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Example sentences for "made similar"

  • The Standard= for the toy is made similar to the one for the merry-go-round (Fig.

  • The spool of this is made similar to that of the hand reel shown in Fig.

  • The trigger should be made similar to D in Fig.

  • If a greater depth is desired, it will be necessary to prepare additional wings, which can be made similar to Figs.

  • Racks for Bits and Chisels= should be made similar to Fig.

  • To obviate this difficulty, the joint should be made similar to those used on scales.

  • This axe is made similar to the one described in Fig.

  • The switch can be made similar to an ordinary push button so the rapping may be easily controlled without detection by the audience.

  • This part of each whistle is made similar to making a bark whistle on a green stick of willow.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "made similar" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    hostile territory; made bold; made bread; made choice; made clear; made for; made from; made his; made more; made myself; made only; made paper; made partakers; made possible; made prisoner; made public; made several; made sure; made the; made them; made unto; made use; made world; made yeast; passed through; religious persecution