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Example sentences for "stringing"

Lexicographically close words:
stringency; stringent; stringently; stringers; stringes; stringless; stringpiece; strings; stringy; strip
  1. They got their effects off the boat, and pitched the old tent up on the Moosehide; then followed days full to overflowing, breathless, fevered, yet without result beyond a general stringing up of nerves.

  2. They are stringing her words like pearls To throw to the dukes and earls.

  3. Pass, if you can, the drover's cattle stringing Along the miles of the wide travelled road, Without a challenge through the hot dust ringing, Kind though abrupt the mode.

  4. It required several men to hitch up this frisky team, as a man had to hold on to each one of the horses by the bits, while they were stringing them out.

  5. At nearly every shot I killed a buffalo, stringing the dead animals out on the prairie, not over fifty feet apart.

  6. A specimen in the Victoria and Albert Museum, given by the khedive, has four pairs only, which appears to have been the old stringing of the instrument.

  7. There is no evidence as to what the stringing of the Greek lyre was in the heroic age.

  8. Terpander, was long the norm for stringing and tuning the lyre.

  9. There is old Crawford below stairs, with single-handed diligence, stringing off his whole book of anecdotes; I left him at No.

  10. At first glimpse of the battle line, the Vulcan had sheered about, and now rushed northward, stringing her black smoke flat behind her.

  11. Some of the smacks were so close now that he could see their long trawls stringing out behind, and little figures running about their decks, winding in nets, bringing in a flood of silver fishes.

  12. He somewhere speaks of himself as finding it easy to go on stringing pearls when he has once got the string; but, for my part, I should say that the string was much more doubtful than the pearls.

  13. I understand they went stringing over the country like a flock of wild geese.

  14. He headed and tailed the stringing pack, drafted the skirters and babblers (which he sent to Lord Scamperdale, with his compliments), and presently had the uneven kennel in something like shape.

  15. They came in bunches, in lines, stringing for a mile or more along the barrier of cedars.

  16. Presently he appeared surrounded by circles of dust and stringing horses.

  17. In stringing the bow it is grasped by the center of the stock with the left hand and the top, where the loose loop of the bowstring is placed, is held with the right hand.

  18. Stringing these on a piece of willow, I carried them up to the road and offered them as a present to the first load of campers that came along.

  19. The stars came out to watch them; a necklace of bubbles trailed in the paddle's wake, stringing away, twinkling in the starlight.

  20. The stringing of the cheese-curd, on the application of the hot iron, seems to afford a very similar test for the cheese-maker.

  21. Indeed, the curd grows tougher and more stringy from the time it begins to take on acid perceptibly, until it finally ends in stringing indefinitely, like wax, having passed the point of breaking and flying back.

  22. A day or two afterward I was stringing beads of different sizes in symmetrical groups--two large beads, three small ones, and so on.

  23. Miss Sullivan tried to teach me to count by stringing beads in groups, and by arranging kintergarten straws I learned to add and subtract.

  24. The smaller girls returned to the stringing of popcorn.

  25. The little girls went on stringing the popcorn, and Ruth and Agnes began to trim the tree, commencing at the very top.

  26. Peterkins was surprised to see the strange little figures in white nighties come stringing up the path to the dog house.

  27. At the hole in the fence the Indian doll picked up the trail of the two dogs, and the dolls, stringing out behind, followed him until they came to Peterkins' house.

  28. They tore down Diable's tepee, stringing the poles on the bronchos stolen from me and leaving Miriam's white tent with the Sioux.

  29. I smelt enough booze on those fellows who came stringing in here to fill the reservoir," the latter was saying.

  30. You'll see 'em stringing out of camp for home to-night, and those who hang out till to-morrow will leave then for sure.

  31. And all this, in the world's opinion, Is 'stringing rhymes.

  32. Have you been stringing any rhymes Of late?

  33. Yet even children fond of singing Will pay off scores, And I to-day at least am stringing Not beads but bores.

  34. It is as if a man should say, In accents mild, 'Have you been stringing beads to-day, My gentle child?

  35. For the last hour thou hast been stringing them together and inflicting the pangs of torture on me with every one of them.

  36. Don Quixote; "for when thou takest to stringing proverbs and sayings together, no one can understand thee but Judas himself, and I wish he had thee.

  37. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "stringing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.