In a land languorous with tropical inertia, an enthusiastictoiler is not common.
What if it came from the lips of an hereditary slave of the Pharaoh--a toiler in the quarries, an infidel, an alien nomad?
The writer, who is a common toiler like the rest, finds the moving world a sealed book to him, for he cannot spare the needed dollar, and live.
He would render justice to the enslaved toiler by lengthening his hours of labor.
A Municipal Emergency Home should not be considered as a charitable institution, but as an institution offering the right to every toiler to receive the hospitality of his fellowmen in time of need.
Hereafter we propose to give, free of charge, a sepulcher to every toiler in which he may take his rest for one hundred years.
In some cases this program is continued for weeks, until the honest toiler finds himself confronted with a doctor's bill and medicine bill to haunt him until the debt is either forgiven or paid at great sacrifice.
A new day was dawning, to bring joy to some, despair to some, to raise this toiler up, to dash this toiler down.
Old Linus taught him letters, Phoebus' child, A dauntless toiler by the midnight lamp.
Especially in the busy season when the corn has to be harvested or the cotton picked the mother is considered as a toiler first, and she is to have her babies and look after her poor little home and her children as a mere afterthought.
Under such adverse conditions, available supplies for but a few days only, stand between the toiler and gaunt hunger.
It's because one is a toiler of the sea and the other is a soiler of the tea--then the ball is snapped back for a run around the end and the man on third must return to his base.
He uttered his mind again concerning the work of Sydenham, the master Teevan had prescribed, asserting that unsuspecting toiler to be hopelessly "locoed" in the matter of color.
The patient littletoiler of the sea, the coralline insect, is busy with them, as he is with his limestone trees.
The sea-water is the quarry from which this little toiler extracts his tiny blocks of masonry.
Miss Perkins, the faithful agent in charge of the depôt of supplies and rooms of the Association, was also a quiet and persevering toiler for the promotion of its great objects.
Grace of flower does not feed or clothe the body, and when the toiler is both badly clothed and badly fed, bird-song and leaf-shine cannot bring content.
As he had always been an early riser and a busy toiler it seemed perfectly natural and good discipline, that his sons should also plow and husk corn at ten years of age.
Is there not something wrong in our social scheme when the unremitting toiler remains poor?
The inner eye reveals to the toiler a better tool or law or reform, and the realization of these visions gives social progress.
When the first thief appeared in Plymouth colony a man was withdrawn from the fields to make locks for the houses; when two thieves came a second toiler was withdrawn from the factory to serve as night watchman.
He knew that in America there is always something better for the very humblest toiler to anticipate, and that, with courage, hope, and high endeavor to assist him, he is sure to reach his goal.
That is what is meant by the statement: “It is our object to obtain the free performance of state obligations by every toiler after he is through with his eight-hour session of productive work.
He remarked that thetoiler was not so simple as some people might think, and he urged that an inquiry be set on foot to discover the precise nature of the toil now being engaged in by this recruit to the ranks of labour.
To defend it from degradation; to divest it of the evils to body, mind and estate which ignorance and greed have imposed; to rescue the toiler from the grasp of the selfish--is a work worthy of the noblest and best of our race.
He himself laughed at it, excited rather than otherwise, for he had sturdy shoulders and the quiet bearing of a toiler who knows what he's after.
To better the condition of the toiler was his sincere desire.
But if the toiler in his homeland fair Falter in faith and shrink from every test, If he be not on duty ever there, Lost to the cause is every soldier's best.
Also save the little Mission toiler from contamination by personal contact with the bad man, or words to that effect.
He saw the last muddy toiler crawl from beneath the keel and scramble ashore.
In a peculiar sense, his coming in large numbers is felt by the toilerand the trader; by the most antagonistic Gentile groups and by those Jews who came earlier, from some more favoured spot in the culture centres of Europe.