Although calf’s head is seldom if ever dressed this way in England it is about the best method; the glutinous substance of the head being so relishing with this sauce, all French epicures patronise it.
These nuts being then covered with a viscous and glutinous matter, when they fall on the ground, take root, vegetate, and produce a tree, which would not grow from them if they were planted like other trees.
The eggs are heavy and adhesive, being invested with a glutinous matter that enables them to adhere to the pebbles on the bottom.
The eggs are about twelve to the inch, and are held together by a glutinous substance in long, ribbonlike masses from two to six feet in length, and from an inch to three or four inches wide.
Into this the juice of some bulbous plants of a glutinous nature was squeezed, apparently to serve the purpose of glue.
It then draws its long, flexible tongue, covered with a glutinous saliva, over the swarms of insects who hurry forth to defend their dwelling.
Here, by means of a glutinous secretion, they adhere, and are imbedded, as it were, in a number of cells formed for them in the skin.
I sank on my knees and glued my lips to the oozing entrance, for she was one who spent most profusely, her cunt had the true delicious odour, and her spunk was thick and glutinous for a woman.
Her limbs relaxed, and she died away in her first discharge, which was very glutinous and nice, but only scanty in quantity.
Lizzie was far hotter and more salacious than any of us, and spent copiously on my delighted prick, which enjoyed excessively the warm bath of glutinous liquid that was poured down upon it.
They are fastened to the rocks by a glutinous deposit along the outer lip, and the peculiar exposure of the open end, as well as the position above tide-mark, indicates that this animal is undergoing transformation into a land species.
This species is said to suspend itself from overhanging vegetation by means of glutinous filaments.
Those varieties in which the film of gold is formed on the surface through the agency of chemical affinity, in opposition to mechanical gilding, in which the gold is made to adhere by the intervention of some glutinous substance.
It is tooglutinous to run through filtering paper.
The mordants are thickened with some glutinous substance, as flour, starch, or gum, to render them adhesive and to prevent their spreading.
The fats and fixed oils also readily dissolve caoutchouc (with heat), forming permanently glutinous solutions or pastes; so also do most of the volatile oils, but the solutions with the majority of them dry with difficulty.
It is commonly employed for the purification of saline solutions and glutinous or unctuous liquids on the large scale in preference to filtration; than which it is both more expeditious and expensive.
Glutinous broths, beef tea, and arrow-root, are among the best articles which can be taken.
The Chinese do not use glue in the preparation of their ink, but an infusion or decoction of certain seeds abounding in a glutinous transparent mucilage, which at once imparts brilliancy and durability to the colour.
For a short time the germ lives upon the seed, which, moistened and warmed by the soil, yields a kind of glutinous sap, out of which the first members of the plant are formed.
Why, if we break the stem of a hyacinth, do we see a glutinousfluid exude?
I have participated in some pretty glutinous affairs in my time, but I think that never before or since have I been mixed up with such a solid body of brow clutchers.
But with the Bassett something less snappy and a good deal more glutinous was obviously indicated.
Differs from both in very soft, snow-white stem, andglutinous veil.
On other occasions it is possible to assist the overworked treasurer with a large and glutinous hand, but from time immemorial the claims of the competitors have been inviolable.
Touch one of these and a glutinous secretion adheres, which when stretched is seen to be silk, and each point provides a separate thread which joins with the others, producing one cable.
The author has found some of the staunchest champions of pise-building living on and valiantly struggling with stiff glutinous clay and almost pure sand.
The tongue is nearly cylindrical, and is furnished at the tip with a slight cavity, which is filled with a very glutinous secretion.
Dave was lying on the grass and Stoodles was working over him, digging and dabbling with a handkerchief to get the youth's eyes and mouth clear of the glutinous "frew-frew.
This was full of a sticky resinous mass, and the ground all round was spattered with the glutinous substance.
Good wheat flour may be known by the quantity of glutinous matter it contains, and which will appear when kneaded into dough.
If the flour be sound, the paste which remains will be glutinous and elastic, and brittle after it has been baked.
The grain which remains in the sack after the starch is extracted, contains the husks and the glutinous part of the wheat, which are found very nutritious food for cattle.
We see, at first, the fragment of glutinous substance fluttering on the edge of the plate; the two halves then separate from each other very quickly, each moiety having finally a perfect resemblance to the primitive animal.
It is a mass more or less rounded, covered with a mucous bed, glutinous above, formed of a light elastic but resisting tissue full of gaps, and riddled with air-cells.
Numerous shots were aimed at it, but the balls traversed its flaccid and glutinous mass without causing it any vital injury.
The sound that was like the smack of glutinous lips, or some creature drawing itself out of thick, viscid slime.
There was no wind, yet the water had seemed to move with a sound like the smacking of soft, glutinous lips.
GP] The egg is made to adhere by means of a glutinous liquor secreted with it.
But this, so far from being a defect in the glutinous pellicle of the bedeguar fly, is, as we shall presently see, of great utility.
One burrow contains a series of cells, which are separated from each other by partitions of sand, the particles of which are firmly cemented together by some glutinous substance secreted by the insect.
The bundles of ligneous fibres thus detached are moistened before being used, with a glutinous liquid, which causes them to adhere together, and are then kneaded into a sort of paste, or papier mache.
There is also a glutinous substance observable around the orifices of the yellow cells, of reddish colour, unctuous, and odoriferous.
Our common Sun-dews (Drosera) are also insectivorous, the prey being in their case captured by glutinous hairs.
The surface then throws out a glutinous secretion, by means of which the leaf sucks up the nourishment contained in the insect.
When caught, it secretes a thick glutinous slime in such quantity that it is commonly believed to have the power of converting water into glue.
Dik glutinous sap taken from trees, as the Indian rubber, &c.
Nature has furnished the body of this little creature with a glutinous liquid, which, proceeding from the anus, it spins into thread, coarser or finer, as it chooses to contract or dilate its sphincter.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "glutinous" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.