Of those I included under advanced flying, acrobatics are not required for a pilot's license, but they're a grand help in developing ability to handle a plane with confidence.
He took the Spad aloft, in test, and plunged through a series of acrobatics that served to convince all watchers that here was a man whose real element was the air.
Surely these feats of time-acrobatics show the folly of arranging contemporaneous, taxonomic groups in single file and giving to each a time value.
But this jump from the "Eocene period" to the present is as nothing compared with the secular acrobatics of some of the fishes and especially of the invertebrates.
An American flies over to the aerodrome and begins to carry out the wildestacrobatics with his fast "Spad" machine.
Now he could hear the noise of an approaching train, and he saw the restless machine, whose pilot was deliberately distracting the attention of the sentries by his acrobatics and the noise of his engine, dive towards it.
I loved doingacrobatics with the loops, spins, rolls and upside down flying.
I loved to do acrobatics and when I was up alone, I would do rolls and snaprolls and all the fun stuff.
Little stunt planes would fly straight up and all types of fighter planes did acrobatics and speed.
In everything save acrobatics and oratory he holds the platform laurels.
The Acrobatic Type ΒΆ The next time you go to a vaudeville show get there in time for the acrobatics and notice how all the participants are Musculars.
Gymnasium work of course will help us to build up our strength and develop our muscles, but skill in various acrobatics and gymnastic tricks does not give the clear eye and ruddy cheek of the person whose life is in the open air.
Noblemen playing at acrobatics were an easy subject for abuse.
The series of acrobatics performed upon the fixed triple bars are called passes.
The performance of carpet acrobatics is something like a state of larva to gymnasts.
And there was not much popular receptivity for acrobatics in the streets; coppers came in slowly; the outlay was heavy; and the outlook altogether was of the gray without the gold.
Now we get little more in the field ofacrobatics beyond a varied buck and wing; everything seems tuxedoed for drawing room purposes.
It is, in the first place, a pity that there is so little written of the history of these people, so little material from which to gather the development of the idea of acrobatics in general, or of any one phase in particular.
The acrobatics came first on the program; two aviators of considerable repute in their profession had been advertised, although their names had not yet been divulged.
And I'm not going in for any more acrobatics for a while," added Linda.
He tried no stunts, however, as he had promised his father to indulge in no aerial acrobaticsunder 1,000 feet.
Three planes were up with students making practice flights and doing acrobatics by moonlight.
He who had flown so long in his day-dreaming, who had performed wonderful acrobatics in his imagination, felt the sensation old, accustomed, milder even than in his dreams.
With that air balance that seemed born in him, Hal bowed and whirled on the lower wing, did acrobatics between struts, climbed to the top wing, stood outlined against the sky in daring silhouette.
Time had passed for catching any eye by acrobatics now.