As a genus, Heuchera is sometimes placed after Saxifraga and before that of Tiarella; the latter it much resembles, as well as the genera Mitella and Tellima.
In the former Editions of this work this insect was stated to be synonymous with Trox dubius of Panzer, which it much resembles, except in the sculpture of the prothorax, (Fn.
The flight of these insects, as far as it has been observed, much resembles, it is said, that of certain birds.
It much resembles some of the instruments found in the Wookey Hyæna Den, by Prof.
In character it much resembles many of the implements from the valley of the Little Ouse, and from St. Acheul, near Amiens.
Of the Japanese species the commonest, Sebastodes inermis, the Mebaru, much resembles Sebastodes flavidus.
It is an offspring of Clinton which it much resembles in vine and leaf characters but surpasses in quality of fruit and in productiveness.
Said to be as hardy and productive as the Concord, which it much resembles; large bunch and berry; quality given by originator as better than Concord.
It is a most excellent table grape, coming after the Delaware which it much resembles in habit of growth and in fruit.
As was the case with the preceding grape, Regal is also a second generation hybrid of Vinifera and Labrusca, the parent of this variety being Lindley, which, as the technical description shows, it much resembles.
This comparatively new but very excellent variety originated in Maine; and is supposed to be a seedling from the celebrated Carter, which it much resembles.
Quality good,--similar to that of the Red Castelnaudary; which variety it much resemblesin its general character.
A sub-variety of the Yellow and Red Globe, which, in form and manner of growth, it much resembles.
It is a strange circumstance that the cry of the Ostrich so much resembles that of the Lion when in search of his prey, that they are often confused.
This little bird of the Cape, which is about the size of a Sparrow, which it much resembles, lives in numerous families, that unite in forming immense colonies.
In text it much resembles Scrivener's q and r by the same hand, without being identical with either.
It much resembles O at Moscow, and, like it, had a commentary annexed, to which there are numeral references set before each verse.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "much resembles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.