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Example sentences for "doses"

Lexicographically close words:
dos; dosage; dose; dosed; dosen; dosh; dosing; dossier; dossiers; dost
  1. From the time of her arrival till the middle of August, mercury had been continued in various forms, and in doses such as the irritable state of her stomach and bowels would admit of.

  2. He took four doses of the mixture without being in the least sick, and made, during the night upwards of two quarts of natural coloured water.

  3. His strength being much broken down, I then ordered gum ammoniac, with small doses of opium, and infusum amarum, continuing the squill at intervals.

  4. Footnote 10: In the three last recited cases, the medicine was directed in doses quite too strong, and repeated too frequently.

  5. Since the first exhibition of that medicine, very small doses have been always found sufficient to promote the flow of urine.

  6. If inadvertently the doses of the Foxglove should be prescribed too largely, exhibited too rapidly, or urged to too great a length; the knowledge of a remedy to counteract its effects would be a desirable thing.

  7. These producing no sensible effect, the doses were gradually increased until nausea was excited; but there was no alteration in the quantity of urine, and consequently no relief to his complaints.

  8. I directed her to take small doses of the pulv.

  9. They have used the leaves in such large proportion, that the doses have been sufficient, or more than sufficient, even in their most inefficacious state.

  10. A few doses brought on great nausea, indistinct vision, and a great flow of urine, so as presently to empty him of all the dropsical water.

  11. The leaf juice is bitter and acid; it is a favorite with the natives of India in the treatment of the catarrhal fevers common among their children, administered in doses of 2 tablespoonfuls a day mixed with sweetened water.

  12. Bonducin seems to be the active principle of the seeds and is given internally in doses of 10-20 centigrams; according to Dr.

  13. If no symptoms supervene within one-half hour give another similar dose and so on up to 3 or 4 doses or .

  14. The essential oil is given internally in doses of 2-6 drops on a piece of sugar.

  15. This oil in doses of 10-15 drops a day is a very powerful stimulant, the action of which is manifested by profuse perspiration several hours after its administration.

  16. The milky juice of the plant is emetic and cathartic in large doses, but simply laxative when given in doses of 8 or 10 drops.

  17. The powder is efficacious but the tincture seems to be surer; the dose is 6 grams for children and 20 for adults, given in divided doses in aromatic water every hour for 6 hours.

  18. This preparation operates as an emetic and purgative in doses of 30-60 drops.

  19. The natives use an infusion of the filamentous, reticulate portion surrounding the seeds, in doses of 0.

  20. It is used in small doses as a tonic in dyspepsia.

  21. In Concan, the juice of the leaves is given in doses of 30 grams as an antidote for opium.

  22. Other physicians of India, among them Ros and Newton, have recommended the bark as a substitute for cinchona, given dry in doses of 30 grams.

  23. Therapeutically its seeds are used as a diuretic, but large doses should be avoided as they contain a small proportion of hydrocyanic acid.

  24. The larger doses of the past, intended to drive out the disease, have been everywhere replaced by smaller doses designed to stimulate the lagging body powers.

  25. In a case where neither castor oil, senna and manna, nor large doses of Glauber's salts would work, a medical man was certainly justified in thinking that something must be wrong.

  26. Through this needle large doses of quinine are injected, and in six hours usually no crescent remains to be seen.

  27. So great is the aversion shown by some men to the big doses of quinine as laid down by regulations, that men have often refused to take their quinine.

  28. Large doses of arsenic may keep a fly-struck horse alive for months; alive, but robbed of all his life and fire, his free gait replaced by a shambling walk.

  29. Certain it is that, to the common mind, quinine is the reputed cause and is avoided in large doses by men who have once had blackwater, or who are in that low rotten state that predisposes to it.

  30. Fraser, utilizing a method previously advocated, succeeded, by following this method, in vaccinating against serpent-venom by causing the absorption by animals of constantly increasing doses of venom.

  31. Guinea-pigs immunized against the poison of the scorpion resist perfectly very large doses of the poison.

  32. Rabbits which have been rendered highly immune towards venoms are capable of resisting without inconvenience doses of abrin which are ordinarily fatal; and the blood serum afforded by them contains a specific antibody for the substance.

  33. It is possible to vaccinate an organism so as to withstand a lethal dose of abrin, but it requires quite a long time; it is effected by injecting into a suitable animal very small doses of the substance, and increasing the quantity gradually.

  34. The sum of these small doses is nevertheless mighty, their united force is amongst the strongest forces.

  35. There is a powerful charm of life in such countless but very small doses in which malice makes itself felt, just as goodwill, spread in the same way throughout the world, is the ever-ready means of healing.

  36. If we chose to say that the compoundness of the grains is due to a factor C and that two doses of it are needed to make the seed wrinkled, I know no evidence by which such a thesis could be actually refuted.

  37. Ordinary doses of excitement fail to meet the urgency of the case.

  38. A big dose of calomel now, and as soon as the fever passes off I will give him two grain doses of quinine every two hours," said Charley promptly.

  39. Three times Charley slipped in and administered doses of quinine.

  40. Recommendations in text-books of medicine are often vague in their indications as to dosage, and surprisingly small doses are, in consequence, sometimes prescribed.

  41. Calomel in large doses has a history very like that of antimony.

  42. Practically the only remedial element of such small doses is the mental effect on the patient, whereas a combination of pharmaceutic and psychotherapeutic factors would be much more efficacious.

  43. No physician now employs it (except in small doses as a general tonic) for febrile conditions, unless in malaria.

  44. Now it is settled that while quinine in small doses is an excellent tonic, it has no effect at all upon fevers in themselves nor upon fever-producing conditions.

  45. Calomel was often given in doses which produced effects resembling those of antimony.

  46. As for the whisky, if taken in stiff doses as it often is, the reaction is likely to make the patient quite miserable the next day.

  47. Any painful condition in the neighborhood of the joint that is worse on rainy days is likely to be labeled rheumatism and, because the salicylates are supposed to be a specific for rheumatism, treated with large doses of these drugs.

  48. It seemed that all other therapeutic factors must give way to definitely accurate doses of antitoxic principles, directly opposed to the toxins of disease and {70} capable of conquering it.

  49. Small doses of morphin had a vogue; codein had its turn after its introduction, and heroin also had a time of popularity.

  50. As a teacher of medicine I have for years emphasized the necessity of the use not of conventional doses of drugs for every patient, but of doses proportioned to the body weight.

  51. Even in the small doses we now employ, it is apt to be a thorough purgative.

  52. With reasonably large doses of nux vomica, an increase in appetite came and a steadying of her heart that soon did away with these recurrent attacks.

  53. Opium given to a trusting patient, in gradually reduced doses until practically there is nothing but the flavor of the drug in the compound that he takes, will continue to have its effect.

  54. Did you find the doses that had not been given to the patient?

  55. It is only in very large doses that the voluntary muscles are poisoned, there being induced in them a tremor which may simulate ordinary convulsions.

  56. The drug is a typical volatile oil, and is used internally in doses of ½ to 3 minims, for the same purposes as, say, clove oil.

  57. By far the most efficient of them is a hypodermic injection of morphine and atropine, to which strychnine in appropriate doses may be added.

  58. When exhaustion begins to appear, it should be combated with doses of aromatic spirits of ammonia, and by the external application of heat.

  59. This hypersensitiveness is manifested by the extraordinary peculiarity that any number of doses of antitoxin may be given provided they are administered within a period of less than ten or twelve days.

  60. In the more chronic forms of the disease, combinations of arsenic, with such tonics as nux vomica, iron, and small doses of some of the preparations of mercury, produce permanent cures where quinine has failed.

  61. She stands listening; flies to the door, unlocks it, and, going back to the sofa, lies down and doses her eyes.

  62. But although the number of doses of hypnotism required may be said roughly to depend upon the time which the condition took to come to a head, yet there is no similar rule re duration.

  63. Three full doses of Kharsivan freed him from delusions and left him apparently absolutely sane.

  64. He took ten fresh doses of picric acid while at Paris, and was put into hospital by a physician without suspicion.

  65. He was put on thyroid extract (Green’s treatment was in doses measuring from gr.

  66. On account of complaints of insomnia he was given small doses of hypnotics.

  67. If any exception is made to this, it is in the line of laxatives or mild cathartics, such as small doses of castor oil, cascara segrada or mineral waters, but there is no excuse for giving metallic remedies, such as calomel.

  68. It seems to make very little difference whether the medicine is given in the tiny homeopathic doses, so small that they have only a suggestive effect, or if they are given in doses several hundred times as large by allopaths and eclectics.

  69. The doctors, with their awful doses of nauseous and destructive drugs, went to one extreme.

  70. The continued use of large doses of alcohol produces chronic gastritis, in which the continued irritation has led to overgrowth of connective tissue, atrophy of the gastric glands and permanent cessation of the gastric functions.

  71. In small doses it therefore tends to relieve pain, if this be present.

  72. The antipyretic action which considerable doses of aconite display is not specific, but is the result of its influence on the circulation and respiration and of its slight diaphoretic action.

  73. Rosenheim upon children showed that neither boric acid nor borax, administered in doses of from 15 to 23 grains per diem, exerted any influence upon proteid metabolism or upon the assimilation of phosphatized materials.

  74. The preservative was given at first in small doses such as might be consumed in commercial food that had been preserved with borax; gradually the quantities were increased in order to reach the limit of toleration for each individual.

  75. Moreover, did it do so, the action upon the human system would be infinitely less harmful than similar doses of copper or of lead.

  76. In even moderate doses formalin produces severe pains in the abdomen and has caused death.

  77. It is probably never right to give aconite in doses much larger than that named.

  78. It was all very well for him to spoil his dear girls, to double his attentions, to treble the doses of bromide; there was no doubt about it, the troupe's days were numbered.

  79. The drug was taken in 10-grain doses by six different individuals.

  80. From available evidence it appears that comparatively huge doses may be administered without the production of any untoward results.

  81. The simultaneous exhibition of small doses of arsenic and bichloride of mercury, besides augmenting the effect of iron upon the red blood-cells, completely obviates the tendency to vascular congestion and hemorrhage.

  82. The Sinkina was continued in the doses mentioned.

  83. Teaspoonful doses after meals and upon retiring have proven efficacious [in “dyspepsia”] when other remedies have failed.

  84. For instance, in epilepsy the company asserts that: “Large doses must be given if we expect to control the convulsions.

  85. The reason Iodia does not produce iodism is that, in the doses recommended, the iodin action is extremely feeble.

  86. Oxychlorine and ten grain doses given six to eight times per day is the best and most reliable treatment for typhoid fever.

  87. This drug is a muscle relaxant, and sufficient doses might, by relieving spasm, relax a muscularly contracted os uteri and relieve post-partum pains.

  88. Moreover: “Celerina is the most prompt and efficient of remedies for devitalized or broken-down constitutions--doses four times a day.

  89. When used in strong doses it produces peculiar symptoms, and also induces dangerous haemorrhage.

  90. The truth was that Madame Vyrubova had administered to the boy in secret several doses of that secret drug with which the mock-monk had provided her.

  91. Armed with those secret Chinese drugs, the pious assassin could administer baneful doses which proved fatal hours afterwards, with symptoms which completely deceived the doctors.

  92. It was not to my encouragement that there were those doing a far larger business with doses simply crucifying, and because crucifying, a far larger attendance was the direct result.

  93. I was not then so fully aware of the depths of ignorance among the people as to what cures disease, did not know that faith in doses was so large, as child-like even with the most cultured as with the ignorant.

  94. As for medicines, they were utterly ignored except where pain was to be relieved, though unmedicated doses were alike a necessity with all.

  95. My doses were confined to only a few Sampsons of the materia medica, and these were administered with a watching for favorable results that could hardly be surpassed, and yet always with disappointment.

  96. To relieve pain, to hold the bowel still, and to abolish the morbid hunger, a few doses with the hypodermic needle were a seeming necessity.

  97. As my experience enlarged so did my faith in Nature; and, since there was no similarity in the quality, sizes, and times of the doses for like diseases, my faith in mere remedies gradually declined.

  98. For one hundred and forty-six days, from three to seven doses of morphine were put into the arm daily; and morphine dries both mouth and stomach and lessens all energies of the brain.

  99. The lack of uniformity in the character and times of doses for similar diseases is a burlesque on science.

  100. The only treatment indicated in this case was the best of surgery for the injury, and some easing doses for a short while at first, to relieve pain.

  101. My mouth was filled with teeth of the sweet kind; hence my horror for the doses far exceeded the milder protests of the stomach.

  102. For a month my patient swallowed only the desired water and doses which did not corrode, a desire for food coming at the end of the month.

  103. Laborde made short work of this by giving me appallingly strong doses of tincture of aconite and sulphate of quinine.

  104. It was now a fairly good school as things went in those days, with the same lectures in Natural Philosophy and Chemistry--the same mild doses of French and Latin.

  105. Stimson, gave me during the night two doses of laudanum of fifty drops each, which cured me.

  106. Poisoning induced by large doses of bromine and iodine or of their compounds.

  107. The serum of blood rendered antitoxic to a venom by repeated injections of small doses of the venom.

  108. Apart from its effect on the nervous system, among which must be figured its action on the blood vessels which causes a loss of body heat, Mendel has shown that in moderate doses (96 cc.

  109. Careful and exact experiments have shown the influence of moderate doses of alcohol in lessening the amount of work performed by printing compositors.

  110. Moreover, experiments at the Pasteur Institute have shown that the long-continued use of very minute doses of poison ultimately produces appreciable harm.

  111. It should be added that whisky and heavy doses of quinine are distinctly deleterious and should be avoided, as should all quack remedies and catarrh cures; there are more effective remedies which carry no possibilities of harm.

  112. Large doses cause paralysis of these nerves and of the heart.

  113. Complete abolition of consciousness is brought about by sufficient doses as when ether or chloroform is taken.

  114. There is an increased flow of saliva, followed by a decrease (large doses diminish it at once) and often nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

  115. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doses" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.