In her Castle of Flames she awaits the bridegroom who shall dare to penetrate the barrier of fire.
But he said, "Indeed, I was a bridegroom in Cairo last night.
But you will not fail; and I greet you already as the bridegroom of Capuzzi's beautiful niece, who will be your wife in a few days.
For the parson meant right, and the bride and bridegroom meant right.
She put the grain in the hand, and would have a colomba that was with his feet in her finger and eat the grain; but the bridegroom was not clever to take the photograph and the colomba was--what is it?
The sindaco sat behind a table, the bride and bridegroom sat facing one another in two armchairs on the opposite side of the table and we ranged ourselves about the room.
In the second time, not only a colomba was in the hand but also another one was stopping in the hat very large with the colomba, too large, I am not certain that the bridegroom was able to take all the photograph.
The ring is chosen by the bridegroom in consultation with the bride.
The bridegroom then approached to embrace his bride; and she, pressing her hand upon her heart, fell fainting in her mother's arms.
Suffice it to say that the bridegroom entered the hall in his usual dress, without ornament of any kind; as groomsman he had with him a cousin of Luscinda's and except the servants of the house there was no one else in the chamber.
I think she could not have heard all these words, for I perceived that they called her away in haste, as the bridegroom was waiting.
Before the Wedding Dance came off on Monday afternoon, I was informed that I was to provide a large new red woollen blanket, at a cost of ten dollars, for the bridegroom to present to the father of the bride.
Let the Bridegroom ask what the painter meant, Of his Bride, of the peerless Bride!
This foolish love was only day's first offer; I choose my next love to defy the scoffer: For do not our Bride and Bridegroom sally Out of Possagno church at noon?
But the days will come, when the bridegroom shall be taken away from them, and then shall they fast in those days.
And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them?
And he said unto them, Can ye make the children of the bridechamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them?
And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
And Jesus said unto them, Can the children of the bridechamber mourn, as long as the bridegroom is with them?
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
For as a young man marrieth a virgin, so shall thy sons marry thee: and as the bridegroom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God rejoice over thee.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept.
But the bridegroom himself had already entered the valley of the dark shadow.
May the blessing of God rest upon you, and may God enable you to keep sacred the vows you have made this day,' concluded the Pastor, and the bride and bridegroom rose from their knees.
The wedding was fixed for the morning after Würben's arrival, and the bridegroom had agreed to return to Vienna immediately after the ceremony.
No; the bridegroom must be a man of much breeding and no morals.
The bridegroom was not allowed to touch them, except with the end of his wand, and only to point out the one whom he judged to be his wife.
When they had drank together and recovered their breath, the bridegroom was led into the centre of the room, and, being armed with a staff, was obliged to submit to a new test.
Mutely the bridegroomcaught her up after that touching appeal; Why refuse her prayer when on her brow was already set death's seal?
Bridegroom Loves her anything the less; He sees but the inward beauty And the spirit's loveliness.
When Vera came out of church, having purposely lingered as long as she could inside, until the rest of the congregation had all gone out, she found the bride and bridegroom waiting for her in the churchyard.
They ranged themselves on either side of the porch, and the bride and bridegroom came down the aisle alone.
I don't think that will be very amusing," objects the bridegroom elect, dubiously.
Only he saw that fixed white look of despair, only he heard the long shuddering sigh that burst from her pale lips as the bridegroom went by.
In a few moments more she had landed, and desired to be shown the way to the cottage which her bridegroom had so often described to her; and whither he had been led back by the king's order at the first sign of the ship.
The next day the governor despatched the princess and her bridegroom to the king, with a troop of horsemen, splendidly dressed, and he sent a mounted messenger on before them, with a letter giving the account of the marriage to the king.
For the third time his majesty was sent for, and for the third time he proclaimed that he could not give his consent until the bridegroom should have slain a serpent which dwelt in a broad river that flowed at the back of the castle.
The wedding party had a breakfast above stairs, which lasted till four o'clock, and then the bridegroom took his bride in a barouche and pair, which was already crammed with his own luggage and hers.
We mean the notion that Christ is the bridegroomand the human soul (and also the human body) the bride.
The first of these older theologoumena is the Greek philosophical notion that the divine Spirit is the bridegroom and husband of the human soul.
But here am I now in my old age delighting in telling of the day when my boy and our beloved Genoveva were made one, our dear sister having finally consented to give up her celestial Bridegroom for an earthly one.
It's quite a natural thing, this taking away of the new bridegroom for the service of the Flaggs," he declared with a chuckle.
Like children, the rivermen were wholly absorbed in a new toy--a bridegroom who had so suddenly deserted the handsomest girl between Adonia and The Forks.
How can we--Sir Samuel and I--assist at a wedding where the bridegroom lies under such a charge?
Only the bride and bridegroom sat with shining eyes and strange, bright faces, and scarcely sang, or only with just moving lips.
Oh, a vain white peacock of a bride perching herself on the top of the wall and giving her hand to the bridegroom on the other side, to be helped down!
The bride and bridegroom sat at the head of the table, very prim and shining both of them, wordless, whilst the company raged down the table.
The bridegroom elect is led into a room, at whose upper extremity a door stands ajar; and behind this sits the lady splendidly habited, and surrounded by a train of slaves.
The bridegroom sailed away, for the country he was going to was miles and miles and miles over the sea, and the poor bride was left at home with her sorrow.
A dreadful storm arose, and a thick fog came on, and the ship in which the bridegroom sailed was so damaged that she had to put back for repairs.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bridegroom" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.