Large the pile, and small the faggots, And the workman of the weakest.
But the workman found no timber, Boards to build the boat he found not.
The workman who maneuvers the hammer is placed on a platform on one of the legs, about 3 meters above the floor.
An entire market of 300 stalls can be put up in three hours by one workman and four assistants.
Nearly every workman of good character and sober habits in New York belongs to it; and so it is in all our great cities; while the blacks of the South are members of it to a man.
The offer was accepted; the workman was dismissed with thanks.
Judgment is indeed the master-workman in a play; but he requires many subordinate hands, many tools to his assistance.
Saying this, theworkman rushed on the peasant; the spectators, however, got between them, and the man of Burgos had to return to his post when only a few blows had been exchanged.
By 1711 it was found that the clock had not been running as correctly as it should, owing to the fact that some careless or ignorant workman had removed some important parts of the works.
The design of this part of the Book is intended to exhibit the present taste of furniture, and at the same time give the workman some assistance in the manufacturing part of it.
Such a workman at the rate of a thousand nails a-day, and three hundred working days in the year, will make three hundred thousand nails in the year.
That of weaving plain woollen is somewhat different; but the difference is so insignificant, that either a linen or a silk weaver might become a tolerable workman in a very few days.
The superiority of the independent workman over those servants who are hired by the month or by the year, and whose wages and maintenance are the same, whether they do much or do little, is likely to be still greater.
To the greater part of manufactures, besides, it has already been observed, there are other collateral manufactures of so similar a nature, that a workman can easily transfer his industry from one of them to another.
The dealer who can employ his whole stock in one single branch of business, has an advantage of the same kind with the workman who can employ his whole labour in one single operation.
In the long run, the workman may be as necessary to his master as his master is to him; but the necessity is not so immediate.
There are journeymen shoemakers in London who earn forty pounds a-year, and there is scarce an industrious workman of any kind in that metropolis who does not earn more than twenty.
From the debasement of industrial serfdom, the black workman wished the American people of 1914 to stop the trend of their strenuous existence and behold him .
A workman had been pierced with bayonets, afterward while he was still living the Germans soaked him with petroleum and locked him in a house which they set on fire.
The French workman gave more hours of toil for less monetary reward.
The workman looks around to his comrades, and says: "Boys, what do you say to this?
Schenk did see several objections, foremost among which was his view that for the master's son to work like a common workman would tend to lessen the present extremely strict discipline in the workshops.
As the crowd thinned, Max and Dale caught sight of the manager, accompanied by a German officer, seated in a great grey motor just inside the gates, apparently waiting for the lastworkman to file out and away.
As this spun round the loose band caught in the machine close by, wrenched it from its foundation and turned it over on its side, pinning down to the floor the workmanattending to it.
The man he recognized at once as the workman he had succoured in the accident to the driving-band.
The door opened, and the maid ushered in a middle-aged workman in his Sunday clothes, accompanied by a woman whom Max guessed to be his wife.
Max of course could maintain the part of workman to perfection, even if questioned at length, but Dale was under the necessity of answering only in monosyllables, as his knowledge of the language was at present not very great.
I feel, Mother, that so long as one workman still holds out against tyranny and oppression, the owners of the Durend workshops must be by his side to give him both countenance and aid.
A workman with message to the engineer," responded Max in a casual voice, slackening his pace and coming to a stop a few paces away.
You know the old saying, "A workman is known by his chips"; and a good workman always works in an orderly way.
The astonished workman turns round upon the exhibitors of this fairy vision: "And pray who are You?
Getting on the stepladder, the workman should apply the wash with the whisk-broom, never missing an inch of the entire ceiling and walls, keeping the liquid boiling hot while using.
Use the thumb or an old knife to put the soap into the holes; the workman should get the stepladder and go over the entire ceiling, getting the soap into every crack and crevice.
In the beginning, as a workman in the shop of the cameo cutter, he was concerned with a kind of art in which perfection of composition is almost the sole claim to serious consideration.
They reduce them into square peeces, not loose, but with binding, and flexible Bitumen so conioyned, that being compact of wooden table bookes, they may seeme to haue passed the hands of some curious workman that ioyned them together.
It needed no second glance to assure him that the man whom his father was addressing was none other than the workman in the brown jeans who had rescued him from his former plight.
It was not possible the workman had forgotten the happening.
Had not the workman who had replenished it Wednesday said quite plainly that there was only enough gas in it to get him home to Coventry?
The workman in the meantime remained silent, offering no comment to relieve his anxiety.
The first faint winter's dawn was beginning to appear, and we could dimly see the occasional figure of an early workman as he passed us, blurred and indistinct in the opalescent London reek.
His eyes shone, and his cheek was flushed with the exhilaration of the master workman who sees his work lie ready before him.
Labor is very cheap in China, where a workman earns three halfpence a day, and this cheapness of labor enables the Chinese to manipulate each sheet of paper separately.
The cost of production of a workman is restricted, almost entirely, to the means of subsistence that he requires for his maintenance and for the propagation of his race.
As he spoke Mr. Hawley waved a salutation to the workman in blue overalls who was studying the indicator beside the furnace.
He was deeply in debt and a good deal discouraged by the death of his efficient workman on whom he was very dependent.
The workman heard the words and smiled, and Paul smiled in return.
There was one person in the house to be sure whom he did not suit at all and that was Ole Peters, the head man, a capable workman but a fellow with a very ready tongue.
Tede Haien's little house was now occupied by an active workman with his wife and children.
The efficiency of industry requires the strictest discipline in the army of labor, but the claim of the workman to just and considerate treatment is backed by the whole power of the nation.
The officer commands and the private obeys, but no officer is so high that he would dare display an overbearing manner toward a workman of the lowest class.
For example, if a man at twenty-one emigrates from England to America, England loses all the expense of his maintenance and education, and America gets a workman for nothing.