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Example sentences for "jellied"

Lexicographically close words:
jeest; jeg; jejune; jejunum; jell; jellies; jelly; jellyfish; jellyfishes; jellylike
  1. This answer shot an hailstorm at her heart, Whose sudden chillness jellied all her blood, Sh' applied Holco to unscrew the dart, But her assayments brought her little good.

  2. Now to the melting kiss that sips 40 The jellied philtre of her lips; So sweet there is no tongue can praise 't Till transubstantiate with a taste.

  3. Sometimes they had bits of lamb, cooked very tender with a knuckle-bone, and then made exactly like the jellied chicken, the meat turning out set in an aspic.

  4. When an old fowl was purchased for jellied chicken for hot nights, it was first stewed to rags, then imbedded in its own stock, strained and set with gelatine, and it came out tender in spite of itself.

  5. They had veal loaf sometimes, surrounded with sliced tomatoes and French dressing; or slices of cold mutton with peas in mayonnaise; or occasionally, as a treat, jellied chicken with the peas.

  6. Have a pint and a half of hot veal stock (which will become jellied when cold) well seasoned with pepper, salt, whole spice and onion.

  7. Slip the pie on to a cold dish, and garnish with the jellied gravy and parsley.

  8. Ships could not navigate in its jellied waters, nor fish swim.

  9. There was nearly a solid wall of silver horror connecting its under portion with the jellied ocean below.

  10. As the seaplane flew onward the darker, wave-tossed ocean came toward them and passed below, but blended so gradually with the jellied ocean that it was impossible to tell where the silver sea ended and blue water began.

  11. Being an Argentine, he always ate several different kinds of meat, and began this meal with a platter of cold meats: tongue, pressed chicken and jellied veal.

  12. Many of the stalls offered cooked foods; roasted partridges and chickens; pates of jellied meats; cleaned and cooked armadillo, whose meat tastes like tender roast pork.

  13. Jellied Bouillon (Two quarts) Have about four pounds of beef from the hind shin, cut it into small pieces; melt the marrow from the bone in a frying pan; in it cook part of the bits of meat until nicely browned.

  14. Cold chicken or duck, jellied tongue or fowl, or a really fine galantine, or a dish of salad, and rolls or sandwiches at discretion, may be chosen.

  15. At one end of the table have a medium sized veal loaf, at the other a mould of tongue jellied with hard boiled eggs.

  16. Smoking hot roasted oysters, jellied tongue with chopped pickle served in Spanish peppers, little hot rolls in form of balls, a plain tomato salad and slices of delicious home-made pies are among the good things of the menu.

  17. When mixture is jellied turn into freezer, as any ice cream.

  18. Whip cream and add to partially jellied orange juice; fold in the stiffly beaten egg white; mold.

  19. Mr. Bart dropped into a chair, and sat gazing absently at the fragment of jellied salmon which the butler had placed before him.

  20. Canned apricot juice, jellied with spices and grated orange rind, makes an appetizing relish for meat or fish.

  21. These latter dishes are best adapted for casserole service and for cold jellied offerings.

  22. Canned pineapple juice, molded with sliced tomatoes or cucumbers, makes a most unusual jellied salad.

  23. Judge Harvey and Jack and Mary regarded each other in blank desperation; Mrs. De Peyster and Olivetta and Matilda were merely different varieties of jellied helplessness.

  24. Only the embrace of Jack's good left arm kept Mrs. De Peyster from subsiding into a jellied heap upon her parqueted floor.

  25. Make smooth, and mask with jellied mayonnaise.

  26. Season with French dressing and let stand one hour; then drain, and mix with jellied mayonnaise.

  27. The sauce is used warm, and the articles are put to chill on ice, so that they are in a jellied condition.

  28. He grew sympathetic at once, suggesting jellied bouillon in glass.

  29. At a critical moment the nurse placed some jellied bouillon before me and threatened forcible feeding.

  30. I'll come back soon and bring you your Thanksgiving dinner--some delicious jellied bouillion.

  31. It is true that the much feared salted almonds were there but they crouched in shame under the spreading sides of a wooden hash-bowl camouflaged with crepe paper and piled with jellied doughnuts.

  32. Jellied fish is a favorite dish with many, and is very simple to prepare; it is also very ornamental.

  33. In winter most cold jellied articles will keep a fortnight, and in summer three or four days.

  34. This looks almost too pretty to eat," said he as he looked at his plate with its slice of jellied beef on head lettuce, served with salad dressing, and its fresh crisp potato chips.

  35. Serve plain, or with mushroom sauce, or jelly, or jellied cranberries, or with peas creamed, or seasoned with butter and salt only.

  36. A mold of jellied bouillon or stock surrounded with halves of nuts or delicate wafers or both, may be served in place of soup.

  37. Jellied Cranberry Pulp= Rub stewed cranberries in the preceding recipe through the colander, boil 8 m.

  38. Coffee Bavarian and Blanc Mange or Jellied Custard= May be molded in layers and served with a sweetened and vanilla flavored meringue or with whipped cream in roses.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jellied" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    adhesive; clammy; clotted; congealed; curdled; doughy; gelatinous; gluey; glutinous; gumbo; gummy; heavy; jellied; lumpish; lumpy; mucilaginous; pasty; ropy; slimy; starchy; sticky; stodgy; stringy; syrupy; tacky; tenacious; thick; thickened; tough; viscid; viscous