Before mixing all the above ingredients place in a stewpan on the range 1/2 cup of grated chocolate and 1/2 cup sweet milk; allow them to come to a boil, then stand this mixture aside to cool and add to the cake mixture later.
He allow them; thirdly, that they would have treated those men more grievously than they treated the swine, unless they had been protected by God's providence.
For although the words thus mispronounced have no appointed meaning, yet we allow them an accommodated meaning corresponding to the usual forms of speech.
He can take care of them; but if for wise purposes he sees fit to allow them to be sold, this will afford you an opportunity of testifying openly, wherever you go, against the crime of manstealing.
We allow themno executional privileges which we do not claim for ourselves.
For England to allow them to drift away from her because they have no immediate marketable value would be a sign that she had lost the feelings with which great nations always treasure the heroic traditions of their fathers.
Having made the government of the island impossible for those whom we had planted there to govern it, we emancipate the governed, and to conciliate them we allow them to appropriate the possessions of their late masters.
My men now begged me to allow them to charge and to capture the man, who was endeavouring to escape.
I halted the troops about half a mile from Gondokoro, to allow them to change their clothes, when I observed with the telescope some of the Englishmen approaching.
They say you refuse to allow them to see it without my consent.
And their quarrel with us really is that we won't allow them to carry out this idea?
He wouldn't overwork them, and wouldn't allow them to be flogged.
The surviving officers then came to the captain, and urged him to allow them to place him upon it, but he remained firm to his resolution.
His orders had been not to allow them to go out of sight of the boat, and should any person appear from the shore, immediately to shove off and return to the ship.
To the chiefs thus assembled Sir Hercules Robinson, as President of the Royal Commission, read a statement, and then retired, refusing to allow them to speak in answer.
Systematic exercises taken daily with setting up motions are very good unless we allow them to become irksome.
The minnow bucket should be close at hand to transfer them to and care must be used not to injure them or allow them to scale themselves in their efforts to escape.
Illustration: The cyanide bottle] It is very cruel to run a pin through insects and to allow them slowly to torture to death.
The plague now began to rage with violence, God and man seemed to be uniting for the destruction of the unhappy Conversos, and they petitioned Diego de Merlo to allow them to save their lives by leaving the pest-ridden city.
He refused to believe that the pope could have made grants so at variance with his duty but, if he had thus yielded to the cunning persuasions of the New Christians, he, the king, did not intend ever to allow them to take effect.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "allow them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.