible Black Walnut Toxicity on Tomato and Cabbage By OTTO A.

  98. Gries 52 Possible Black Walnut Toxicity on Tomato and Cabbage--Otto Reinking 56 Preliminary Studies on Catkin Forcing and Pollen Storage of Corylus and Juglans--L.

  99. It's toxicity to the noncutinized surfaces of root tissues was so great that germination was abnormal and greatly impaired.

  100. Another property of juglone is its toxicity to fish.

  101. GRIES, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station The problem of walnut toxicity dates back at least to the writings of Pliny.

  102. This symptom of toxicity has been overlooked by many workers in the field.

  103. If walnut bark or other plant parts are allowed to become desiccated, no toxicity may be found.

  104. These two instances of wilting and stunting of plants in the vicinity of walnut trees give further circumstantial evidence that the trouble might have been caused by the toxicity or antagonism of black walnut roots.

  105. The first rebuttal to the existence of such a toxicity was forwarded by Evelyn in the 17th century.

  106. They concluded that because of conflicting evidence, the problem of walnut toxicity was still unsolved and needed further investigation.

  107. Under certain conditions walnut trees exhibit toxicity to those plants whose roots are in intimate contact with the roots of the walnut.

  108. This toxicity is due to the action of juglone, the oxidized form of hydrojuglone, a non-toxic substance occurring in the inner bark and green husk of walnuts.

  109. The Toxicity of Tannin," Delaware College Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No.

  110. Examples of specific toxicity are of only minor importance in plant studies.

  111. Black Walnut Root Toxicity On several occasions discussions of root toxicity between the black walnut and certain of its neighbors have taken place at Association meetings.

  112. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "toxicity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    harmfulness; malignancy; poison; toxicity; venom; virulence