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Example sentences for "tastefully"

Lexicographically close words:
tassets; tast; taste; tasted; tasteful; tasteless; tastelessness; taster; tasters; tastes
  1. In the triangular space left blank the title of the periodical and the publisher's imprint were tastefully lettered so as to be partly covered by the background of color.

  2. There are many attractive parks adorned with tastefully arranged flowers and trees and monuments that would be a credit to any capital.

  3. Near every dwelling, however humble, along the Meta, we observed a large cross made of tastefully and often artistically plaited palm leaves.

  4. And with the eye of a connoisseur, he continued, "How tastefully dressed they are!

  5. The child wore a tidy pink dress, tastefully ornamented, and seemed as if she had just come from the class-room of a convent school.

  6. This tusk is more tastefully decorated than the other tusk, Figs.

  7. Bronze square bell, the ornamentation tastefully designed, with a human head, crocodiles, and floral ornaments.

  8. This was constructed of light and elegant canes, in a kind of open screen-work, tastefully adorned with bindings of variegated sinnate, which served to hold together its various parts.

  9. There are only three moderate-sized packages swinging overhead; there are only two layers of mats beneath; and the calabashes and trenchers are not so numerous, nor so tastefully stained and carved.

  10. It is tastefully printed and elegantly bound.

  11. Money tastefully expended in this manner will always yield gratifying results.

  12. On this table are five golden vases of flowers, five golden dishes of parched rice, tastefully arranged in the form of bouquets, five golden candlesticks with their candles, and five incense sticks.

  13. A little abaft of midships there is a splendid canopy about twelve feet long, having the ridge curving downward at each end, and covered with cloth of gold, and the sides tastefully hung with curtains of the same costly material.

  14. In colour his carriage was of a rich cobalt relieved with gold, the panels most tastefully ornamented with his Excellency's armorial bearings, at the back of which was a field-marshal's baton.

  15. The carriage, which was also of rich lake tastefully ornamented with gold, was drawn by six beautiful grey horses, and was preceded by a couple of outriders likewise mounted on greys.

  16. The procession, thus formed, moved forward to the village, and the distinguished visitor was conducted to a spacious bower prepared for his reception, and tastefully decorated with evergreens and flowers by the ladies of Concord.

  17. Washington-square was decorated with two arches, tastefully ornamented, one bearing the name of the General in oaken characters and the second a bust of Washington.

  18. It was most tastefully decorated, and fitted up with a reading-desk on each side, dark-stained communion rails, and crimson coverings.

  19. Marie most liberally gave us every assistance, and the "spread" of good things was complimented by the Governor-General, who remarked that he had never before seen a luncheon so tastefully laid out in Canada.

  20. However, we were agreeably surprised one day when she presented my wife with four tiny baskets, tastefully made, and a smile for once actually played on her lips.

  21. Morris Cartwright came all the way downtown (with an ear tastefully framed in surgeon's plaster) to convert him to decency.

  22. On the top of her head she wears a small red cap, which is encircled by a handsomely flowered handkerchief, and over the latter strings of pearls and pieces of small gold money are tastefully arranged in festoons.

  23. A second later, we found ourselves in a small apartment, lit more brightly than the others, tastefully decorated in green and gold, and containing many priceless Arab rugs and soft divans.

  24. And they are so prettily and tastefully framed--so unlike the sort of frame one commonly sees in London houses.

  25. The room was one of the best bedrooms in Paulo's Hotel; it was really tastefully furnished, soberly decorated, in the style of the fifteenth French Louis.

  26. The Professor had a sitting-room very tastefully furnished and strewn around with various books on folk-lore; and he had a capacious bedroom.

  27. Most of the houses are built of wood, which, when tastefully painted (not often the case) have rather a pleasing appearance.

  28. Some of the houses here are tastefully decorated.

  29. They will besides convey one of the few convincing proofs that in spite of the Blanc Casino and the French Republic the Prince of Monaco is still a reigning sovereign, for the postage-stamps bear the tastefully printed head of that potentate.

  30. The rooms are tastefully furnished, and the beds are unquestionable; the carpets warmly cover the floor if stone, or amply rug it if of wood.

  31. In summer especially, the change to a cool, fresh room, where the ices and fruits are tastefully spread, and flowers are scattered profusely about the room, delights every sense.

  32. Preserve or fruit stands, tastefully decorated, with the fruit on fresh, green leaves, and flowers mingled with them, form exquisite centre pieces.

  33. He presented himself before me tastefully and magnificently dressed, both look and voice wearing the stamp of high-born pride and haughtiness.

  34. It was richly and tastefully furnished, and was surrounded by an enormous garden.

  35. The king, a mere boy, sat in his box in the middle of the theatre, surrounded by his courtiers, richly but tastefully dressed.

  36. Then followed second and third courses, in which many of the dishes were for show only, but were so tastefully made as to contribute much to the beauty of the feast.

  37. The forms and workmanship of these seats were generally very rude, but the stuffs that covered them were of great richness and value, and tastefully trimmed with fringes and gimps, fastened with large brass studs or nails.

  38. She led the way upstairs and opened the door of a pleasant little room, furnished tastefully with every requisite for a young girl's apartment.

  39. Prepare and boil it as directed, split each half of the brain in two or four pieces, place them tastefully on a dish, spread a poulette sauce all over, and serve warm.

  40. Dish the chicken as directed, place a garniture of mushrooms or one of truffles, or both, tastefully all around, and serve warm.

  41. Slice the flesh of the tail, place it tastefully on a dish; also the flesh from the two large claws, which may be sliced or served whole.

  42. Dish the pieces tastefully and according to fancy, and put the dish away in a warm place, then mix a supreme sauce with what you have left in the pan, sauce, truffles, etc.

  43. Slice some citron and cut it in lozenges or of any other shape, according to fancy, and place tastefully on the bottom of the mould; place some raisins all around also.

  44. Just before serving, spread some creme legere on the top, tastefully and fancifully, by means of a paper funnel, or with the pastry-bag.

  45. It is boiled, then pickled, cut in fancy shapes, either with a knife or with paste-cutters, and tastefully placed on or around the object it is used to decorate.

  46. Dish the chicken as directed, place the carrots tastefully all around the meat, and serve warm.

  47. Cut the ham in small and thin slices, place the slices tastefully on a dish, either overlapping or in pyramid, or in any other fancy way, and serve with parsley in the middle or around.

  48. A bear-ham, tastefully decorated, is considered a recherche dish at supper for evening parties.

  49. When the jelly is fancifully and tastefully arranged, it makes a sightly dish.

  50. Place the toast or slices of bread on a dish, tastefully arranged all around, a few sprigs of parsley in the middle, and you have a fine hors-d'oeuvre.

  51. The or-molu ornaments are tastefully put on; but the general shape, or contour, of the several pieces of furniture, struck me as being in bad taste.

  52. The approach to it is through a pretty copse, terminated by a garden; and the surrounding grounds are rather tastefully laid out.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tastefully" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    decently; gracefully; properly; quietly; simply; tastefully