It seemed as if the majestic apparition of Mrs. Maldon had rebuked everything that was derogatory and undignified in her trustee, and that both he and Louis were apologizing to the empty hall for being common, base creatures.
He was prolix, but, chiefly, he was undignified in appearance and manner and lacked a good delivery.
Forty juvenile hearts bumped tumultuously, and Pip still stood up, a very straight, very silent, and not undignified little figure.
Our traveller journeyed to London by wagon, rather than take a post-chaise or even the stage-coach; an extremely undignified thing for an Historiographer Royal to do, one would think.
To retire at fifty with a thousand a year is very pleasant no doubt; but then every one of those war-worn gentlemen who returns to take his ease represents a score who have perished in fights as undignified as a street brawl.
Then the undignified but decidedly gallant Beresford observes, "If you don't come, I'll punch your head!
It had been absurd, undignified of her to come to Paris.
In the course of his speech he lost control of himself to such an extent as to indulge in undignified remarks and personalities, and even to charge leaders in Congress with seeking to destroy the fundamental principles of American government.
When Lord Clonmel was Lord Chief Justice he upheld the undignifiedpractice of demanding a shilling for administering an oath, and used to be well satisfied, provided the coin was a good one.
I gave it one rapturous look and tore downstairs, passing Alicia in the hall like a whirlwind, and burst into the drawing-room in a most undignified way.
Then I pulled my hands away and burst into hysterical, undignified tears.
She was tempted to ring for her maid, and would have sent down word to Ned that she would be obliged if he would stop playing, had it not seemed undignified to do so.
He had a rather ridiculous, undignified appearance, common among old men before their morning toilette is achieved; and a nightcap did not improve it.
It wasundignified and irritating; for in this uninteresting competition the precious moments were flying, and my interview leading apparently to nothing.
I had possibly committed unwittingly a breach of good-breeding, according to French ideas, which almost justified the brusque severity of the Marquis's undignified rebuke.
At Springfield I obtained the first seat in the car, generally the object of most undignified elbowing, and had space to admire the beauties among which we passed.
On the other side of the ferry a very undignified scramble takes place for the seats on the right side of the cars, as the scenery for 130 miles is perfectly magnificent.
After a rather undignified struggle I ejected him, whereupon he followed the trap madly to the country club and made a farce of my golf game by retrieving the ball after every drive.
For the tea-hour I constantly strove to provide some appetizing novelty, often, I confess, sacrificing nutrition to mere sightliness in view of my almost exclusive feminine patronage, yet never carrying this to an undignified extreme.
I am aware that this was a most undignified submission to the injustice he had put upon me, and it was far from the line of stern rebuke that I had fully meant to adopt with him, but there seemed no other way.
They are in this respect the very opposite to European dissenters, who are as undignified as they are generally snug and cosy in their mode of life.
But who was that undignified and ungentlemanly fellow that woke us all with such a snore?
I knew that I was called by that affectionate, if very undignified title; but this was the first time it was spoken to my face; and there was horror on the faces of the young ones.
I tried to cross my legs coolly, but the arm-chair was too low, and I fell back in a most undignified manner.
The collection of alms was a most undignified proceeding.
One felt that a smaller but more enterprising and intensely undignified variety of stupidity had replaced the large dullness of the old gentry, and that was all.
In this undignified and uncomfortable position Mazeppa was conveyed to his home, which lay but a mile away, the horse galloping straight to its own stable with its naked master tightly secured to it.
This palace, being situated in one of the narrow lanes of the town, had a very undignified and dull exterior.
The result was that the Dey was tilted violently backwards, and fell off his throne in a confused and most undignified heap!