The peculiar rolling movements of the oscillaria (threadlike chains of blueish-green unnucleated cells, closely related to the chromacea) are also effected by the secretion of mucus.
But the majority of the chromacea form firm, threadlike cell communities or chains of plastids (catenal coenobia.
She stood watching the wagon go along the path they had come by from the Port, until its roof dipped out of sight over the crest of the hill; then she went slowly back along the threadlike path among the trees.
The flowers hang on threadlike pedicels, usually in a loose cluster, and are less than an inch long, violet or blue and paler at the base, with a long white pistil and pale yellow or lilac anthers.
There is no partition in the pods, which are on long, threadlike stalks; the ovary is superior and the seeds are kidney-shaped.
They have four, pinkish-lilac or white petals and six exceedingly long, threadlike stamens with minute, curling, green anthers.
The anthers are large and green at first, becoming small and yellow, their threadlike filaments curling.
Arranged inside of the petals are some threadlike parts, each with a knob on the end.
Fiber=: any fine, slender thread or threadlike substance, as the rootlets of plants or the lint of cotton.
After the stigma has been supplied with pollen, a single pollen grain sends a threadlike sprout down through the stigma into the ovary.
You have seen the tiny threadlike roots of a plant spreading all about in fine soil; they are down in the ground taking up plant food and water for the stalk and leaves above.
From that day forward he had scrutinized all unfamiliar baits or lures to see if they carried any threadlike attachment.
Each icy tree and bush emitted thin threadlike flames, high and aerial in tone, but of a piercing intensity.
When the pollen grain germinates, the nuclei enter the threadlike growth (this growth is called the pollen tube; see Figure).
Roundworms, minute threadlike creatures, are not often seen by the city girl or boy.
Left for a few hours in a warm and moist place and then examined under the microscope, the grains of pollen will be found to have germinated, a long, threadlike mass of protoplasm growing from it into the sugar solution.
Little rootlike structures known as rhizoids dip down into the bread, and absorb food for its threadlike body.
It is a leafless parasitical vine with yellowish threadlike stems.
They have short stems with soft rachis and bards and long threadlike barbules, without hooklets.
In animals, the familiar type is that of a small, more or less ovoid head, with a delicatethreadlike cilium, or tail.
A little later, we find among them one or two delicate pink, starry flowers on very slender, threadlike stems.
Sulphur-yellow; two or three lines long; many contained in each little top-shaped involucre, on threadlike stems.
Its delicate threadlike stems, which are yet strong and wiry, hold up its spreading evergreen leaves, every leaflet in its own place.
A curious feature of this plant is to be found in the long threadlike branchlets produced in the axils of the leaves.
A threadlike crease marking the face or the hand; hence, characteristic mark.
The fronds are very delicate and often translucent, and the sporangia are borne on threadlike receptacles rising from the middle of cup-shaped marginal involucres.
A thread or threadlike object or appendage; a fiber; esp.
They have short stems with soft rachis and bards and long threadlike barbules, without hooklets.
Its body is thickened posteriorly, but is very long and threadlike anteriorly.
This latter tentacle, instead of absorbing from him, visibly poured into him what resembled a threadlike stream of violet light.
From it again put forth the tentacles, cupping their heads, but the smokelike essence flowed back to them this time, and with it flowed a tiny threadlike stream of violet light.
The glaucous, smooth, hollow, branching stems bear very threadlike leaves and in midsummer compound umbels with numerous yellow flowers, whose small petals are rolled inward.
In the fern-leaved group the very dark green leaves are not curled but divided into numerous threadlike segments which give the plant a very delicate and dainty appearance.
Close to my face were the lines ascending and descending, while just above me were hundreds of thousands, a bushel-basket of army ants, with only the strength of their threadlike legs as suspension cables.
The genus Griffithsia includes some very beautiful weeds of delicate threadlikestructure and of a fine rose colour.
These weeds belong to the genus Polysiphonia, and derive their generic name from the fact that the threadlike fronds are composed of several parallel tubes.
They are distinguished from one another partly by their general form and mode of growth, and also by the number of tubes in their threadlike fronds.
Under surface of hind wing commonly marked with threadlike streaks: the Hair-streaks.
The silver marking takes on a little more definitely the form of an L than a comma, and the under surface of the wings is darkened by many blackish threadlike lines running across the veins.
When full grown they are large, fairly smooth-bodied worms, showing at most on the surface sparse fine hairs or fleshy threadlike projections.
At the very end of all rootlets and of roots is a rootcap (Figure 3), harder than the rest of the threadlike rootlet.
Toward the base of the corolla, or sometimes on the petals or sepals, may be found a series of slender appendages, usually threadlike or a little thicker, crowned at the top by a distinctly large knob.
From among the rhizoids there may, at about the same time, be found developing small globular organs that have in them a number of tiny cells, each of which has attached many minute threadlike tails.
This slender threadlike tube, carrying with it the male germ, grows straight down through the stigma, into the narrowed style, and through this to the ovule.
While most of them have compound leaves, even sometimes twice or thrice compounded, a few have simple, narrow leaves without teeth, and one kind in tropical America has threadlike leaves.
Early Masters of Burgundy and Flanders, a patient intention, a stiff, threadlike simplicity, but also it exhales like them a truly mystical savour, and its awkwardness of outline is very touching.
Not so interesting are the branched, threadlike colonies of Plumatella Repens which may be sought upon the leaves of water plants.
Patients suffering from that terrible African malady known as sleeping sickness, have blood parasites resembling minute eels with long threadlike tails.
She quickly unclasped from her neck a threadlike chain of gold, and drew from her bosom a small ivory crucifix, to which it was attached.
Now as Betty crept cautiously about, peering and hoping with a half-fearing expectation, a sweet, threadlike wail trembled out toward her across the moonlit and shadowed space.
Defn: A thread orthreadlike object or appendage; a fiber; esp.
One of the delicate, threadlike portions of which the tissues of plants and animals are in part constituted; as, the fiber of flax or of muscle.
A more or less threadlike mark of pen, pencil, or graver; any long mark; as, a chalk line.
The microscope reveals a miniature forest of growth in each leaf, with the threadlike roots of the fungi searching about the leaf cells for food.
The lower half of the areola is fringed with a dozen or so threadlike bristles about two inches long.
The flowers are yellowish-green, on long threadlike stalks, appearing with the leaves, the two kinds in separate clusters.
It consists of a pair of winged seeds or "keys" with wings 1 to 2 inches long on slender, flexible, threadlikestems about an inch long.
The ladder swayed against the cross--the threadlike fastening snapped--and the massive arms of the cross lunged outward toward him, pushing the ladder back.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "threadlike" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.