With wings extended, the Monitor spiralled down toward the crest of the mountain.
The explosions were cut off, the wings extended, and Sherman spiralled carefully downward to the spot where they had seen the moving object.
Suddenly we spiralled violently down through the bottom of the cloud into sight of the earth again.
Down pattered some drops of rain, down spiralled the aeroplane which had just gone up.
Finally, he spiralled steeply, toppled over and flew for a while with the wheels up.
The one I was attacking twisted and spiralled to escape.
When I poked at it with a stick, it crouched close to the trunk allowing the stick almost to touch it, then it spiralled down the trunk and could not be relocated.
My attempt to catch it failed and it spiralled up the trunk to a height of ten feet.
Their pinions flashed, spiralled and sank to rest on the wide waters.
A pilot with some bombs to spare spiralled down over a train, dropped the first bomb on the engine, and the second, third, fourth, and fifth on the soldiers who scurried from the carriages.
The patrol finished, my pilot spiralled down to within a 300-yard range of the ground and flew along the road past Martinpuich, while I pumped lead at anything that might be a communication trench.
Too weary and wretched to fight, yet as she spiralled back and always down, the Voice became familiar, and edged all else in fear.
To their right, illumined by a single, recessed lamp, stood the beginnings of an ancient stairway, cold stone thatspiralled out of sight.
Huston's flight split into two, one of them spiralled down to race in a large circle high around the relay station, the rest of them remaining in the locked spiral of the flight.
A flash darted out from the ship, hitting the spiralled figure operating his mystifying weapon.
The spiralled figures turned in alarm back toward their craft.
The spiralled figures inside the fence had stopped at sound of the voice and were waiting for us to comply with the order from the space ship.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spiralled" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.