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Example sentences for "spiracles"

Lexicographically close words:
spint; spinules; spinulose; spiny; spiracle; spiracula; spiracular; spiral; spiraled; spiraling
  1. There are two pairs of spiracles on the thorax.

  2. Find the exact location and number of spiracles on the abdomen.

  3. How do the spiracles prevent the entrance of dust?

  4. These spiracles are the external openings of an elaborate system of air-tubes or tracheae (fig.

  5. These spiracles are the breathing pores of the locust, which does not take in air through its mouth or any other opening in the head.

  6. They breathe through a pair of spiracles situated at the posterior tip of the abdomen, coming to the surface and thrusting this tip up so that the spiracles are out of water.

  7. The air, which obtains access to the body by spiracles in the sides (see Fig.

  8. The ten spiracles are numbered to the right of the figure.

  9. It changes into a white, fleshy grub, so organized as to float on the surface of the honey, with the mouth beneath and the spiracles above the surface.

  10. Lehman, Cuvier, and others, misled by the fact that the organ of smell is in us localized at the entrance of the air-track, supposed that at or near the spiracles of insects were the organs of smell.

  11. They breathe by piercing the surface film with the tail, where a pair of spiracles are situated.

  12. After eating the contents of the egg, the larva moults and becomes a fleshy grub with short legs and with paired spiracles close to the dorsal region, so that, as it floats in and devours the honey, it obtains a supply of air.

  13. No respiratory oblique or vertical position, or tube but instead a flattened more rarely nearly horizontal, area on the eighth abdominal with the respiratory tube in segment into which the two contact with the surface film spiracles open (fig.

  14. Legs fitted for walking or jumping; spiracles of abdomen usually ventral; beak segmented.

  15. On the upper surface, near the base of the wings are two trumpets, or breathing tubes, for the pupal spiracles are towards the anterior end instead of at the caudal end, as in the larva.

  16. The spiracles are generally large, situated well behind the fourth coxae; coxae generally with spurs; pulvilli always present.

  17. The spiracles are very small; coxae unarmed; tarsi without ventral spurs, and the pulvilli are absent or rudimentary.

  18. Legs with claws fitted for clinging to hairs; wings wanting; spiracles of the abdomen on the dorsal surface.

  19. The abdomen is composed of seven distinct segments, bearing spiracles laterally.

  20. No particular marking is as yet present, but a reddish stripe extends along the region of the dorsal vessel, and the course of the spiracles is also marked by an orange-red line.

  21. The colour is now light grass-green in some specimens, and dark green in others; in these last the subdorsal line is edged above with dark brown, and the spiracles are also of this colour.

  22. The spiracles appear as white spots, and on each segment there are a number (mostly ten) of small warts, each of which emits a single bristle.

  23. A very fine white line now connected the spiracles (infra-spiracular line), and could be traced from the last segment to the head.

  24. The spiracles are pinkish, surrounded by violet rings; and the horn is blue.

  25. Just above the spiracles is a white stripe.

  26. Along the spiracles are oblique orange streaks, and a series of tufts of white hair.

  27. The spiracles are black, and inclosed in a yellowish grey stripe.

  28. The spiracles are white, and there is a series of white spots down the middle of the back and along each side.

  29. The spiracles are black, and there are black dots on the sides.

  30. The spiracles are yellow or orange, and below them is a white stripe.

  31. The line along the spiracles is whitish, and the surface of the body is roughened by a number of minute warts.

  32. The spiracles are black, and there are two small humps on the twelfth segment.

  33. There are nine spiracles on each side of the caterpillar's body, and never more than one in the side of the same segment.

  34. The spiracles are white, edged with red; and the horn is yellow on the upper, and reddish on the under side.

  35. The eggs are very similar to those of Rapae, resembling ribbed and striated sugar loaves; and the larvae are of the same rich glaucous green, but may be identified by the black spiracles surrounded by yellow rings.

  36. The spiracles are white, and below them is a pale brown stripe.

  37. The spiracles are red, and inclosed in black rings.

  38. In the abdominal spiracles the bow is perfectly distinct, but the “band” of Landois has no separate existence.

  39. The spiracles of the Cockroach are by no means of complicated structure, but their small size, and the differences between one spiracle and another, are difficulties which cost some pains to overcome.

  40. Upon this description of the spiracles of the Cockroach we have to remark that there is no occluding apparatus at all in the thoracic spiracles, which are provided with external valves.

  41. The abdominal spiracles present quite a different plan of structure.

  42. In the thoracic spiracles the tesselated cells are grouped round regularly placed setæ (fig.

  43. The large tracheal tubes close to the spiracles are without spiral thread, and the intima is here subdivided into polygonal areas, each of which is occupied by a reticulation of very fine threads.

  44. The late appearance of the rectal folds and the much earlier appearance of spiracles is a serious difficulty in the way of this view, as Chun has pointed out.

  45. The head never carries spiracles except in Smynthurus, one of the Collembola (Lubbock).

  46. Of these spiracles the Cockroach has ten pairs--eight in the abdomen and two in the thorax.

  47. The oldest Tracheate actually known to bear spiracles is the Silurian Scorpion of Gothland and Scotland (Scudder, in Zittel’s Palæontologie, p.

  48. The external aperture of the abdominal spiracles is oval or elliptical, placed vertically and directed backwards.

  49. The only positive mistakes which meet the eye relate to the number of spiracles and nervous ganglia--mistakes promptly corrected by Swammerdam.

  50. There is a pair of spiracles on each thoracic ring.

  51. Near each of their spiracles also is a vesicle which appears to be a reservoir[295].

  52. Besides all this, its spiracles open and shut, and its reproductive and other anal organs have their appropriate motions.

  53. Plumiform gills in the mouth of the spiracles of the larva of Cossus ligniperda.

  54. The colour of spiracles will not detain us long.

  55. In the former he thinks the sound is produced by the pneumatic apparatus covered by the ends of the collar; while in the latter he attributes it to the spiracles in the metathorax behind the wings attended by a poiser[313].

  56. And numerous other larvae, both of Diptera and Coleoptera that devour unclean and oily food, have doubtless some protection of this kind for their spiracles and respiratory plates.

  57. It is remarkable, however, that all these spiracles do not seem of equal importance in this respect.

  58. The trancheæ are connected with numerous spiracles scattered over the surface of the body.

  59. Its spiracles for respiration, like those of many other grubs, are situated immediately upon the posterior extremity of the body.

  60. These spiracles communicate on each side with tubes, that have been called the wind-pipes (tracheae).

  61. From fore border of the spiracles to fore border of dorsal fin 2.

  62. From tip of upper jaw to fore border of spiracles .

  63. On the disk between, and slightly below the level of, the spiracles is a large brown triangular or V-shaped mark.

  64. Spiracles on the pleural region of segments two to seven, lying opposite the third annulus and close to the ventral margin of the pleura.

  65. The spiracles are small, separated from one another by a distance equal to about 2.

  66. Spiracular disk surrounded by four or five short lobes; spiracles large and functional; abdominal segments with ventral welts only (except the dorsum of segment eight); terrestrial or semiaquatic.

  67. Spiracular disk with only the two long ventral lobes remaining; spiracles lacking or vestigial; abdominal segments with both dorsal and ventral welts; strictly aquatic.

  68. The mark of the lateral lobes is contiguous with the spiracles and is also closely approximated to the large triangular brown mark on the disk.

  69. No spiracles are discernible on the dorsum of the eighth segment.

  70. Abdominal tergites and sternites each with four transverse rows of microscopic setae; lateral spiracles on segments two to seven.

  71. The four spiracles are somewhat large and circular.

  72. Breathing is performed by two spiracles situated on the last abdominal segments near the hind pair of suckers.

  73. The spiracles and antennae are pink and very conspicuous.

  74. The ventral surface is a rich yellowish brown, and the subventral line {82}white, the spiracles being white with black rings; a reddish blotch also adorns each of the three thoracic segments.

  75. This air has been first imbibed by the gills and afterwards expelled through the spiracles of the enclosed gnat, thus inflating the skin of the pupa, and helping to buoy it up during its last and most important transformation.

  76. The curious filaments on each side are gills, and it will be noticed that they are situated exactly where the spiracles of the perfect insect afterwards appear (see Fig.

  77. Breathing is effected in all the water beetles by the spiracles of the abdomen, which alone are developed.

  78. The supply of free oxygen within the ox's tissues being now insufficient, the warble-maggot bores a circular hole through the skin and rests with the tail spiracles directed upwards towards the outer air.

  79. Along either side of the body is a series of paired spiracles, each usually situated at the tip of a little tubular outgrowth of the cuticle; the hindmost spiracles are often larger than the others.

  80. At the tail-end the large hind spiracles are conspicuous on a flattened dorsal area of the ninth abdominal segment; each shows a hard brown plate, traversed by three slits.

  81. Many members of the hover-fly family (Syrphidae) have maggots with the tail-spiracles situated at the end of a prominent tubular process.

  82. The spiracles are now open, and the stone-fly breathes atmospheric air like other flying insects.

  83. In many maggots the mouth-hooks and the front spiracles become more and more complex in form in the successive instars.

  84. The spiracles are very conspicuous on the body of a caterpillar, occurring on the prothorax and on the first eight abdominal segments.

  85. The spiracles of caterpillars are very favourable for observation.

  86. Along the sides of the body of the insect may be seen a row of dots; these are the spiracles or orifices of the breathing-tubes (tracheæ).

  87. Having spiracles or breathing-holes on the head; fins instead of fore feet; and a tail flattened horizontally, instead of hind feet.

  88. A similar restriction of the functional spiracles to the tail-end (fig.

  89. When the spiracles are open and the body contracts, air is expired.

  90. These spiracles have firm chitinous edges, and can be closed by valves moved by special muscles.

  91. The tranche\'91 are connected with numerous spiracles scattered over the surface of the body.

  92. Spiracles black with a yellowish white stripe below them, and a smoke-coloured one above; head wainscot brown dotted with black.

  93. It is of a pretty green colour, with seven oblique white stripes, each of which has a purplish front edging; the spiracles are yellowish.

  94. The mature caterpillar, which feeds on pine needles, is green, with a yellowish-edged reddish line along the middle of the back and a creamy line on each side of this; the interrupted line below the reddish spiracles is yellowish or ochreous.

  95. The caterpillar is ochreous grey, whitish tinged with pink, or greenish; the lines and spots are greyish, and the spiracles large and black; head and plate on first ring ochreous brown.

  96. According to Buckler the caterpillar is pale green, with a thin whitish line down the middle of the back, a broader yellow line on each side, and some reddish spots on the front and hind rings of the body; the spiracles are black.

  97. It is yellowish-brown with dark shaded pale lines on the back, and a dark brown stripe on the sides; spiracles and dots blackish.

  98. After they have seen these spiracles or breathing pores, give a lesson, illustrated by chart or blackboard, showing that these holes lead to the breathing tubes of the body.

  99. Show the spiracles on the body of any caterpillar which is not hairy; they may be seen on the abdomen of a grasshopper or of a butterfly that has not too many large scales to cover them.

  100. The body is somewhat hairy; the spiracles on the sides open from minute subconical elevations.

  101. As a rule, the spiracles of the first and eleventh rings are larger in size than the others.

  102. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "spiracles" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.