He stroked the donkey and the dun-coloured pony and watched the fantail pigeons in snowy circles against the pale blue sky.
He could see the fantail pigeons of Cobble Place circling below.
Nothing at Basingstead Minor seemed to have changed in five years, from the dun pony to the phloxes in the garden, from the fantail pigeons to the gardener who fed the pigs.
On the left of the house were double doors which led into the stable-yard, a large stable-yard overlooked by a number of irregular gables in the side of the house and continually fluttered by white fantail pigeons.
But to use such an expression as trying to make a fantail is, I have no doubt, in most cases, utterly incorrect.
The model fantailshould have a nervous jerky motion and never be at rest.
The fantailflycatcher (Rhipidura albifrontata) is another study in black and white.
The fantail has not only more tail-feathers than any of the three hundred and forty existing species of pigeons, but more than any of the eight thousand known species of birds.
Did He ordain that the crop and tail-feathers of the pigeon should vary, in order that the fancier might make his grotesque pouter and fantail breeds?
There is, of course, some limit to the number of feathers of which a tail useful for flight can consist, and in the fantail we have probably reached that limit.
So again in Java, the fantail sometimes has only fourteen caudal feathers, and the tail is much less elevated and expanded than in our improved birds; so that the Java bird forms a link between a first-rate fantail and the rock-pigeon.
Fantails were known in India, as we shall hereafter see, before the year 1600; and we may suspect that in the Java Fantail we see the breed in its earlier and less improved condition.
Mr. Swinhoe sent me from Amoy, in China, the skin of a Fantailbelonging to a breed known to have been imported from Java.
Brent that there is an existing German Fantail with a thicker and shorter beak.
They believe that it would be easier to raise a pouter or fantail pigeon from crossing two distinct species, neither of which possessed the characters of these races, than from any single species.
I paired a mongrel female barb-fantail with a mongrel male barb-spot; neither of which mongrels had the least blue about them.
To balance the large tail carried in this position the Fantail has to carry its head very far back.
The White Fantail is the most popular, because it is the most showy and the easiest to produce with uniform color in a flock.
Normally a pigeon has from twelve to sixteen of these feathers; in the ordinary Fantail the number has been increased to twenty-four or twenty-six.
The Fantailis gentle and affectionate, and is the best of all pigeons for those who want birds for pets.
The Fantail Pigeon is most conspicuous for its fan-shaped tail; therefore this is the most important thing in judging.
Corvet's cry sent men with bars beside the cars as the fantail dipped into the water; Corvet, again leading his crew, cleared the leader of those madly charging cars and ran it over the stern.
Perhaps the entire absence of the oil-gland in fantail pigeons may be connected with the great development of their tails.
But this is probably due to weak power in thefantail rather than to any unusually strong power in the pouter, for I have observed that barbs also preponderated over fantails.
In making reciprocal crosses between pouter and fantail pigeons, the pouter-race seemed to be prepotent through both sexes over the fantail.
But this is probably due to weak power in thefantail rather than to any unusually strong power in the pouter, for I have observed that barbs also preponderate over fantails.
One resembles the commencement of the song of the white-browed fantail flycatcher, and the other is a sweet little warble of about four notes.
To give a simple illustration: the fantail and pouter pigeons are both descended from the rock pigeon.
No wonder Fantail does not come out of a morning; he had rather not see such a Rebecca at the well.
To see Mrs. Fantail of an evening is to behold a magnificent sight.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fantail" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: brush; cap; companion; counter; dock; fantail; hat; heel; parts; pigtail; queue; ship; stern; stub; tail