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Example sentences for "toxicological"

Lexicographically close words:
tows; towt; toxemia; toxic; toxicity; toxicologist; toxicology; toxin; toxine; toxines
  1. These estimates are based upon the best available toxicological values, but such values are qualified estimates.

  2. The desired effects will determine the physical, chemical, and toxicological properties of the chemical agent employed.

  3. The guide does not provide estimates of the number of patients by triage classification or usual medical and toxicological descriptions.

  4. What must I do, mother, to make you well?

  5. The imprint is repeated at the foot of p.

  6. Much attention has been attracted lately by the possible interference to toxicological detections owing to the undoubted existence of natural alkaloids in the dead body unpoisoned.

  7. Hence this test is of only occasional value in toxicological work.

  8. A curious toxicological case is reported from Hamburg.

  9. Taylor said:—“During the quarter of a century which I have now specially devoted to toxicological inquiries, I have never met with any cases like these suspected cases of poisoning at Rugeley.

  10. This reaction varies very greatly with different samples of aconitia, and little or no reliance can be placed upon it as a toxicological test.

  11. But there is rarely sufficient for such a test to be of use in toxicological work, there is also a risk of loss, and other metals give a similar reaction.

  12. For minute directions as to the conduct of toxicological investigations, see Taylor’s Medical Jurisprudence, 1873, I.

  13. All these forms exhibit in general like ways and like habits, and if the venom of all be not generically identical, the physiological and toxicological phenomena arising therefrom render them practically and specifically so.

  14. The spectrum has not yet been applied to toxicological research, although it has been employed to determine the existence of a blood stain.

  15. Those brass-headed pins which upholsterers often use, and which you have submitted to me, are most interesting from a toxicological point of view.

  16. Yes, foul play, committed by somebody who possesses expert toxicological knowledge.

  17. The organic matter to be eliminated in toxicological researches being colloids, and the poisons usually employed being crystalloids, the value of dialysis as a method of separation is evident.

  18. The Toxicological Department is worked by a higher class of criminals, as for example, absconding trustees, who are there comfortably settled in life, enjoying many modern conveniences.

  19. But such, in brief, is the deep mystery of Gibraltar, such is the Toxicological department of universal Freemasonry.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "toxicological" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.